Saturday, February 23, 2013

While I am gone - One week training schedule for you

Hello guys,

I feel so close to you guys. You make me very happy as I am reading your comments about your results, you notice your body is changing to perfect lean body. That is awesome! I am very proud of you, I know it takes time and effort to reach your fitness goals, but I know you get there if you do not give up.
This week I am in Mexico and I take you guys with me. I will be doing some new videos for you on the beach. I will do as many videos as possible about fitness and diet. I will share with you my meal, hotel, beach, ocean.
As you know I LOVE to travel and I know that there are many of you, who would like to see many places, but can not afford it. So, you have a chance to go to Mexico with me. I take you to Los Cabos.
But while I am gone, I do not want you to stop training. I want you to workout hard, so you are proud of yourself and of your results.
I made for you TRAINING of this week. Do not skip any workouts, because I see everything, even though I am not there with you!:-)).
I come back next Sunday and next Monday will post new workout.
Let`s train, travel and get fit together!



first round

second and third round


  • interval training
  • not recommended for beginners, if you are new to exercise than try my Total body workouts first for 3-4 weeks, after that you can try Melt Fat Workout,
  • do 3 rounds
  • one round = 10min
  • drink whenever you need to
  • have a short rest whenever you need
  • do not give up, modify
  • challenge yourself

One round:

  1. jump rope or jogging, 1min
  2. sprint runners, 1min
  3. alternate jumping knee & elbow touch, 1min
  4. push up & mountain sky climber (4 counts), 1min
  5. alternate side lunge, 1min
  6. squat & jump forward & jump back, 1min
  7. spider, 1min
  8. pike - alternate leg lift, 1min
  9. bridge - leg lifted, hips ground touch and lift, 1min
  10. bridge - switch leg, hips ground touch and lift, 1min

Optional - if you want more

STRONG ABS WORKOUT - go up to 100reps of each exercise (you can do less for sure!)

Abs routine:
  1. central crunches with feet lifted, 100reps
  2. alternating side crunch with feed lifted, 100reps
  3. one side crunches with legs lifted, 100reps
  4. other side crunches with legs lifted, 100reps
  5. legs up and lift up your hips 100reps



In this video I use 5lbs dumbbells, but take heavier whenever you want to or lighter.
Do 3 rounds.

One round:
  1. biceps curl, 10reps
  2. front raises, 10reps
  3. chest press, 10reps
  4. press overhead, 10reps
  5. shoulder rotation, 10reps
  6. triceps overhead extension, 10reps

Optional workout - if you want more


  • women: go up to 50 push ups, men go up to 100 push ups



first round

second and third round

Optional - if you want more


  • do maximum reps in each minute
  • ten minutes long
  • exhale when you contract the muscle, inhale as you release
  • do not put the chin on your chest, imagine you have and orange under your chin
  • to prevent your lower back, in some exercises keep your hands under your hips

Workout routine

  1. hold in plank, 1min
  2. bicycle crunch, 1min
  3. scissors, 1min
  4. side: elbow x knee touch, 1min
  5. other side: elbow x knee touch, 1min
  6. alternate leg x arms touch, 1min
  7. reverse crunch, 1min
  8. bent your knees, lift up your upper body up to your knees, 1min
  9. cross the leg and crunch, 1min
  10. cross the other leg and crunch, 1min



  • I use 8lbs dumbbells,
  • do 3 rounds
  • do up to 30reps of each exercise (if you do less, it is ok, do as many as YOU can)

One round:

  1. right leg: side lunge & front kick (or knee up), 30reps
  2. left leg: side lunge & front kick (or knee up), 30reps
  3. alternate side to side lunge, 30reps
  4. dead lift, 30reps
  5. single leg dead lift & little jump, 30reps
  6. switch leg: single leg dead lift & little jump, 30reps

Optional - if you want more

STRONG GLUTES - Additional workout to Tone your glutes, hamstring and inner thighs workout

