Thursday, March 28, 2013

Help - I feel bloated

Hello guys,

We talked on Facebook about "bloating".
Let`s find out more about this problem.
Bloating usually is tied to what and how you eat. Do you feel bloated specially after you eat a large meal?
You feel probably bloated IF:
  • you eat large meal
  • overeat
  • eat rich and fatty food (fat takes longer to digest)
  • you eat too fast
What to do:
  • eat smaller portions
  • limit fats in your everyday diet
  • eat slowly
If you suffer from gassiness then avoid:
  • drinking through a straw
  • chewing gum
  • guzzling carbonated beverages
  • sucking on hard candy
Why? Those habits increase how much air you swallow, that is why it is better to avoid them. Also some people swallow more air when they are nervous. Breathing exercises to release or reduce stress might help.
What food might cause bloating?
  1. Beans and lentils
  2. Fruits and vegetables such as brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, prunes, apricots
  3. sweeteners like sorbitol or fructose (natural sugar)
  4. dairy products
  5. whole grains
I wish you less bloating!


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