Monday, February 4, 2013

Tone your arms, chest, triceps and back workout, 10min

Hello guys,

I have another great video for you. Very simple and easy to follow upper body routine. You can do this training at home or in the gym.
As you know, my workouts are designed for someone, who wants to lose fat, burn calories and tone muscles. I use light to moderate weights and more repetitions. 
I did this routine after Melt Fat Workout #2 as additional training for my upper body. Beauty of this workout is that you can do 10, 15, 20 or more reps in each minute. Everybody is different and our fitness level is different as well.
Believe me, everything looks easy on the video, but it is challenging!:-)
Have a great day,


  • use 7,5lbs dumbbells or heavier,
  • do as many reps as you can in each minute, but keep the proper form

Workout routine:
  1. chest press, 1min
  2. arms abducted - pulse, 1min
  3. triceps kickback, 1min
  4. on belly - swimming, 1min
  5. plank - alternate arm & foot touch, 1min
  6. arms abducted - little circle, 1min
  7. on belly - letter V, arms and legs in and out, 1min
  8. plank - alternating arm behind the body, 1min
  9. touch your legs sit ups, 1min
  10. elbow extension, 1min

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