Friday, April 27, 2012

Amazing Glutes Workout


strengthening training

Another great workout routine. Simple strengthening and toning routine targets your lower body, especially glutes, hamstring, innerthigh, quadriceps. I highly recommend this workout routine if you want to get perfect, lean, strong glutes and legs.
I am using 8lbs dumbbells, it is optional.
Four exercises, 20 reps of each exercise.
Try to complete 3 sets on one leg and then switch. Take a short brake (20-40sec) between exercises if you need it. After 3 sets on one leg switch and try to do 3 sets on the other leg.
Beginners complete 1 set on each leg, Advanced 3 sets on each leg.
If you are not able to do 20 reps, do as many as you can and as you improve your strength and endurance, add more reps up to 20.
One set:
Right leg
1. lunge forward, 20 reps
2. split squat, 20 reps
3. pulse, 20 reps
4. split squat x twist x split squat, 20 reps
after three sets switch and do the same on left leg.
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