Thursday, April 26, 2012

Fit test

You have decided to start Perfect Lean Body program. You expect results soon, you want to be leaner, fit, stronger, happier.
Fit test is your starting point. Great benefit of it is that you can chart your progress. Do the fit test each three weeks to see how you improved your fitness level. It is a great motivation for you and also for others. You can compare results with others.
Before you take fit test make sure you are fully recovered and rested. Warm up. Do as many reps as you can in each minute. Do not count jump rope, only (lunges, squats, push ups, turkish sit up, burpees, feet jump in and out).
Jump rope - do not count reps
Push ups - do regular push ups as many as you can, if you are not able to do regular push ups, do baby push ups (on knees).
Come to join me to my Facebook Perfectleanbody page to consult and share your results. I will post mine as well.
Fit test:
1. jump rope, 1min
2. alternate lunge back, 1min
3. jump rope, 1min
4. squat, 1min
5. jump rope, 1min
6. push up, 1min
7. jump rope, 1min
8. turkish sit up, 1min
9. jump rope, 1min
10. burpees, 1min
11. jump rope, 1min
12. in plank feet jump in x out, 1min
  • If you do not have a jump rope, modify and keep jogging
  • start with regular push ups and count reps, when need it, modify and go on your knees, count reps
  • turkish sit up - you should stand up without touching the floor, one arm is all the time up, count reps you do. You can modify and let one arm help you to stand up, count reps
  • last exercise (12) is really hard, because of the intensity during 11min, keep your core strong, it is important to keep the proper form to avoid hurting knees and back.
My results: 2) 40, 4) 36, 6) 35, 8) 15, 10) 21, 12) 34


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