Saturday, April 28, 2012

Burn Butt Workout


strengthening training

Feel the burn in your glutes, hamstring. Tone your abdominals. Get the perfect lower body.
I am not using weights, but you can add dumbbells to this workout routine and simply hold weights.
Do 30 reps of each exercise with one leg and then switch. If that is too many, do as many as you can. If 30 reps is not challenging do more.
Do not forget to keep your back flat all the time, core strong, keep your head align with the spine.
Right leg
  1. single leg dead lift, 30reps
  2. knee bend and full range of motion down and up, 30reps
  3. single leg dead lift, 30reps
  4. hamstring curl (kick your butt), 30 reps
  5. single leg dead lift, 30 reps
Left leg
  1. single leg dead lift, 30reps
  2. knee bend and full range of motion down and up, 30reps
  3. single leg dead lift, 30reps
  4. hamstring curl (kick your butt), 30reps
  5. single leg dead lift, 30reps

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