Monday, April 30, 2012

Get Fit Workout


strengthening training

This workout routine is a total body workout, you burn a lot of calories, tighten and strengthen all your muscles. After this workout you will be feeling more fit, great, energized, healthy.
I use 5lbs dumbbells.
Beginners: 1 round
Intermediate: 2 rounds
Advanced: 3 rounds
Warm up before and cool down after the workout.

One round
  1. Jamping jacks, 2min
  2. Right leg: Bulgarian split squat x chest press, 30reps
  3. Left leg: Bulgarian split squat x arms down and up, 30reps
  4. Squat x press over head, 30reps
  5. Alternating lunge back x triceps extension, 30reps
  6. Crunch twist, 2min or count till 30

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