Saturday, February 23, 2013

While I am gone - One week training schedule for you

Hello guys,

I feel so close to you guys. You make me very happy as I am reading your comments about your results, you notice your body is changing to perfect lean body. That is awesome! I am very proud of you, I know it takes time and effort to reach your fitness goals, but I know you get there if you do not give up.
This week I am in Mexico and I take you guys with me. I will be doing some new videos for you on the beach. I will do as many videos as possible about fitness and diet. I will share with you my meal, hotel, beach, ocean.
As you know I LOVE to travel and I know that there are many of you, who would like to see many places, but can not afford it. So, you have a chance to go to Mexico with me. I take you to Los Cabos.
But while I am gone, I do not want you to stop training. I want you to workout hard, so you are proud of yourself and of your results.
I made for you TRAINING of this week. Do not skip any workouts, because I see everything, even though I am not there with you!:-)).
I come back next Sunday and next Monday will post new workout.
Let`s train, travel and get fit together!



first round

second and third round


  • interval training
  • not recommended for beginners, if you are new to exercise than try my Total body workouts first for 3-4 weeks, after that you can try Melt Fat Workout,
  • do 3 rounds
  • one round = 10min
  • drink whenever you need to
  • have a short rest whenever you need
  • do not give up, modify
  • challenge yourself

One round:

  1. jump rope or jogging, 1min
  2. sprint runners, 1min
  3. alternate jumping knee & elbow touch, 1min
  4. push up & mountain sky climber (4 counts), 1min
  5. alternate side lunge, 1min
  6. squat & jump forward & jump back, 1min
  7. spider, 1min
  8. pike - alternate leg lift, 1min
  9. bridge - leg lifted, hips ground touch and lift, 1min
  10. bridge - switch leg, hips ground touch and lift, 1min

Optional - if you want more

STRONG ABS WORKOUT - go up to 100reps of each exercise (you can do less for sure!)

Abs routine:
  1. central crunches with feet lifted, 100reps
  2. alternating side crunch with feed lifted, 100reps
  3. one side crunches with legs lifted, 100reps
  4. other side crunches with legs lifted, 100reps
  5. legs up and lift up your hips 100reps



In this video I use 5lbs dumbbells, but take heavier whenever you want to or lighter.
Do 3 rounds.

One round:
  1. biceps curl, 10reps
  2. front raises, 10reps
  3. chest press, 10reps
  4. press overhead, 10reps
  5. shoulder rotation, 10reps
  6. triceps overhead extension, 10reps

Optional workout - if you want more


  • women: go up to 50 push ups, men go up to 100 push ups



first round

second and third round

Optional - if you want more


  • do maximum reps in each minute
  • ten minutes long
  • exhale when you contract the muscle, inhale as you release
  • do not put the chin on your chest, imagine you have and orange under your chin
  • to prevent your lower back, in some exercises keep your hands under your hips

Workout routine

  1. hold in plank, 1min
  2. bicycle crunch, 1min
  3. scissors, 1min
  4. side: elbow x knee touch, 1min
  5. other side: elbow x knee touch, 1min
  6. alternate leg x arms touch, 1min
  7. reverse crunch, 1min
  8. bent your knees, lift up your upper body up to your knees, 1min
  9. cross the leg and crunch, 1min
  10. cross the other leg and crunch, 1min



  • I use 8lbs dumbbells,
  • do 3 rounds
  • do up to 30reps of each exercise (if you do less, it is ok, do as many as YOU can)

One round:

  1. right leg: side lunge & front kick (or knee up), 30reps
  2. left leg: side lunge & front kick (or knee up), 30reps
  3. alternate side to side lunge, 30reps
  4. dead lift, 30reps
  5. single leg dead lift & little jump, 30reps
  6. switch leg: single leg dead lift & little jump, 30reps

Optional - if you want more

STRONG GLUTES - Additional workout to Tone your glutes, hamstring and inner thighs workout

  • one round
  • 30reps of each exercise
  • if you want to make it as workout of the day, do 3 rounds

One round:

  1. bridge - lift up hips up and down, 30reps
  2. bridge - one leg up to the ceiling, hips down and up, 30reps
  3. bridge - switch leg, hips down and up, 30reps



first round

round second and third


  • interval training
  • do 3 rounds
  • I use the bench, it is optional
  • one round =10min, 3 rounds = 30min
  • between each round I have one min rest (but keep moving, do not sit down or stop)
  • drink water, whenever you need
  • have a short rest (5-10sec) when need it

One round:

  1. jumping jacks, 1min
  2. twist, 1min
  3. sumo squat to the side, 1min
  4. sumo squat other side, 1min
  5. triceps dip, 1min
  6. plank: keep your feet on the bench, one leg: cross the knee & lift up, 1min
  7. side to side squat, 1min
  8. plank: keep your feet on the bench, other leg: cross the knee & lift up, 1min
  9. alternate jumping lunge back, 1min
  10. knees in & out crunch, 1min

Optional - if you want more



  • keep the proper form
  • take your time, do the exercise right, do not hurry
  • exhale as you contract the muscle, inhale as you release the muscle
  • do as many reps as you can in each minute
  • in some exercises to protect your lower back, keep your hands under your hips
  • look up to the ceiling, keep your elbows wide opened
  • do not put the chin on your chest

Abs routine:

  1. central crunches, 1min
  2. side crunch, 1min
  3. other side crunch, 1min
  4. knees drop side to side, 1min
  5. reverse crunch, 1min
  6. number 8, 1min
  7. pilates scissors, 1min
  8. hug your knees crunch, 1min
  9. one side: legs lifted and lift up upper body up and down, 1min
  10. switch side: keep legs lifted and lift up upper body up and down, 1min
  11. plank: one leg - knee cross, 1min
  12. plank: other leg - knee cross, 1min
  13. spider, 1min
  14. pilates: touch your calves and swing down and up, 1min
  15. pilates: touch your calves, keep legs straight and hold, 1min



part I

part II
Optional - if you want more

  • I use 8lbs dumbbells
Workout routine:
  1. plie position, arm circle, keep your back straight and go all the way down and up, 20 reps
  2. plie position, arm circle to the other side, keep your back straight and go all the way down and up, 20 reps
  3. one side: elbow and knee touch, 20 reps
  4. other side: elbow and knee touch, 20 reps
  5. twist, do not move your lower body, 20 reps
  6. zig zag, do not move your lower body, 20 reps


You made it! Relax and enjoy your day!

Optional - if you feel like to do something on Sunday


Join me:


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