Thursday, February 7, 2013

Diet talk with Jason

Hello guys,

I try to make my videos interesting, fun and helpful.
My workouts are designed for someone, who wants to lose fat, get in shape, be lean, strong, fit and healthy. You will not gain big amount of muscle mass, you will tone, get stronger and tighter body. In most of my workouts I do many repetitions and light to moderate or bodyweight resistance and almost "no" rest between exercises. My workout routines help you to improve endurance, build strength and are different from the training of bodybuilders. Philosophy of bodybuilding is to do less repetitions, heavier weights and proper rest between each set.
I train Jason once a week and he is a bodybuilder, who does not like cardio that much, he loves weight training. And sometimes you do not have motivation to do cardio by yourself, you need "push" or someone to challenge you and push you to workout. What I am trying to say is, that cardiovascular activity (cardio) is weaker part for Jason and that is why, he loves to workout with me, because he knows, he needs it and I push him.
After Melt Fat Workout #2, we did little talk about his diet. How often he eats, what food he eats, what is his calorie intake, how much he probably burn in his workout, what his training looks like, what to do, when you reach plateau and other tips.
I think it might be helpful for some of you guys.
Have a great day!

Jason`s breakfast:


Another example of breakfast:

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