Saturday, April 28, 2012

Best Butt Workout


strengthening training

Do you want to tone your butt and get great looking butt that you can show off to the world? Then this booty blast workout routine is for you!
This burn blasting workout targets your hips, butt and thighs and most important - you will see faster results!
Do 30 reps, but if you can not do 30, then do as many as you can. If 30 is not challenging for you, then do 40 or more.
I promise, you will feel it!:-).
  1. right leg: knee up x lunge forward x knee up x lunge back, 30 reps
  2. left leg: knee up x lunge forward x knee up x lunge back, 30 reps
  3. squat x alternate leg side lift, 30 reps
  4. alternate cross lunge x side kick, 30
  5. plie squat x twist to the side x twist back center x twist to the other side, 30 reps

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