  • one round
  • 30reps of each exercise
  • if you want to make it as workout of the day, do 3 rounds

One round:

  1. bridge - lift up hips up and down, 30reps
  2. bridge - one leg up to the ceiling, hips down and up, 30reps
  3. bridge - switch leg, hips down and up, 30reps



first round

round second and third


  • interval training
  • do 3 rounds
  • I use the bench, it is optional
  • one round =10min, 3 rounds = 30min
  • between each round I have one min rest (but keep moving, do not sit down or stop)
  • drink water, whenever you need
  • have a short rest (5-10sec) when need it

One round:

  1. jumping jacks, 1min
  2. twist, 1min
  3. sumo squat to the side, 1min
  4. sumo squat other side, 1min
  5. triceps dip, 1min
  6. plank: keep your feet on the bench, one leg: cross the knee & lift up, 1min
  7. side to side squat, 1min
  8. plank: keep your feet on the bench, other leg: cross the knee & lift up, 1min
  9. alternate jumping lunge back, 1min
  10. knees in & out crunch, 1min

Optional - if you want more



  • keep the proper form
  • take your time, do the exercise right, do not hurry
  • exhale as you contract the muscle, inhale as you release the muscle
  • do as many reps as you can in each minute
  • in some exercises to protect your lower back, keep your hands under your hips
  • look up to the ceiling, keep your elbows wide opened
  • do not put the chin on your chest

Abs routine:

  1. central crunches, 1min
  2. side crunch, 1min
  3. other side crunch, 1min
  4. knees drop side to side, 1min
  5. reverse crunch, 1min
  6. number 8, 1min
  7. pilates scissors, 1min
  8. hug your knees crunch, 1min
  9. one side: legs lifted and lift up upper body up and down, 1min
  10. switch side: keep legs lifted and lift up upper body up and down, 1min
  11. plank: one leg - knee cross, 1min
  12. plank: other leg - knee cross, 1min
  13. spider, 1min
  14. pilates: touch your calves and swing down and up, 1min
  15. pilates: touch your calves, keep legs straight and hold, 1min



part I

part II
Optional - if you want more

  • I use 8lbs dumbbells
Workout routine:
  1. plie position, arm circle, keep your back straight and go all the way down and up, 20 reps
  2. plie position, arm circle to the other side, keep your back straight and go all the way down and up, 20 reps
  3. one side: elbow and knee touch, 20 reps
  4. other side: elbow and knee touch, 20 reps
  5. twist, do not move your lower body, 20 reps
  6. zig zag, do not move your lower body, 20 reps


You made it! Relax and enjoy your day!

Optional - if you feel like to do something on Sunday


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Friday, February 22, 2013

Tone your chest workout

Hello guys,

I hope you are doing great and as you follow my workouts, you should already see first results!
I went for manicure and pedicure today and ladies in the salon asked me what workouts I do to look so fit. I said I do my own workouts and eat healthy.
It makes me think. When I go to the gym, I see people working out every day, doing the same routine every day - treadmill running for 30min, weights 45min, then go home. Some of them do have great results, but most of them don`t. And I am thinking it must be so frustrating to exercise every day so hard without significant results.
How do YOU know that you get first results? If you do not notice, people will for sure. If they tell you: you look great! I like your clothes, it looks so good on you! Your hair is so shiny and healthy!...then you know, you are doing great and you do have results!
Today`s training is chest workout. Very simple, easy to follow routine. So, if you want to have strong, lean, arms and strong chest, this one is perfect for you.
Enjoy the workout!
  • I use 8lbs dumbbells, but you can take heavier or lighter
  • do 20reps of each exercise
  • do 3 rounds

One round:
  1. chest press, 20reps
  2. chest flys, 20reps
  3. press over head, 20reps
  4. dumbbell pullover and touch your thighs, 20reps

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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Tight abs workout - fun

