Friday, March 22, 2013


Hello guys,

diet is very important and if you want to reach your fitness goal, it is necessary to eat healthy and make healthy choices. Yes, you can workout so hard, but you ruin all your effort if you do not eat right.
Remember: Diet + exercise = Great Results.
I always try to prepare my meal, because after workout I am starving till death. If you have time to prepare your meal, it is the best big step forward you can do. How many times we get home so hungry and start cooking dinner, but meanwhile  we eat all we have in the fridge, right?

Diet tip: prepare your meal

You ask me about recipes, meals I eat. To be honest with you, I like to eat similar food, basically chicken or beef in the oven, grilled fish, chicken, beef, vegetable or lentil soup. I keep it simple, healthy and easy to prepare.
I drink plenty, plenty and plenty of water, about 3-4 liters per day. During my workout I drink about 1,5-2 liters water.
My diet/healthy eating works for me and we all are different, so you might not like something, that I like. Take it as an example of healthy eating, you do not have to follow. There are so many good, tasty meals, I just like to stick with few that works for me the best.
Have a great day with healthy choices!:-)

Here is an example of my meal plan:

  • banana with 2 table spoon of peanut butter or 10-15 medium almonds
  • Kashi cereal (1/2 -1cup) with almond milk or oatmeal
  • fresh juice
Sometime I have just banana with peanut butter, sometimes banana with cereal or oatmeal, depends on how much time I have.
In cereal, watch for label - nutrition facts. Some cereals are high in sugars and low in protein, so instead of making good choices, you actually make bad choice. Oatmeal is the best choice for you. If you like cereals, watch for:
  • protein - close to 10g (Kashi has 9g), more protein = better for you.
  • carbohydrates (sugars), try to keep it low (Kashi has 12g sugars)
  • dietary fiber (Kashi has 8g)
  • sodium (keep it low - Kashi 140mg)
  • Total fat (keep bad fats like trans fat and saturated fat 0, good fats polyunsaturated or monounsaturated and omega - 3s are good for you, Kashi has 1g of healthy good fats)
  • Cholesterol - low in cholesterol (Kashi - 0mg)
  • Calories - it is good to know how much you eat and how much you burn. You lose weight if you calories intake is lower and calories burnt during the day.
  • grapefruit
  • 2 table spoon of raw seeds
For lunch I like to have all kinds of salad, broccoli, asparagus with meat. Here are some of my favorite meals:
  • fresh salad with tuna, mushrooms, tomatoes, olives, egg whites, avocado
  • meatloaf (beef and rice mixed together) with salad
  • shrimps and salad
  • salmon and salad
  • chicken and salad
  • chicken, beef, vegetable or lentil soup
  • or instead of salad I have broccoli, asparagus and meat
Usually I have fruits or vegetables, sometimes I have fruit with seeds, or vegetables with egg whites.
  • apple, grapefruit, berries
  • carrots, tomatoes, cucumber, broccoli
  • raw seeds, almonds or peanut butter
  • egg whites

I keep dinner light, vegetable or broccoli and meat or low fat cheese, olives, egg whites or soup. Here are some of my favorites.
  • broccoli and cottage cheese, tuna
  • salad with grilled chicken
  • broccoli and egg whites with parmesan cheese
  • chicken, beef, vegetable or lentil soup
  • beans and egg whites
I like almond milk with honey (1 spoon). Then I take fresh vegetables or almonds.
  • carrots
  • broccoli
  • asparagus
  • salad
  • almonds
  • peanut butter
  • raw seeds

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