Saturday, March 30, 2013

Eating in restaurant - healthy choices

Hello guys,

Life would be so boring, if we would follow all the rules.
Every day I see many people in the gym working out, but somehow their body has not changed. The problem could be diet.
We know very well, that we should eat vegetables, fruits, lean protein, healthy carbs, but it is not always possible, because of many reasons.
One of the reason is that you simply like or have to eat out in the restaurant.
How to make healthy choices in the restaurant?
Diet tip #1: half of your plate should be vegetables
Diet tip #2: instead of fried food, take grilled or baked food
Diet tip #3: before you eat, drink one full glass of water
Diet tip #4: eat slowly, take your time
Diet tip #5:  if you like cheese, use low fat cheese
I love Chinese food and eat very often in Chinese buffet. Let`s make healthy choices together, wherever you are.
Happy Easter and big hug!


Healhty choices in Chinese restaurant

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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Help - I feel bloated

Hello guys,

We talked on Facebook about "bloating".
Let`s find out more about this problem.
Bloating usually is tied to what and how you eat. Do you feel bloated specially after you eat a large meal?
You feel probably bloated IF:
  • you eat large meal
  • overeat
  • eat rich and fatty food (fat takes longer to digest)
  • you eat too fast
What to do:
  • eat smaller portions
  • limit fats in your everyday diet
  • eat slowly
If you suffer from gassiness then avoid:
  • drinking through a straw
  • chewing gum
  • guzzling carbonated beverages
  • sucking on hard candy
Why? Those habits increase how much air you swallow, that is why it is better to avoid them. Also some people swallow more air when they are nervous. Breathing exercises to release or reduce stress might help.
What food might cause bloating?
  1. Beans and lentils
  2. Fruits and vegetables such as brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, prunes, apricots
  3. sweeteners like sorbitol or fructose (natural sugar)
  4. dairy products
  5. whole grains
I wish you less bloating!


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Perfect Stretch

Hi guys,

Stretching should be part of your training. It may increase your flexibility and improve the range of motion of your joints. You can stretch before workout, but for sure reserve stretch after the workout.
Stretching should be gentle, without bouncing. If you feel pain, then you stretch too far. Try to hold each position at least for 30seconds.
If you are sore after the training in a specific body area, repeat the stretch.
Enjoy your day and stretch with me every day!

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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

"FRIDGE DAY" - Show me what you eat

Hello guys,

As you know, we always talk on facebook about some topic related to fitness.
Yesterday I made a "Fridge Day". I posted on facebook a photo of my own fridge and its content. And I have to say, for me it is very personal to share with you what I have in the fridge. As the photo shows, this is real life and real fitness.
I want to motivate and inspire you as much as possible to better, healthier life. And I know it is not always easy. If you live on your own, it is much easier to keep your diet clean and healthy. You buy your own food, keep it in the fridge and it is there as long as you eat it. If you live in a family, it is very common that not all of the members of the family are going to participate with you on your healthy diet, only because YOU want to lose weight/fat and be healthier, look great.
I want you to realize, that healthy diet is very important if you are trying to lose weight. You can workout in the gym for hours, but if you do not eat right, than all the energy you spent in your sweat is ruined and ineffective. Then you become frustrated how come you are not losing weight if you exercise every day for at least 30min.
Here is the answer: Your abs starts in the kitchen.
My fridge - you can tell I love vegetable and fruits, what do you like?
What you should have in the fridge?
  1. vegetables
  2. fruits
  3. healthy protein
  4. whole grains
Enjoy your day and remember I am here for you to support you to better, healthier and happier life!
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Monday, March 25, 2013


Hello guys,

let`s train today legs, but differently than usual.
Strengthen, tighten, shape your legs with this powerful Fat Burn routine. What is Fat Burn?
It is interval training focusing on burning fat while strengthening, toning your glutes, thighs and inner thighs. Improve your endurance, strength and burn hundreds of calories during and within 24 hours after the workout.
If your fitness goal is to lose fat, tone your muscles, than this workout is excellent for you. It takes only 30min. If you have more time, add some of my Abs routine at the end and stretch.
Have a great day and enjoy the workout!