Hello guys,

this routine is very simple, not boring, but fun.
Sometimes we get tired of crunches on the floor. Getting in great shape is a lot about changing routines, shocking our body.
If you like taking kickboxing class, then you will like this one. Kickboxing is great cardio, in which you use your core, specially when doing twist or zig-zag and also kicks. Then after the class you are asking yourself, what did I do, that my abs is sore?
This abs training I like to do when I am tired of crunches on the floor, or when I want to work abdominals and cardio together. It is simply a great mix of exercises.
Please, remember to keep the proper form. Your lower body is not moving while doing punches, twist or zig zag. It makes big difference.
Let`s try it!

  • I like to use 3lbs weights
  • do up to 50reps of each exercise
  • do 3 rounds
  • keep the proper form

One round
  1. punch forward, 50reps
  2. punch cross, 50reps
  3. zig-zag, 50reps
  4. twist, 50reps

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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Tone your glutes, hamstring and inner thighs workout

Hello guys,

I have a pleasure to share with you one really nice leg routine. I did this routine couple days ago with my friend and we were both so sore afterwards.
Do not forget to stretch after the workout, it helps you to recover faster and prevent injury.
After this workout you can add Strong glutes - Additional workout to feel the burn.
Enjoy the workout!



  • I use 8lbs dumbbells,
  • do 3 rounds
  • do up to 30reps of each exercise (if you do less, it is ok, do as many as YOU can)

One round:
  1. right leg: side lunge & front kick (or knee up), 30reps
  2. left leg: side lunge & front kick (or knee up), 30reps
  3. alternate side to side lunge, 30reps
  4. dead lift, 30reps
  5. single leg dead lift & little jump, 30reps
  6. switch leg: single leg dead lift & little jump, 30reps


STRONG GLUTES - Additional workout to Tone your glutes, hamstring and inner thighs workout

  • one round
  • 30reps of each exercise
  • if you want to make it as workout of the day, do 3 rounds

One round:
  1. bridge - lift up hips up and down, 30reps
  2. bridge - one leg up to the ceiling, hips down and up, 30reps
  3. bridge - switch leg, hips down and up, 30reps

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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Thank you guys for your support

Hello guys,

During the weekend I did some new videos and I was thinking of you guys. How nicely you support me. I want to tell you, you give me so much energy to work, to create new workouts, make our training fun and creative, not the same over and over.
I want to thank you for your ideas, how to improve my block page. Together we can do whatever we want. I appreciate each of you.
Tomorrow I will post great leg routine, that made me sore at least for two days.:-). You can look forward it.
Have a great day,


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Monday, February 18, 2013


Hello guys,


Bodywork is excellent workout for YOU, if you like low impact, no bounce, strengthening and shaping training, that makes you look fit, strong and lean.
Great combination of exercises, light to moderate resistance and high number of repetitions makes your body lose fat while toning all your muscle groups.
Part I - targets every major muscle, specially upper body. Part II - main focus is on glutes and abs.
Enjoy the workout and get in great shape with me!
  • stepper
  • 5lbs and 8lbs dumbbells

Bodywork #3, part I

Bodywork #3, part II

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Sunday, February 17, 2013


Hello guys,

Let`s get in great shape with me, workout with me, share the passion for fitness and get excellent results, results you deserve if you train hard.
Here is my training. Each day pick one video of the day. If it is not enough, add other videos from Perfect Workouts library - Abs, Legs, Upper body...
We all deserve great, perfect lean body, just start and make it happen!


