Monday, April 30, 2012

Lose weight Workout 1


fat burn exercise - interval training

Excellent, effective workout routine for fat burn. 
Lose weight workout contains cardio exercises and toning exercises and allow you to see the results faster. I do not have to mention that eating healthy is essential. So, go for it and give it a try.:-)
I am using 5lbs dumbbells, but you can take also heavier weights if you want to build more muscles.
Do as many reps as you can in specific time.
Beginners complete 1 round of 5 exercises.
Advance level do 3-4 rounds.
Warm up before and cool down, stretch after workout.

One round
1. side to side jump, 1min
2. right leg: front raises x leg front, side raises x leg side, press overhead x leg back, 2min
3. side jump x burpee x side jump x burpee, 1min
4. left leg: front raises x leg front, side raises x leg side, press overhead x leg back, 2min


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