Friday, February 15, 2013

Get Perfect Abs Workout - 15min

Hello guys,

Many of us like to have nice, strong, defined abs.
Couple days ago, when I was practicing my "killing leg routine", one guy was watching and said: I would like to have abs like yours. I said, well next time you can train with me. He said, yes, but after today`s workout I go to Dunkin Donuts. And when I looked at his belly, it looked like that.
If you want to lose belly fat, you need to:
  1. eat healthy (stay away from processed foods, fatty foods, sugary foods)
  2. cardio - cardiovascular activity that helps you to burn fat and calories
  3. strengthening exercises
Workout routine for your abs is 15min long, each minute different exercise. You do maximum reps in each minute. After the training you should feel your abs much stronger and tight.
Enjoy my Valentine`s gift to you!:-)
  • keep the proper form
  • take your time, do the exercise right, do not hurry
  • exhale as you contract the muscle, inhale as you release the muscle
  • do as many reps as you can in each minute
  • in some exercises to protect your lower back, keep your hands under your hips
  • look up to the ceiling, keep your elbows wide opened
  • do not put the chin on your chest

Abs routine:
  1. central crunches, 1min
  2. side crunch, 1min
  3. other side crunch, 1min
  4. knees drop side to side, 1min
  5. reverse crunch, 1min
  6. number 8, 1min
  7. pilates scissors, 1min
  8. hug your knees crunch, 1min
  9. one side: legs lifted and lift up upper body up and down, 1min
  10. switch side: keep legs lifted and lift up upper body up and down, 1min
  11. plank: one leg - knee cross, 1min
  12. plank: other leg - knee cross, 1min
  13. spider, 1min
  14. pilates: touch your calves and swing down and up, 1min
  15. pilates: touch your calves, keep legs straight and hold, 1min

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