MONDAY: Interval training
  • Melt Fat Workout
  • Fat Burn Workout
  • Intervals on treadmill
Additional: one of my Abs routine
TUESDAY: Upper body workout + ABS
  • chest
  • triceps
  • back
  • shoulders and arms
  • Abs routine
WEDNESDAY: Interval training
  • Fat burn Workout
  • Melt fat Workout
  • Intervals on treadmill
Additional: one of my Abs routine
THURSDAY: Lower body workout + ABS
  • Glutes
  • Inner thighs
  • hamstrings
  • quadriceps
  • Abs routine
FRIDAY: Bodywork - Total body workout
  • Total body workout
  • Bodywork
SATURDAY: Interval Workout + ABS
  • Fat burn workout
  • Melt fat workout
  • Intervals on treadmill
  • Abs routine
SUNDAY: Rest /recovery /relax day
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Saturday, February 16, 2013

Bikini Workouts Series - Dominican republic

Hello guys,

sometimes we would love to exercise, but we do not have enough time to workout. But I am sure you can find 10min during the day, IF you really want to.
I am posting very simple and short of time workouts. You can do each workout in different time, one video in the morning, others after lunch or  in the evening while you watch TV.
Let`s find some little time to do this.



  • Right leg: 30reps of each exercise, after you finish reps, switch leg
  • Left leg: 30reps of each exercise
  • keep your core tight
  • keep your back flat

Workout routine:

Right leg:
  1. bend the knee: knee lift, 30reps
  2. leg extended: hamstring curl, 30reps
  3. leg extended: touch the floor and lift up, 30reps
Left leg:
  1. bend the knee: knee lift, 30reps
  2. leg extended: hamstring curl, 30reps
  3. leg extended: touch the floor and lift up, 30reps


Workout routine:
  1. squat, 30reps
  2. alternate lunge back, 30reps
  3. alternate cross lunge, 30reps


Workout routine:
  • do 30reps of squat thrust


Workout routine:
  1. plié, arms abducted: little circle, 30reps
  2. plié, arms abducted: arms up and down (little movement quickly), 30reps
  3. plié, arms forward and touch and behind the back and touch, 30reps


Workout routine:
  • arms abducted and little circle & sit down and up, 30reps

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Friday, February 15, 2013

Get Perfect Abs Workout - 15min

Hello guys,

Many of us like to have nice, strong, defined abs.
Couple days ago, when I was practicing my "killing leg routine", one guy was watching and said: I would like to have abs like yours. I said, well next time you can train with me. He said, yes, but after today`s workout I go to Dunkin Donuts. And when I looked at his belly, it looked like that.
If you want to lose belly fat, you need to:
  1. eat healthy (stay away from processed foods, fatty foods, sugary foods)
  2. cardio - cardiovascular activity that helps you to burn fat and calories
  3. strengthening exercises
Workout routine for your abs is 15min long, each minute different exercise. You do maximum reps in each minute. After the training you should feel your abs much stronger and tight.
Enjoy my Valentine`s gift to you!:-)
  • keep the proper form
  • take your time, do the exercise right, do not hurry
  • exhale as you contract the muscle, inhale as you release the muscle
  • do as many reps as you can in each minute
  • in some exercises to protect your lower back, keep your hands under your hips
  • look up to the ceiling, keep your elbows wide opened
  • do not put the chin on your chest

Abs routine:
  1. central crunches, 1min
  2. side crunch, 1min
  3. other side crunch, 1min
  4. knees drop side to side, 1min
  5. reverse crunch, 1min
  6. number 8, 1min
  7. pilates scissors, 1min
  8. hug your knees crunch, 1min
  9. one side: legs lifted and lift up upper body up and down, 1min
  10. switch side: keep legs lifted and lift up upper body up and down, 1min
  11. plank: one leg - knee cross, 1min
  12. plank: other leg - knee cross, 1min
  13. spider, 1min
  14. pilates: touch your calves and swing down and up, 1min
  15. pilates: touch your calves, keep legs straight and hold, 1min

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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Get in great shape - Beginner: Week 3 and more

Hello guys,

If you are new to fitness program, want to get in great shape, lose fat, get leaner, healthier and simply look great, follow my training program for beginners.
This is already your third week of the training.

