Monday, April 30, 2012

Low Impact Total Body Workout


strengthening training

Great strengthening workout routine, no jumps, no pressure on your joints. Tone your entire body, all your muscles.
Do 3 rounds, 20reps of each exercise.

One round:
  1. front kick R leg x back kick L leg x side kick R leg x side kick L leg x squat, 20reps
  2. lie on your core - starting position, upper body x lower body lift x abduct your arms and legs x adduct your arms and legs x go down to the starting position, 20reps
  3. push up x alternate knee to the side, 20reps
  4. squat x alternate tap to the side, 20reps
  5. Frog crunch - knees lifted, reach behind your head and crunch up to your feet, 20reps

Shape Your Body Workout


strengthening training

Great strengthening total body workout routine, focusing on your lower body and abs.
Do 3 rounds.

One round:
  1. alternate lunge back and kick, 30reps
  2. squat x alternate leg side, 30reps
  3. keep palms on the floor and jump feet in x out, 30reps
  4. keep palms on the floor and alternate leg lift, 30reps
  5. standing position x go down on knees and stand up, arms are up, 30reps
  6. switch leg, standing position x go down on knees and stand up, arms are up, 30reps

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Total Body Workout 3

strengthening training
This workout routine is great for toning and strengthening your entire body. After this workout you feel all your muscles, especially lower body.
For losing weight add cardio for 15min before this training and 15min after training (jump rope, jogging, jumping jacks, cross country sky...).
I use 5lbs dumbbells for arms and I do recommend it. Your arms will be leaner and stronger.
Do 20reps of each exercise.
Beginners: one round
Advanced: 3-4 rounds

One round
  1. squat x dummbell overhead alternate, 20 reps
  2. side lunge x touch down x reach up, 20 reps (right leg)
  3. side lunge x touch down x reach up, 20 reps (left leg)
  4. overhead chops, 20 reps
  5. squat and twist and reach, 20 reps

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Get In Shape Workout

strengthening training
This workout routine is great if you want to strengthen and tone your muscles, burn fat and calories.
I use Kettlebell 20lbs and dip station.
It is good for you to use weights, so make sure you find something heavy at home (it can be also the bottle of milk, sack of potatoes).
I liked this workout because of the dip station, reverse push ups are great for your arms, chest, core, glutes...I actually felt the whole body:-).
Do 3-4 rounds, 30 reps of each exercise.

One round
  1. squat x upright row (kettlebell, 20lbs), 30 reps
  2. side lunge x knee up (right leg), 30 reps
  3. side lunge x knee up (left leg), 30 reps
  4. woodchops, 30 reps (kettlebell, 20lbs), 30 reps
  5. reverse push up, 30 resp

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Get Fit Workout


strengthening training

This workout routine is a total body workout, you burn a lot of calories, tighten and strengthen all your muscles. After this workout you will be feeling more fit, great, energized, healthy.
I use 5lbs dumbbells.
Beginners: 1 round
Intermediate: 2 rounds
Advanced: 3 rounds
Warm up before and cool down after the workout.

One round
  1. Jamping jacks, 2min
  2. Right leg: Bulgarian split squat x chest press, 30reps
  3. Left leg: Bulgarian split squat x arms down and up, 30reps
  4. Squat x press over head, 30reps
  5. Alternating lunge back x triceps extension, 30reps
  6. Crunch twist, 2min or count till 30

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Total Body Workout 2

fat burn exercise - interval workout
Total body workout is a great way to stay fit, healthy and energetic.
Rather than focus on the same muscle group every time you hit the gym, it is important to concentrate on your body as a whole. This workout routine can help you tone and tighten your entire body from shoulders to calves, leaving you with a complete feeling of satisfaction and balance.
I use 8lbs dumbbells.
Beginners: compete one round
Intermediate: 2-3 rounds
Advanced: 4 rounds
Warm up before each workout routine and cool down following with stretching.
  1. arms up holding weights, jogging with high knees, 1min
  2. squat x press over head, 2min
  3. plyo jacks, 1min
  4. squat thrust, 2min
  5. push up x feet in and out, 1min
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Total Body Workout 1

