Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Tone inner thighs workout

Hello guys,


today`s training is more for women than men.  Each time I go to the gym, I like to see, how people train. There is a difference in training between men and women. Lot of men are focusing on upper body, specially chest, shoulders, biceps, while women train more glutes, thighs, triceps and abs. So, I am sorry guys (I mean "men" guys) if this workout is not the perfect one for you.:-).
I got so many comments and messages from you asking me, if my workout routines really help to tone legs. Believe me, I make my workouts effective and special. I know it works, because I tried and try it on myself and ladies in my classes and see excellent results - great body changes!
Enjoy the workout and trust yourself. Only you can change the way your body look. I am so proud of you all, who do not give up!
  • always engage your core
  • keep your back flat
  • keep your shoulders back
  • in plié go as low as you can
  • do 3 rounds
  • each exercise 30reps
One round:
  1. plié - go down and up, 30reps
  2. plié - heels up and down, 30reps
  3. plié - keep your heels lifted and pulse, count till 30
  4. plié - go down & twist & twist back & up, 30reps
  5. plié - stay down and keep walking (lift up your feet)
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