Friday, April 27, 2012

Kill Your Legs Workout


interval training

This workout routine is great for toning, shaping your lower body - glutes, legs, innerthighs.
Interval training only 15 min long. You burn fat, burn calories, boost metabolism, improve endurance, develop strength.
Do 3 sets and maximum repetitions in each minute. You can have very short rest (10 seconds) between each exercise.
Prepare your body for interval training, so do not forget to warm up and cool down after. Cood down means your heart rate goes slightly down (march in one place).
One set
  1. for 8 counts alternate jumping leg lift x for 8 counts put your hands down on the floor and alternate jumping leg lift, 1min (modification: skip jumping and do leg lift)
  2. squat x arm touch opposite toes x squat x arm touch opposite toes, 1min
  3. sumo squat x touch ankle x sumo squat x touch ankle (keep hips low all the time), 1min
  4. split squat 4 counts one leg x squat x split squat 4 counts the other leg x squat, 1min
  5. twist, 1min

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