Let`s get in great shape and workout together!


  • Beginner - Week 1

  • Beginner - Week 2

  • Beginner - Week 3
Your endurance and strength is much better.
Let`s make a schedule for each day. One day a week is your rest/recovery/relax day.
Always start with warm up routine and stretch after the workout.
Chose one video workout from the list. 
MONDAY: Interval training
  • Melt Fat Workout
  • Fat Burn Workout
  • Intervals on treadmill
Additional: one of my Abs routine
TUESDAY: Upper body workout + ABS
  • chest
  • triceps
  • back
  • shoulders and arms
  • Abs routine
WEDNESDAY: Interval training
  • Fat burn Workout
  • Melt fat Workout
  • Intervals on treadmill
Additional: one of my Abs routine
THURSDAY: Lower body workout + ABS
  • Glutes
  • Inner thighs
  • hamstrings
  • quadriceps
  • Abs routine
FRIDAY: Bodywork - Total body workout
  • Total body workout
  • Bodywork
SATURDAY: Interval Workout + ABS
  • Fat burn workout
  • Melt fat workout
  • Intervals on treadmill
  • Abs routine
SUNDAY: Rest /recovery /relax day
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Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Hello guys,

I asked you yesterday, what routine you would to see today and you have made decision - GLUTES.
There are plenty exercises for glutes, legs, hamstrings.
The beauty of this routine is that you can do this workout at home. You do not need any equipment, only your body resistance. And if you mix it up with my other glutes workouts, you get miracle results, just be patient and consistent. You get rid of fat, cellulite, tighten skin, tone your legs, strengthen muscles. How do I know? It works on me and my friends, clients.
Enjoy the workout and try my other workouts. If you want to make a full workout, then add Abs workout, Upper body or Total Body Workout.
Have a great day!


  • this routine requires balance, you can be holding the bench or the wall to make it easier
  • keep your core strong, back flat, stay nice and tall
  • do NOT lean forward
  • do 3 rounds on each leg
  • first do 3 rounds on one leg, after those 3 rounds switch the leg
  • if 3 rounds on one leg are too much for you, you can switch it and do one round right leg, then one round left leg, then repeat it again and again. (3 times total)
  • do 20 reps of each exercise

  • your own body resistance

Right leg - One round:
  1. leg back, 20reps
  2. leg side, 20reps
  3. hamstring curl, 20reps
  4. leg side and back, 20 reps
Then have a quick, short rest, and repeat this routine two more times (3 rounds total). Then switch the leg.

Left leg - One round:
  1. leg back, 20reps
  2. leg side, 20reps
  3. hamstring curl, 20reps
  4. leg side and back, 20reps
Try to complete 3 rounds on each leg.

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Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Hello guys,

this is my third Melt Fat Workout - interval training.
So far I have to say I LOVE this one, because this training is targeting lower body a lot and as a woman I love to train my lower body.
It is always better to train with someone, so we can challenge each other, but it looks like I scared everyone, because my friends do not want to do the video with me!:-).  During the workout I was thinking about you guys, that I am not in this alone, but with a bunch of great people!
All I can say is, if you want to get FIT, LOSE FAT, BURN CALORIES, GET STRONGER AND LEANER,  this is the right workout for you!
Enjoy the workout and let me know, how you feel afterwards.
MELT FAT WORKOUT #3, round 1 - 10min
MELT FAT WORKOUT #3, round 2 and 3 -  20min
  • interval training
  • do 3 rounds
  • I use the bench, it is optional
  • one round =10min, 3 rounds = 30min
  • between each round I have one min rest (but keep moving, do not sit down or stop)
  • drink water, whenever you need
  • have a short rest (5-10sec) when need it
One round:
  1. jumping jacks, 1min
  2. twist, 1min
  3. sumo squat to the side, 1min
  4. sumo squat other side, 1min
  5. triceps dip, 1min
  6. plank: keep your feet on the bench, one leg: cross the knee & lift up, 1min
  7. side to side squat, 1min
  8. plank: keep your feet on the bench, other leg: cross the knee & lift up, 1min
  9. alternate jumping lunge back, 1min
  10. knees in & out crunch, 1min
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Sunday, February 10, 2013