strengthening training
Great workout routine for your entire body. Strengthen all your muscles.
Do 30 reps of each exercise. If you can not complete 30 reps, do as many as you can. If 30 reps is not challenging enough for you, do 40 reps.
Write down how many reps you did and also write down the total time of all those exercises. That way you can compare your results with results in the future.
I use 8lbs dumbbells.
Warm up and cool down after the workout.
  1. front step up x knee up, alternate legs, arms are up, 30reps
  2. elevated push ups, 30reps
  3. alternate leg cross over, 30reps
  4. plank, alternate leg and point the floor with your toes, 30reps
  5. triceps, 30reps
  6. reverse fly, 8lbs dumbbells, 30reps
  7. elevated side lunch, press down and up, right leg, 30reps
  8. elevated side lunch, press down and up, left leg, 30reps
  9. plank, alternate knee in and out, 30reps
  10. alternate front raises x side raises, 30reps
  11. plank, alternate knee to the side, 30reps
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Full Body Workout 2


fat burn exercise - interval training

Intensive workout routine, you burn a lot of calories, burn fat, boost metabolism.
It is a great combination of powerful strengthening, toning exercise and cardio exercise. Exactly what we need and want.:-)

Three exercises, each for one minute, do maximum reps in each minute.
Beginners: 1-2 rounds
Advanced: 4 rounds

One set:

1. alternating leg cross over and side kick, 1min

2. mountain climber, 1min

3. jump rope, 1min

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Bootcamp Workout

fat burn exercise - interval training
Great workout routine for burning fat, boosting metabolism, toning and shaping entire body, all your muscles.
It is interval training, so do each exercise for one minute, maximum reps.
Have a quick rest between exercises 15-20sec.
Warm up before and cool down after workout.
Beginners: 1-2 rounds
Advanced: 3 rounds
One round
  1. touch your feet, 1min
  2. reverse push up, 1min
  3. plie, elbows up, alternate knee up to your elbow x jump up, 1min
  4. tricep dips x one leg extended, 1min
  5. switch the leg, tricep dips x the other leg extended, 1min
  6. plank position, one leg: knee in, 1min
  7. plank position, switch leg: knee in, 1min
  8. bird dog gets down (plank x V x push up), 1min
  9. turkish sit up (try not to touch the floor), 1min
  10. plank position, both feet jump in x out, 1min
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Challenge Workout

fat burn exercise - interval training
This workout is a great fat burn.
Do up to 5 rounds, remember it is ok if you do just one, two rounds.
Take a short rest between each exercise (15-20sec).
Beginner: 1 round
Advanced: up to 5 rounds
One round
  1. alternate lunge back x front kick x side kick x crunch, 1min
  2. jack x sumo squat, 1min
  3. alternate lunge back x front kick x side kick x crunch, 1min
  4. squat down x feet jump back x feet jump out x in x back to squat and up, 1min
  5. push up x touch your toes x spider x back to push up, 1min

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Fit Test With Brian

fat burn exercise - interval training
Fit test is a great, excellent, challenging, powerful workout.
Do this workout once a while and make sure you keep your results, because you should do fit test each two or three weeks to see if you have improved or not.
If you follow my workouts, you will see, that you will be improving and each time you do fit test, you have better results.
This workout is very challenging, so modify whenever you need to.
Tips for Fit Test 
  • if you do not have a jump rope, modify and keep jogging
  • start with regular push ups and count reps, when need it, modify and go on your knees, count reps
  • turkish sit up - you should stand up without touching the floor, one arm is all the time up, count reps you do. You can modify and let one arm help you to stand up, count reps
  • last exercise (12) is really hard, because of the intensity during 11min, keep your core strong, it is important to keep the proper form to avoid hurting knees and back.
Fit test
  1. jump rope, 1min
  2. alternate lunge back, 1min
  3. jump rope, 1min
  4. squat, 1min
  5. jump rope, 1min
  6. push up, 1min
  7. jump rope, 1min
  8. turkish sit up, 1min
  9. jump rope, 1min
  10. burpees, 1min
  11. jump rope, 1min
  12. in plank feet jump in x out, 1min
Pavla: 2) 40, 4) 36, 6) 35, 8) 15, 10) 21, 12) 34
Brian: 2) 34, 4) 31, 6) 63, 8) 10, 10) 19, 12) 28
Let me know, how you did, what are your results?
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Perfect Body Workout

 fat burn exercise - interval training (for your butt and abs)
Interval training is great for burning fat and calories, toning your muscles, developing strength and improving endurance.
Warm up before this workout and cool down and stretch after.
Complete 3 rounds.
One round
  1. palms on the floor and jump up, (modification: palms on the floor and alternate leg lift), 1min
  2. squat x jump, (modification: squat and skip jump), 1min
  3. alternate lunge back and squat down, 1min
  4. alternate side kick x 4 jumping jacks, 1min
  5. dead lift x lateral burpee, 1min

