Monday, April 30, 2012

High Intensity Circuit Workout


fat burn exercise - interval training

Great fat burn workout - mix of cardio and strength exercise if you're short of time.
This workout is only 15 minutes long. You have little or no rest between exercises. Do each exercise for the specified amount of time (or as long as you can safely do so) and then move on to the next exercise.
Write down how many reps you did of each exercise.
Make sure you warm up and cool down, stretch.
Times are suggestion only, please modify according to your fitness level.
If you have more time, you can do this routine twice.
One round
1. cross country sky, 2min
2. squat & lateral raise, 1min
3. side to side jump, 2min
4. alternating lunge forward & biceps curl, 1min
5. squat & alternating front kick, 1min
6. side lunge jump, 2min
7. push up & alternating leg lift, 1min
8. plank, aternate knee in and out, , 1min
9. jump rope, 4min
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