Saturday, March 30, 2013

Eating in restaurant - healthy choices

Hello guys,

Life would be so boring, if we would follow all the rules.
Every day I see many people in the gym working out, but somehow their body has not changed. The problem could be diet.
We know very well, that we should eat vegetables, fruits, lean protein, healthy carbs, but it is not always possible, because of many reasons.
One of the reason is that you simply like or have to eat out in the restaurant.
How to make healthy choices in the restaurant?
Diet tip #1: half of your plate should be vegetables
Diet tip #2: instead of fried food, take grilled or baked food
Diet tip #3: before you eat, drink one full glass of water
Diet tip #4: eat slowly, take your time
Diet tip #5:  if you like cheese, use low fat cheese
I love Chinese food and eat very often in Chinese buffet. Let`s make healthy choices together, wherever you are.
Happy Easter and big hug!


Healhty choices in Chinese restaurant

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