Thursday, April 26, 2012

Flat Stomach Workout


strengthening training
Great strengthening routine for flat abs.
All of us are different fitness level, try to do up to 30reps. It is not easy, challenge yourself, have the rest between exercises 15-20sec.
  1. twist, keep your knees bend and lifted, 30reps (modification: keep your feet on the floor)
  2. knees lifted - alternate elbow x opposite knee touch, 30reps (modification: bicycle crunches)
  3. knees lifted x touch the floor with your feet, 30reps (advanced arms up, intermediate or beginners keep hands on the floor)
  4. plank, alternate side plank, 30reps (modification: stay on knees)
  5. swing on your back, alternate foot touch, 30reps  

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