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Sweat Total Body Workout

fat burn exercise - interval training
Great total body workout, takes only few minutes (cca 20min), but you burn a lot of calories, burn fat, boost metabolism, improve endurance and develop strength.
Do 3-4 rounds, depends on your fitness level.
Warm up and cool down after routine.
One round
  1. jump up, alternate side, 1min
  2. alternating front kick x jump, 1min
  3. push up x alternate side plank, 1min
  4. jump forward x squat down x jump back x squat down, 1min
  5. alternate side kick x jumping jack, 1min

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Kickbox Interval Abs Workout

fat burn exercise - interval training
Have you ever tried kickbox?
It is great cardio workout, keep your heart rate up.
This workout routine is a total body workout, but focusing on abs and glutes. It is only 10min long, but after ten minutes you feel your core so strong and tight.
If you like this one that much, you can do two rounds (20min). Great fat burner.
I am using jump rope, if you do not have it, instead of jump rope do jogging (high knees) or jamping jacks.

One round
  1. jump rope, 1min
  2. jab x cross x jab x cross x side kick (one leg) x side kick (other leg), 1min
  3. switch side and do the same (jab x cross x jab x cross x side kick x side kick), 1min
  4. jab x cross x jab x cross x zig zag x knee up, 1min
  5. switch side and do the same (jab x cross x jab x cross x zig zag x knee up), 1min
  6. 4 counts (1,2,3,4) twist x 4 counts zig zag, 1min
  7. front kick (right leg) x back kick (left leg) x side kick (right leg) x side kick (left leg), 1min
  8. switch side: front kick (left leg) x back kick (right leg) x side kick (left leg) x side kick (right leg), 1min
  9. jump rope, 2min
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Feel The Fire Interval Workout

fat burn exercise - interval training
This is interval training, that means that you do in each minute as many reps as you can. Have a quick rest between each minute (10-15sec).
Do 3 rounds.
One round
Right leg:
1. knee in, 1min
2. leg lift, 1min
3. knee in, 1min
4. single leg dead lift and jump
Left leg:
1. knee in, 1min
2. leg lift, 1min
3. knee in, 1min
4. single leg dead lift and jump
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Kill Your Legs Workout

interval training

This workout routine is great for toning, shaping your lower body - glutes, legs, innerthighs.
It is interval training only 15min long.
You burn fat, burn calories, boost metabolism, improve endurance, develop strength.

Do 3 rounds and maximum repetitions in each minute.
You can have very short rest (10 seconds) between each exercise.
Prepare your body for interval training, so do not forget to warm up and cool down after. Cood down means your heart rate goes slightly down (march in one place).

One round
  1. for 8 counts alternate jumping leg lift x for 8 counts put your hands down on the floor and alternate jumping leg lift, 1min (modification: skip jumping and do leg lift)
  2. squat x arm touch opposite toes x squat x arm touch opposite toes, 1min
  3. sumo squat x touch ankle x sumo squat x touch ankle (keep hips low all the time), 1min
  4. split squat 4 counts one leg x squat x split squat 4 counts the other leg x squat, 1min
  5. twist, 1min

Full Body Workout

fat burn exercise - interval training

Do you want to burn a lot of calories and fat in short period of time?
Melt your fat, boost metabolism, tone body in 16 minutes.
Short intense workout for those who want to lose weight.
Warm up before and cool down after this training.
Do 4 rounds and as many reps as you can in each minute.

One round
  1. jump over the mat, 1min
  2. plank and punch, alternate arms, 1min
  3. squat and alternate leg lift, 1min
  4. sprint runners, 1min

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Perfect Lean Body Workout

fat burn exercise - interval training

This workout routine is very challenging, at least for me, because it is combination of intense cardio exercises and strengthening exercises.
It is only 16min long, but I tell you, those two minutes of each interval are like forever.:-).

It is very important to warm up before the workout and cool down and stretch.

