Sunday, March 17, 2013


Hello guys,

Let`s do today great body challenge.
You can do this workout at home, in the gym or outside in the park. You can do this in the morning as you wake up or in the evening before you go to sleep. All is up to you, but make sure you really do the workout.
Plank and pike is excellent isometric core strength exercise that involves maintaining position for extended periods of time.
Enjoy the workout,
Training consist of three simple exercises. Do 3 rounds.
One round:
  1. Plank on your forearms - get down into a push up position, put your weight on your forearms and toes, keep your elbows under your shoulders. Your body should be in straight line from your head to your heels.  Hold for one minute
  2. Plank with straight arms - keep your arms straight, palms under the shoulders, keep your core tight and contracted, keep your back straight. Stay in this position for one minute.
  3. Pike  - keep your legs straight, back flat, abdominals contracted. Stay in this position for one minute.



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