Hello guys,

another Bodywork workout is here for you.
What it Bodywork training about? For new friends of this webpage, it is short, low impact, intensive, conditioning total body training. In 30min you strengthen and tone all your muscles. I like to use light weights (up to 10lbs). Many repetitions and faster pace keep your heart rate in fat burning zone, so while you are shaping your body, you also burn lot of calories and fat.
Bodywork is always divided into two parts, part I (15min) is for warm up and total body training, in part II (15min) the main focus is on glutes and abs.
This way you have a chance to do the class with me each week on regular basis.
Enjoy the workout!
BODYWORK #2, part I (15min)
BODYWORK #2, part II (15min)
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Saturday, February 9, 2013

Talk - Does it really work?

Hello guys,

as I was reading your comments on youtube, I thought of you and made this video for you.
I want to support you in whatever you do. I want to give you a hope, inspiration, motivation to change your life to better one and fitness can change your life so much.
It is normal to lose motivation after time, specially if you workout hard for two weeks and you do not see results you expected. But once you jump into your consistent workout routine and keep it, you will see amazing results after time. It usually takes me about one month to see flat abs, nice toned glutes, strong legs, firm arms. The same with you, if you exercise 3-4 times per week or 5-6 times per week, you see great results. It simply works.
You ask me, if my workouts really work. I promise, if you do my workouts (Melt Fat Workout, Fat Burn Workout, or other interval training or Total body workouts) 3 times per week, 3-4 times per week strengthening exercises, you will see amazing results.
Set your fitness goal, where you want to be. How much fat you want to lose? How strong you want to be (for example my goal is to do 50 regular push ups in one minute). What part of your body you want to transform? Once you set your goal, you need to go for it.
My body is more fit now than when I was 20. And it is only because I workout every day. Same for you, you get great body, body you deserve and perfect body to your body type if you train with me.
I hope you have a great weekend, I will do today Bodywork #2 video, so you can workout with me tomorrow!:-)
Have a great weekend!

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Friday, February 8, 2013

Stretch after workout

Hello guys,


is your body flexible?
Stretching decreases your chance of getting injured.  Flexibility in your joints and muscles can improve your overall daily performance at work and in your sports. Keep your body young and become limber. You will be less tired than someone with poor flexibility.
This is my basic routine I do each day after my workout.

Enjoy your day!


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Thursday, February 7, 2013

Diet talk with Jason

Hello guys,

I try to make my videos interesting, fun and helpful.
My workouts are designed for someone, who wants to lose fat, get in shape, be lean, strong, fit and healthy. You will not gain big amount of muscle mass, you will tone, get stronger and tighter body. In most of my workouts I do many repetitions and light to moderate or bodyweight resistance and almost "no" rest between exercises. My workout routines help you to improve endurance, build strength and are different from the training of bodybuilders. Philosophy of bodybuilding is to do less repetitions, heavier weights and proper rest between each set.
I train Jason once a week and he is a bodybuilder, who does not like cardio that much, he loves weight training. And sometimes you do not have motivation to do cardio by yourself, you need "push" or someone to challenge you and push you to workout. What I am trying to say is, that cardiovascular activity (cardio) is weaker part for Jason and that is why, he loves to workout with me, because he knows, he needs it and I push him.
After Melt Fat Workout #2, we did little talk about his diet. How often he eats, what food he eats, what is his calorie intake, how much he probably burn in his workout, what his training looks like, what to do, when you reach plateau and other tips.
I think it might be helpful for some of you guys.
Have a great day!

Jason`s breakfast:


Another example of breakfast:

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