For some of you two minutes might be too long, so take a break for 10-20sec whenever you need, try to do as many repetitions as you can in each interval.
You already know the benefits of interval training - boost metabolism, develop strength, improve endurance, burn fat, burn calories...all in one workout.
You tone your muscles, get stronger arms, chest, abs, leaner and fitter glutes and legs.

  1. jumping jacks 4x & cross country sky 4x & jump forward and back 4x, 2min
  2. burpee and alternate jump to the side, 2min
  3. push up x alternate chest open, 2min
  4. turkish sit up x twist, 2min
  5. plank - from elbows go up to extend your arms and back down on elbows, 2min
  6. right leg: leg lift and hamstring curl, 2min
  7. in standing position jump forward and back x in plank jump in and out, 2min
  8. left leg: leg lift and hamstring curl, 2min
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Lose Weight Workout 2


fat burn exercise - interval training

Without any excuse try this workout. Not tomorrow, but today.
Great combination of strengthening exercises and cardio. You burn fat,calories like crazy. You boost your metabolism. You strengthen and tone your muscles.
Work on your balance. All in one workout.
Give it a try now, do your best, challenge yourself!
I am using 8lbs dummbells, if you do not have any weights, find something heavy at home.
Warm up before workout and cool down and stretch after.

Beginners: 1 round
Intermediate: 2-3 rounds
Advanced: 4-5 rounds
One round

1. running, feet in x out, 1min

2. leg side lift x side raises and leg back lift x front raises, 2min

3. burpees, 1min

4. leg side lift x side raises and leg back lift x front raises, 2min

5. plank position, jump
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Shrink Your Hips Workout


fat burn exercise - interval training

This is a great fat burn workout - interval training (one minute high intensity cardio x one minute strengthening exercise).
I use  8lbs dummbells (optional).
Beginners complete 1-2 rounds.
Advanced: 3-4 rounds.

One round
  1. jump rope, 1min
  2. squat side x squat center x squat side, 1min
  3. jump rope, 1min
  4. alternate lunge forward position, pulse for 4 counts and jump and switch, 1min
  5. jump rope, 1min
  6. standing side crunch (elbow x knee touch one side), 1min
  7. jump rope, 1min
  8. standing side crunch (elbow x knee touch other side), 1min

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Burn Fat Workout - Intense


fat burn exercise - interval training

Burn a lot of calories, fat, get stronger, leaner, fitter all in one workout.
This workout is challenging, very intense.
It is interval training, 4 exercises, each exercise 40 sec., 20 sec. rest between each exercise.
Beginner complete 1 round/set or 2 rounds/sets of those 4 exercises.
Advance level complete 4 rounds/sets.
Warm up before and cool down, stretch after.
One round
  1. squat jump, 40 sec., 20 sec. rest
  2. push up x  jump in and out, 40 sec., 20 sec. rest
  3. alternate jumping side lunge, 40 sec., 20 sec. rest
  4. jumping jacks x 4 turbo jacks, 40 sec., 20 sec. rest

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Lose weight Workout 1


fat burn exercise - interval training

Excellent, effective workout routine for fat burn. 
Lose weight workout contains cardio exercises and toning exercises and allow you to see the results faster. I do not have to mention that eating healthy is essential. So, go for it and give it a try.:-)
I am using 5lbs dumbbells, but you can take also heavier weights if you want to build more muscles.
Do as many reps as you can in specific time.
Beginners complete 1 round of 5 exercises.
Advance level do 3-4 rounds.
Warm up before and cool down, stretch after workout.

One round
1. side to side jump, 1min
2. right leg: front raises x leg front, side raises x leg side, press overhead x leg back, 2min
3. side jump x burpee x side jump x burpee, 1min
4. left leg: front raises x leg front, side raises x leg side, press overhead x leg back, 2min