  • do 3 rounds
  • modify if you need to
  • do not stop, modify
  • have a short rest between exercises (5-10sec- if you need it
  • try to go really fast, but keep the proper form
  • drink if you need to
  • at the end you and add some of my Abs routine

One round
  1.  jump rope, 1min
  2. squat, 1min
  3. squat & little jump, 1min
  4. alternate side lunge, 1min
  5. one side lunge & little jump, 1min
  6. other leg side lunge & little jump, 1min
  7. alternate lunge back & front kick, 1min
  8. one leg cross lunge & knee circle, 1min
  9. other leg cross lunge & knee circle, 1min
  10. mountain sky climber (4 counts) & jump up, 1min
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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Exercise plan for sedentary people

Hello guys,

You inspire me and motivate me and I try to inspire you as well.
Yesterday we were talking about cellulite. Your chances to be affected by cellulite are much higher if you have sedentary job. Also major toll take on your back, neck, shoulders, abs, eyes and other parts of the body.
What exercises to do if you have sedentary job?
You need to do:
  1. stretching
  2. cardio
  3. strengthening exercises 
Stretching is very important for you to release stress from overused muscles, bones and nerves. Stretch every day in the morning, evening or during the day.
You should do aerobic activity for 30min at least 5 times per week. Great cardio activities are walking, jogging, swimming, cycling and so many others.
If you prefer home cardio workout, try this simple workout routine.
  • one round is 5min
  • if your fitness level is low, complete one round (5min workout), next time you try add more minutes
  • complete 3 rounds
  • modify if you need to, but complete the round, do not stop
One round:
  1. jogging, 1min
  2. jumping jacks, 1min
  3. cross country sky, 1min
  4. twist, 1min
  5. high knees, 1min
You need to strengthen your back, shoulders, arms, chest and abs. Following routines are very helpful for you.
  • use dumbbells, I use 5lbs dumbbells, but you can use heavier or lighter
  • do up to 30reps of each exercise
  • if you are not able to do 30reps, do as many as you can
Workout routine:
  1. press over head, 30reps
  2. reverse fly, 30reps
  3. right arm: dumbbell row in plank or on knees, 30reps
  4. left arm: dumbbell row in plank or on knees, 30reps
  5. superman, 30reps
  • use 5-8lbs dumbbells
  • do 20-30reps of each exercise
  • have a short rest between each exercise
Workout routine:
  1. biceps curl, 30reps
  2. hammer curl, 30reps
  3. front raises, 30reps
  4. side raises, 30reps
  5. alternate dumbbell cross jab, 30reps
  6. tricep kickbacks, 30reps
Now you know, what to do and what exercises to practice. Your life, your health is in your hand and only you can change it. All it takes is to DO the workout.
Enjoy and have a great day!
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Saturday, March 23, 2013

I have cellulite - HELP

Hello guys,

Cellulite bothers us all, mostly women, but also men.  It is a nightmare for most of us.
You asked me what is cellulite, why you have it? Let`s talk about it closer and fight against it together. 
Cellulite, also known as "cottage cheese" is a condition in which the skin appears to have areas with underlying fat deposits, giving it a dimpled, lumpy appearance. You can notice cellulite on your buttocks, thighs, sometimes arms and abs.
What causes cellulite:
  1. Hormonal factors - estrogen, insulin, noradrenaline, thyroid hormones and prolactin are part of the cellulite production process.
  2. Genetics - gender, race, slow metabolism, distribution of fat underneath the skin, circulatory insufficiency are associated with cellulite
  3. Diet - this is important and interesting. People who eat too much fat, carbohydrates, or salt and too little fiber are likely to have greater amounts of cellulite
  4. Lifestyle factors - people who smoke, consume alcohol, who do not exercise and people who sit or stand in one position for long periods of time tend to have more cellulite.
  5. Clothing - wearing tight elastic underwear may cause cellulite.
You probably do have cellulite IF:
  • you are a woman
  • you are gaining and losing weight quickly in short period of time (yo-yo dieting)
  • you are in menopause
  • you are a smoker
  • you drink alcohol
  • you do not drink enough water
  • you have sit or stand for a long period of time at work
  • you like fried food
  • you eat fatty food
  • you eat sugary food
  • you do not exercise
  • you do not eat fiber enough

What helps to reduce cellulite?
  1. exercise
  2. massage
  3. healthy lifestyle (exercise, eat healthy and drink plenty of water)
How can cellulite be prevented?
  1. eat healthy - low fat food (fruits, vegetables, fiber)  help to avoid cellulite
  2. exercise regularly, maintain healthy weight
  3. wearing boy-shorts, looser fitting undergarments can prevent cellulite

  • Lose fat with Fat burn workouts/Melt fat workouts
  • Tone, tighten your muscles with Strengthening workouts.


