Wednesday, April 25, 2012

How to boost metabolism


Do you remember when you were a child and could eat everything without gaining weight?
As we get older our metabolism slows down and after the age of 30`s you start noticing that you can`t eat whatever you want and whenever you want. What a frustration is if someone can just look at food and gain weight and another can eat whatever and not gain a pound.
The secret is in our metabolism.

What causes slow metabolism – does it sound familiar to you?
  • Fasting (the act of willingly abstaining from some or all food, drink or both for a period of time)
  •  A low calorie diet
  • Snacking throughout the day on high sugared foods (candy, colas, cakes, gum
  • Lack of physical activity (I am tired, do not want to work out today, rather stay home and watch television.
  • Underactive thyroid – hypothyroidism is when your thyroid is underactive and does not produce enough thyroid hormones. Not having enough thyroid hormones slows down your body`s metabolism.
How to speed up your metabolism
Your metabolism is similar to a bicycle. It needs action to work. You have to exert energy to push the pedals. The harder you pedal, the faster you go. The more exercise and energy you exert the better your metabolism will perform. But exercise is just one part. You also need to eat the right foods, in the right quantities, to optimize your metabolism.
Simple steps to boost your metabolism
1. Make sure you eat breakfast – if you do not eat breakfast, you slow down your metabolism and send the body wrong message, thinking it is period of time (8-10 hours or more) without food.
2. Drink plenty of cold water – 8-10 glasses (or more) of water daily, cold water burns more calories.
3. Eat majority of your food earlier in the day – eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a queen and your lightest meal should be dinner. Try not to eat anything after 8 p.m.
4. Do not starve – very popular low calorie diet. Yes, if you drop your calorie intake below 1000 kcal per day you lose weight quickly, but after couple days you go back to normal (for example 2000 kcal per day) and after those days of starving you gain more.
5. Eat food with high nutrition foods that means healthy food
6. Eat smaller meals more frequently, eat each 2-3 hours – smaller, more frequent meals keeps your blood sugar stable and provides a steady source of energy to fuel metabolism.
5. Do cardioaerobic exercise – cardio is a big help for your metabolism, and if you do it in the morning, you will raise your metabolism for the whole day. Exercise daily.
6. Build muscle with weight training or resistance or bodyweight exercise – weight training at least 2-3 times per week helps to build muscles. Muscles burn more calories than fat, so more muscles you have, the more calories you burn, even at rest.
7. Avoid alcohol, sugar, fasting
1. Grapefruit, oranges, pears, blueberries, apples, tomatoes
2. Green tea
3. Low fat yoghurt
4. Almonds
5. Coffee (do not exceed 2 or 3 cups a day)
6. Turkey, lean beef, chicken, salmon, tuna, sardines
7. Spinach
8. Beans
9. Jalapenos
10. Broccoli
11. Oatmeal
12. Soy milk (stay away from sweetened varieties)
14. Cinnamon
15. Hot peppers
16. Healthy soup

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