High Intensity Circuit Workout


fat burn exercise - interval training

Great fat burn workout - mix of cardio and strength exercise if you're short of time.
This workout is only 15 minutes long. You have little or no rest between exercises. Do each exercise for the specified amount of time (or as long as you can safely do so) and then move on to the next exercise.
Write down how many reps you did of each exercise.
Make sure you warm up and cool down, stretch.
Times are suggestion only, please modify according to your fitness level.
If you have more time, you can do this routine twice.
One round
1. cross country sky, 2min
2. squat & lateral raise, 1min
3. side to side jump, 2min
4. alternating lunge forward & biceps curl, 1min
5. squat & alternating front kick, 1min
6. side lunge jump, 2min
7. push up & alternating leg lift, 1min
8. plank, aternate knee in and out, , 1min
9. jump rope, 4min
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Fat Loss Interval Workout


fat burn exercise - interval training

Great fat burn workout. Try this intense routine, burn a lot of calories, boost your metabolism, burn off that extra fat and start reaching those goals that you have set yourself.
Do not forget to write down how many reps you did of each exercise in each minute. Your goal is to do as many reps as possible in a minute. 
Warm up before interval workout 4-5min and after workout cool down and stretch.
Beginners: 1 round
Advanced: 3 rounds
One round
1. jump rope, 1min
2. push ups, 1min
3. jump rope, 1min
4. alternating cross lunges, 1min
5. jump rope, 1min
6. triceps, 1min
7. jump rope, 1min
8. squats, 1min
9. jump rope, 1min
10. plank, feet in and out, 1min
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Interval Workout


fat burn exercise - interval training

Great fat burn workout, lose weight, lose fat, burn calories - all in one workout.
Warm up before 4-5min and cool down after workout.
Interval training is 10min long, rest 10-15sec between each minute. 
Beginners complete one round, advanced 3 rounds.
One round
  1. jump rope, 1 min
  2. knee x opposite elbow touch, alternate, 1min
  3. burpees, 1min
  4. reverse lunges, 1min
  5. squat jump, 1min
  6. plie position, jump up, keep hips low, 1min
  7. plie position, jump in and out, 1min
  8. plank position, alternate knee in, 1min
  9. alternate leg kick, 1min
  10. jump rope, 1min

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Total Body Workout


strengthening training

This is one of the first Perfectleanbody`s video. In other videos you can see the progress in fitness level and body shape.
Great routine for your entire body. Intense, effective and worthed.

  1.  warm up with skipping rope (or without), 4-5min
  2. squat jump, 30reps
  3. right leg: cross lunge with arms up, 30reps
  4. left leg: cross lunge with arms up, 30reps
  5. push up, 30reps
  6. dip triceps, 30reps
  7. jumping lunges (modification as reverse lunges), 30reps
  8. standing alternating knee raise and opposite elbow touch, 30reps
  9. right leg: standing opposite knee raise and elbow touch, 30reps
  10. left leg: standing opposite knee raise and elbow touch, 30reps
  11. jump rope, 10min

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Bosu Interval Workout


fat burn exercise - interval training

Great fat burn workout, challenging and powerful.
Bosu makes it really challenging, as you are focusing on your balance, you strengthen your entire core.
I love this one. Withing 30min you get great fat burn workout, burn lot of calories/fat.
  1. 10 min warm up with skipping rope (jump rope)
  2.  jump in and out, 1min
  3. alternating jog in and out, 1min
  4. high knee up (left leg), 1min
  5. high knee up (right leg), 1min
  6. jump up on bosu ball, 1min
  7. 10 min skipping rope (jump rope)
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Fat Burn Exercises - Interval Training

High intensity interval exercises (HIIT)

Fat burn exercises are great for losing weight, for burning fat, boosting metabolism, developing strength, improving endurance. They are simply great. You do not have to spend hours in the gym. 30min workout every day is enough to transform your body to perfect one.
Fat burning exercises (HIIT) are designed to maximize fat stores as energy when performing your exercises. This form of exercise is a highly effective method in burning fat.
High intensity interval training is performing a series of exercises with minimal rest periods between each exercises. This forces your body to utilize stored fat as energy, thus you burn fat more efficiently.
Fat burn exercises are not for everyone. If you are completely new beginner and never workout before, you should start your training with Total body workout - strengthening training to build your aerobic level, then you can move to fitness level and start doing fat burn exercises - interval training.

Interval training is the best method for losing fat. Its secret to success is not in how many calories you burn during the routines but rather on how many you burn after the exercise and where these calories come from. Before interval training always warm up and after training cool down.