  • do 3 rounds
  • one rounds is 10min long
  • warm up before workout
  • cool down and stretch after workout
  • have short rest (5-10sec) between each minute if you need it
  • drink water
One round:
  1. jump rope, 1min
  2. knee x opposite elbow touch, alternate, 1min
  3. burpees, 1min
  4. reverse lunge, 1min
  5. squat jump, 1min
  6. pliƩ x jump up, keep hips low, 1min
  7. pliƩ, jump in x out, 1min
  8. plank, alternate knee in, 1min
  9. alternate leg kick, 1min
  10. jump rope, 1min

  • do 30reps of each exercise (go up to 30, you can do less, if you can not do 30)
  • drink when need it
  • warm up before workout
  • stretch after workout
Workout routine:
  1. right leg: knee up x lunge forward x knee up x lunge back, 30reps
  2. left leg: knee up x lunge forward x knee up x lunge back, 30reps
  3. squat x alternate leg side lift, 30reps
  4. alternate cross lunge x side kick, 30reps
  5. pliƩ squat x twist to the side x twist back center x twist to the other side, 30reps

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Friday, March 22, 2013


Hello guys,

diet is very important and if you want to reach your fitness goal, it is necessary to eat healthy and make healthy choices. Yes, you can workout so hard, but you ruin all your effort if you do not eat right.
Remember: Diet + exercise = Great Results.
I always try to prepare my meal, because after workout I am starving till death. If you have time to prepare your meal, it is the best big step forward you can do. How many times we get home so hungry and start cooking dinner, but meanwhile  we eat all we have in the fridge, right?

Diet tip: prepare your meal

You ask me about recipes, meals I eat. To be honest with you, I like to eat similar food, basically chicken or beef in the oven, grilled fish, chicken, beef, vegetable or lentil soup. I keep it simple, healthy and easy to prepare.
I drink plenty, plenty and plenty of water, about 3-4 liters per day. During my workout I drink about 1,5-2 liters water.
My diet/healthy eating works for me and we all are different, so you might not like something, that I like. Take it as an example of healthy eating, you do not have to follow. There are so many good, tasty meals, I just like to stick with few that works for me the best.
Have a great day with healthy choices!:-)

Here is an example of my meal plan:

  • banana with 2 table spoon of peanut butter or 10-15 medium almonds
  • Kashi cereal (1/2 -1cup) with almond milk or oatmeal
  • fresh juice
Sometime I have just banana with peanut butter, sometimes banana with cereal or oatmeal, depends on how much time I have.
In cereal, watch for label - nutrition facts. Some cereals are high in sugars and low in protein, so instead of making good choices, you actually make bad choice. Oatmeal is the best choice for you. If you like cereals, watch for:
  • protein - close to 10g (Kashi has 9g), more protein = better for you.
  • carbohydrates (sugars), try to keep it low (Kashi has 12g sugars)
  • dietary fiber (Kashi has 8g)
  • sodium (keep it low - Kashi 140mg)
  • Total fat (keep bad fats like trans fat and saturated fat 0, good fats polyunsaturated or monounsaturated and omega - 3s are good for you, Kashi has 1g of healthy good fats)
  • Cholesterol - low in cholesterol (Kashi - 0mg)
  • Calories - it is good to know how much you eat and how much you burn. You lose weight if you calories intake is lower and calories burnt during the day.
  • grapefruit
  • 2 table spoon of raw seeds
For lunch I like to have all kinds of salad, broccoli, asparagus with meat. Here are some of my favorite meals:
  • fresh salad with tuna, mushrooms, tomatoes, olives, egg whites, avocado
  • meatloaf (beef and rice mixed together) with salad
  • shrimps and salad
  • salmon and salad
  • chicken and salad
  • chicken, beef, vegetable or lentil soup
  • or instead of salad I have broccoli, asparagus and meat
Usually I have fruits or vegetables, sometimes I have fruit with seeds, or vegetables with egg whites.
  • apple, grapefruit, berries
  • carrots, tomatoes, cucumber, broccoli
  • raw seeds, almonds or peanut butter
  • egg whites

I keep dinner light, vegetable or broccoli and meat or low fat cheese, olives, egg whites or soup. Here are some of my favorites.
  • broccoli and cottage cheese, tuna
  • salad with grilled chicken
  • broccoli and egg whites with parmesan cheese
  • chicken, beef, vegetable or lentil soup
  • beans and egg whites
I like almond milk with honey (1 spoon). Then I take fresh vegetables or almonds.
  • carrots
  • broccoli
  • asparagus
  • salad
  • almonds
  • peanut butter
  • raw seeds

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Thursday, March 21, 2013


Hi guys,

What motivates you to workout?
Sometimes we lose motivation and get lost. People around me motivates me a lot, specially when they workout hard. We exercise for many reasons, want to be fit, healthy, feel good and look great, sexy!
I love fitness and fitness clothes make me feel sexy, great and amazing, if they fit. (Ladies, you know what I am talking about.:-)).
As I was shopping, I took couple of pictures for you. Let`s go shopping together, look great and feel sexy!
Have a great day,
Nice green top
Nice pink top and sexy green capri

 Pink sexy top


This one is my favorite - fitness bag, LOVE IT!
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Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Hello guys,

