Thursday, April 26, 2012

2012 Resolution - #3 Donuts

#3 - Donuts

What are Donuts made from?
Refined flour, white sugar, partially hydrogenated oil (trans fats), artificial flavors and colors. Donuts are lacking in fiber and do not provide you with any nutrients. Is not it enough to make anyone think twice before taking a second serving and sometimes even a first?

Donuts are high in saturated fat, bad cholesterol, refined carbohydrates and sugar. What does that mean? Saturated fat, bad cholesterol can put you at increased risk for heart disease. Eating too much sugar can increase your risk of diabetes and cause dental cavities. Do not have to mention that if you want to put up some weight, eating donuts does that for sure!

Keep down the carbs with whole grain bagels. Half a Pepperidge farm multi grain bagel has 125 calories, just 3 grams of fat and less than 4 grams of cholesterol-lowering fiber.
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