Perfect Products

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We are working on getting Perfect Products out to you guys as soon as possible.

You can expect to see, Perfect Water Bottles, Perfect T-Shirts, Perfect Elastic Bands, Perfect DVDs, amongst many other products that our creativity allow us to create.

For now, you can stay up to date by following/liking us on the following social networks:



  1. Hi, I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post general comments, but i just wanted to thank you for being such an inspiration with ur motivational videos on YT :0)

  2. Hello,

    thank you for your support and your words. It is all YOU, why I am doing this. You motivate me and I try to motivate YOU all to live healhty and look great.:-)

  3. Hi Pavla,
    My name is Karen and I am 29 years old, 5'3" and currrently 97kilos. My aim is to lose 35-38 kilos.
    I really like your website and have decided to try to follow your routines. I am extremely overweight now at 97kgs as I put on around 24kg since last year. I was always quite heavy but toned and very sporty until a couple of years ago when I hurt my ankle. Then last year I had a very troublesome pregnancy and was put on 23 hour-a-day bedrest for most of the pregnancy. I am a little disappointed after moving my wedding day back another year until 2014 so I can lose the weight(we had to cancel our wedding last year just a month before the date as I was admitted to hospital, but we later got legally wed). My daughter is healthy though, thank God, and will soon be 6 months old. When she was 3 months old I decided to start shaping up by going hiking with my husband and baby. I didn't feel fully recovered at all but thought I should try as my husband had commented a few times about my weight, but we soon found out the hard way that I needed more time to heal.
    We are on holiday in Jamaica at the moment visiting my parents and - after seeing the first of our holiday photos - am completely shocked with the size I have become. I feel so guilty for putting on so much weight and neglecting my body to this extreme but I know that I owe it to myself, my husband and my daughter to be healthier and look after myself. I have exercised a few times using various Youtube clips and swam at the beach and although my feet, ankles, knees now ache (along with the hip, shoulder and back pain I already have as a result of having to lie in a bed for so long), I will continue to exercise - after all, my body will thank me as I lose the weight and my muscles strengthen. Any advice you could give me would really help. Tips on how I can work out and lose weight with a clingy baby would also be a great help.

    Thanks again for setting up this website and helping to get people such as myself motivated.

    Kind regards,


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