It is the end of March and most of us want to get ready for the summer.
Do you like wearing swimming suit or are you afraid of showing some of your body parts?
I think I know the answer. We all are kind of critical and never satisfied with our body.
Love your body the way it is, but set the goal to make your body healthier. Exercise regularly and eat healthy. Try to avoid fried foods, sugary foods, fatty foods. Exercise and diet together give you great results.
Today`s workout is excellent fat burn. In 30min you burn so many calories, body fat, tone your muscles, improve endurance and develop strength. Boost your metabolism and burn more calories within 24 hours after the training.
What else should I say, try it if you want to get in GREAT, FIT shape!
Have a great workout!
  • do 3 rounds
  • have a short rest if you need it (5-10sec)
  • drink whenever you need to
  • enjoy it!
One round:
  1. jogging, 1min
  2. twist, 1min
  3. alternate front kick & side kick, 1min
  4. plank - alternate leg lift, 1min
  5. groiner, 1min
  6. squat jump, 1min
  7. one leg: alternate side kick & cross lunge, 1min
  8. other leg: alternate side kick & cross lunge, 1min
  9. plank - alternate knee in & leg lift, 1min
  10. kicks, 1min
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Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Hello guys,

Let`s hit today our legs and do great simple basic exercises for toning our lower body.
Plie is great movement for strengthening and tightening your thighs. Stand with your feet apart, your toes pointing out. Stand nice and tall, tuck your tailbone under and contract your glutes. Go as low as you can and make sure your knees do not go over your toes. Then go up. Repeat 30 times.
Lunge back  is excellent full leg workout. Great for strengthening, sculpting and building thighs, buttocks, hamstrings. Lunge can be performed with bodyweight or dumbbells. Also for calories burn you can add jump between lunge positions and do jumping lunges.
Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Step back, keep your core tight, back flat. Your back knee almost touches the floor. Your front knee should not extend your toes. Then go up again to standing position. Repeat it 30 times.
Do 3 rounds total, that means total 90 pliƩ and 90 lunges. Do not forget to stretch afterwards to prevent muscle soreness.

Have a great day!


One round:
  1. pliƩ - down and up, 30reps
  2. lunge back, 30reps
  • do 3 rounds
  • keep your back flat
  • keep your core tight
  • you can use dumbbells (I use 8lbs)

1. Plie - do 30reps


2. Lunge back - 30reps

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Sunday, March 17, 2013


Hello guys,

Let`s do today great body challenge.
You can do this workout at home, in the gym or outside in the park. You can do this in the morning as you wake up or in the evening before you go to sleep. All is up to you, but make sure you really do the workout.
Plank and pike is excellent isometric core strength exercise that involves maintaining position for extended periods of time.
Enjoy the workout,
Training consist of three simple exercises. Do 3 rounds.
One round:
  1. Plank on your forearms - get down into a push up position, put your weight on your forearms and toes, keep your elbows under your shoulders. Your body should be in straight line from your head to your heels.  Hold for one minute
  2. Plank with straight arms - keep your arms straight, palms under the shoulders, keep your core tight and contracted, keep your back straight. Stay in this position for one minute.
  3. Pike  - keep your legs straight, back flat, abdominals contracted. Stay in this position for one minute.


Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Hello guys,


Melt Fat Workout is excellent for YOU, if your goal is to lose fat, be leaner, stronger, boost your metabolism. Challenging, fun, never boring training makes you feel proud of yourself. In a short time you get excellent workout.
Tell me, what is the most difficult exercise in this routine?

Enjoy the workout, burn hundreds of calories and have fun!



  • do 3 rounds
  • drink plenty of water
  • have a short rest if need it
  • do not stop, if you need to slow down, then do modifications

One round
  1. sprint runners, 1min
  2. touch your heel, 1min
  3. jumping jacks, 1min
  4. burpee & alternate chest open, 1min
  5. mountain sky climber, 1min
  6. spider, 1min
  7. triceps dip, 1min
  8. alternate front kick & alternate side kick, 1min
  9. squat & little jump, 1min

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Monday, March 11, 2013

PERFECT Abs Workout - Bikini Mexico

Hello guys,

There is a magic about working out on the beach. The sound of the ocean, fresh air and sunrise makes the training exciting.
My workout routines are very simple, easy to follow. On the video looks everything so easy, but you will see, after you finish it, you feel your abs so badly. It is great workout!
Have a great workout!
  • do 50reps of each exercise
  • keep your core tight
  • shoulders back
Workout routine:
One side:
  1. knee in & touch opposite elbow, 50reps
  2. knee in & touch opposite leg (toes), 50reps
  3. knee in & opposite leg side lift, 50reps
  4. leg extended and toes touch, 50reps
Other side:
  1. knee in & touch opposite elbow, 50reps
  2. knee in & touch opposite leg (toes), 50reps
  3. knee in & opposite leg side lift, 50reps
  4. leg extended and toes touch, 50reps
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