Developing a HIIT program involves two prime considerations: the duration, intensity and frequency of the high-effort (or "work") interval and the length of the recovery (or "rest") interval. The work interval can last from 5 seconds to 8 minutes. Power athletes tend to perform shorter work intervals (5-30 seconds), while endurance athletes will have longer work intervals (30 seconds to 8 minutes).
Intensity of the work interval should range from 80% to more than 100% of maximal oxygen consumption, hear rate max or maximal power output.
The intensity of the rest interval can range from passive recovery (very little movement) to the more common active recovery of about 50-70% of the intensity measures described above.

The relationship of work and rest intervals is also a consideration. Many studies use a ratio of exercise to recovery. For example 1:1 ratio could be 30 seconds of work followed by 30 seconds of rest. A 1:2 ratio would be a 30 seconds work interval followed by a 1minute rest. Typically, the ratio is designed to challenge a specific energy system of the body.

Interval training does not simply mean sprinting as hard as you can on a treadmill. There are other options, such as using the elliptical machine or stationary bike, walking. But first and foremost, all interval training should start with a warm-up. Warm up you can start out with jumping jacks.

Questions about training
How many times per week can HIIT be completed?
Research says three times per week may produce the best results while limiting injury. Interval training pushes the body hard, so it is important to be fully recovered between sessions.

Is it safe for beginners or someone who has been inactive for several months?
Starting or restarting any exercise program requires a careful progression of activity level. Beginning with HIIT may increase the chance for injury and muscle soreness. A better approach is to start with continuous, low intensity aerobic exercise. Then you can progress slowly into interval training.

Is it ok to eat before a HIIT training?
The stomach empties its contents more slowly when exercise intensity exceeds 80% VO2 Max, thanks to changes in blood flow and hormonal and neurotransmitter activation. Eating foods that are low in fiber, lactose and nutritive sweeteners several hours before training, and being sure to drink plenty of fluids, will reduce the chance of gut problems during exercise.

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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Strong Back Workout


strengthening training

Great, challenging, intense, effective routine to strengthen your back.
This one is my favourite. Try it.
I use 5lbs dumbbells, it is optional.
  1. keep one arm and opposite leg extended, do not drop your arm or leg lower, keep it in one line and elbow x knee touch, 15 reps
  2. arm and opposite leg extended and keep pulsing, 15 reps
  3. switch arm and leg, keep them extended and elbow x knee touch, 15 reps
  4. keep pulsing, 15 reps
  5. legs are lifted, arms reach forward and pull back, 15 reps
  6. arms and legs are lifted, swimming, 15 reps

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Strengthen Your Back Workout


strengthening training

Strong, healthy back is so important and sexy.
Try this simple, but very effective routine to strengthen your back.
I use 5lbs dumbbells.
Do 3 sets.
Keep the back flat and core strong.
Tip: Imagine you have an orange between shoulder blades and squeeze the orange, so the juice comes out.
One set:
  1. reverse fly, 15reps
  2. dumbbell row, 15reps
  3. alternate reverse fly x dumbbell row, 15reps
  4. drop weights, arm abduction and little pulse, count to 15
  5. little circle, count to 15
  6. hands touch behind your back, 15reps

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Perfect Arms Workout


strengthening training

Great, excellent routine for your chest, triceps, shoulders, the entire upper body. Tone and shape your upper body.
I use medicineball 8lbs (you can use also dumbbells instead).
Do 3 sets.
One set:
  1. Push ups, 15 reps
  2. Dips, 15 reps
  3. Medicineball circle to the right, 15 reps
  4. Medicineball circle to the left, 15 reps
  5. Alternating medicineball raised up and twist down, 15 reps

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Upper Body Workout


strengthening training

Excellent routine for your arms, chest, back, triceps - entire upper body. Simple, effective and worthed.
I use 5lbs dumbbells.
Do 3 sets.

One set:
  1. bicep curl, 10reps
  2. front raises, 10reps
  3. chest press, 10reps
  4. press overhead, 10reps
  5. shoulder rotation, 10 reps
  6. triceps overhead extentions, 10 reps

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Kickbox Perfect Arm Workout


strengthening training

Great, excellent, unusual routine for your upper body. As a result you get perfect lean arms, strong shoulders, toned biceps and triceps. Perfect arms.
I use 5lbs dumbbells.
  1. Alternating jab across your body, 20 reps
  2. Alternating hooks, 20 reps
  3. Alternating uppercuts, 20 reps
  4. Alternating upward cross, 20 reps
  5. Alternating front jabs, 20 reps

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