Saturday, April 21, 2012

2012 Resolution - #12 Eat at least 15 almonds per day


#15  Eat at least 15 almonds per day
Almonds are one of the most nutritious of all nuts. As more and more consumers become dedicated to healthy life-styles, experts have found that adding natural foods, such as almonds, to your diet may be the prescription for physical wellness in the 21st century.
  1. Cancer prevention - almonds are low in saturated fat and contain many other protective nutrients (calcium, magnesium) for strong bones, vitamin E and compounds called phytochemicals, which may help protect against cardiovascular disease and even cancer.
  2. Phytochemical Powerhouse
  3. Reduce heart attack risk - those who consume nuts five times a week have a 50% reduction in risk of heart attack
  4. Lower cholesterol
  5. 20-25 almonds (approximately one ounce) contain as much calcium as 1/4 cup of milk, a valuable tool in preventing osteoporosis
One ounce of almonds contains:
  • 12% of your daily allowance of protein (and no cholesterol),
  • 35% of your daily allowance of vitamine E (antioxidant with so many cancer-fighting qualities)
  • "good"" fat - monounsaturated fat
  • magnesium, phosphorum and zinc
  • healthy fiber
  • calcium, folic acid
Your daily 3 ounces of almonds have the important vitamins and minerals you need to improve your diet and fight disease. For weight loss you should eat at least 2 ounces of almonds.


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