Sunday, April 22, 2012

2012 Resolution - #9 Set your fitness goal

#9 Set your fitness goal

It is the end of February and we are ready for the spring, summer and I hear your concerns: OMG swimming suit/bikini time is coming again!
 Can you imagine saying: YES, summer is coming again and I will proudly wear a short skirt, dress, swimming suit and yes also bikini! 

This all can happen if you really want to make a change. Transform your body to perfect one, change your diet to healthy one. I mentioned couple days ago that New year resolutions last couple days, few weeks and many people give up.

To reach your fitness goal do this:
1. write down on paper your goal and place it on the wall, where you can see it every day 

2. tell your friends about your goal. Tell everyone of your plans, once you tell people, they will expect you to do it, they will expect you to look slimmer or stronger the next time they see you. Now you are accountable, and unless you want to look like a liar, you will stay true to your word.

3. Do it - no more debating. Go to the gym, do workout at home, go to the park to workout, jog.....

4. Make friends in the gym, find someone to workout with. If you live alone and can not go to the gym, stick to a fitness guru or fitness inspiration to workout with. We all are motivated and inspired by each other. Having someone will push you to reach your goal.

5. Do not over-do it. Do everything in moderation, this way you prevent of burning out.
Join me: revent of burning out.


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