Monday, April 30, 2012

Fit Test With Brian

fat burn exercise - interval training
Fit test is a great, excellent, challenging, powerful workout.
Do this workout once a while and make sure you keep your results, because you should do fit test each two or three weeks to see if you have improved or not.
If you follow my workouts, you will see, that you will be improving and each time you do fit test, you have better results.
This workout is very challenging, so modify whenever you need to.
Tips for Fit Test 
  • if you do not have a jump rope, modify and keep jogging
  • start with regular push ups and count reps, when need it, modify and go on your knees, count reps
  • turkish sit up - you should stand up without touching the floor, one arm is all the time up, count reps you do. You can modify and let one arm help you to stand up, count reps
  • last exercise (12) is really hard, because of the intensity during 11min, keep your core strong, it is important to keep the proper form to avoid hurting knees and back.
Fit test
  1. jump rope, 1min
  2. alternate lunge back, 1min
  3. jump rope, 1min
  4. squat, 1min
  5. jump rope, 1min
  6. push up, 1min
  7. jump rope, 1min
  8. turkish sit up, 1min
  9. jump rope, 1min
  10. burpees, 1min
  11. jump rope, 1min
  12. in plank feet jump in x out, 1min
Pavla: 2) 40, 4) 36, 6) 35, 8) 15, 10) 21, 12) 34
Brian: 2) 34, 4) 31, 6) 63, 8) 10, 10) 19, 12) 28
Let me know, how you did, what are your results?
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