Saturday, April 21, 2012

2012 Resolution - #11 Cut down on refined sugar


#11 Cut down on refined sugar

There is evidence that refined sugar contributes to:
· tooth decay,
· obesity
· nutrient deficiencies,
· hypoglycemia.
· It appears to play a role in increasing total cholesterol levels, decreasing HDL (good cholesterol) levels and in the development of diabetes.
· Refined sugars, along with chemical additives such as artificial colors and flavors are also suspected of causing behavioral problems in children.
· provides empty (non-nutritive) calories,
· in the refining process, it is stripped of all its vitamins and minerals,
· after consuming it, we must use some of these very nutrients to metabolize it,
· is so addictive and so available it is not easy to remove from our diets,
· refined sugar shows up in so many foods on the supermarket shelf – foods like spaghetti sauce, salad dressing, crackers, breads, canned soups, vegetables. It is EVERYWHERE.

What will happen if you remove sugar from your diet for 2-3 week?
Refined sugar is often responsible for many common chronic complaints. If you remove it from your diet for just 2-3 weeks, you may be amazed to find that some of your long-standing symptoms will disappear. Energy, joint or muscle pains may improve, headaches may disappear, you may sleep better, and your stomach may no longer rumble and bloat.
Different names for refined sugars
  •  high fructose corn syrup
  • dextrose
  • glucose
  • sucrose
  • sorbitol
  • brown sugar  
How to sweeten food?
  • Generally an added sweetener that has a low glycemic index (one that does not cause a spike in blood sugar) is preferable.
  • Good choice is for example: brown rice syrup, barley malt syrup, agave nectar, blackstrap molasses, mystic lake dairy fruit sweetener, stevia
  • When making choices, choose lower glycemix index and/or naturally occurring sweets over refined sweets. (fruit juice or fruit, pure maple syrup, brown rice syrup, fructose, barley malt, stevia, agave nectar, date sugar..
  • Honey

What kind of artificial sweeteners lead to overeating?
  • Nutrasweet
  • Splenda
  • Acesulfame
  • sweet N` Low
There have been allergic reactions associated with the use of these sweeteners. Use of artificial sweeteners also encourages our taste buds to desire more foods with a very sweet taste. Stevia is a sweet tasting herb and is a healthier alternative but should be used in moderation.

  • is good for you and it is not fattening.
  • One tablespoon of honey contains 22 calories (tablespoon of white sugar contains 16 calories). But honey is not more fattening because it is a whole food as opposed to a refined, processed food. Forget the number of calories, it is what is in the food that matters.
  • In its natural state is a carbohydrate, but also present are protein, vitamins and minerals. This is why honey is a whole food, while refined sugar is “pure”carbohydrate (glucose) as there are no minerals or vitamins.
  • Is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, giving a quick energy boost to the body. So it is a good option after exercise to reinvigorate tired muscles.
  • Is a healthier option when sweetening food, compared to sweeteners or table sugar. It is also healthier for your teeth.
  • However as it is extremely high in fructose, glucose and sucrose sugars, I would advise eating a very small amount each day. Perhaps only a teaspoon or two a day at most, instead of refined white sugar.
  • Helps the digestive system to stay in good working order by breaking down your food and killing off any bad bacteria which can cause stomach upsets. It is a great laxative!
  • Offers incredible antiseptic, antioxidant and cleansing properties for our body and health, it can help to fight infection and aids tissue healing and helps to reduce inflammation.
  • Many cough medicines/drops contains honey, because it can help to kill bacteria.
  • Dark, opaque honeys have stronger antioxidant activity than clear, light ones.

What kind of honey is good?
· Manuka Honey, (especially if it is ‘active’). This has lots of properties and is particulary good for the skin and in treating burns.
· The best way to choose your honey is to look at the ingredients listed on the jar. If nothing else has been added then it is good.

Honey and weight loss?
Honey, if taken on an empty stomach with water and lemon, may help with weight loss. This is a drink option worth trying!


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