Saturday, July 14, 2012

Transformation in 30 days - DAY 8

Hello guys,

second week of body transformation.

What is important? Don`t give up, we have still three more weeks to go. With support of each other you can do it, it is not easy and it takes time and effort, but if you believe in yourself, you can achieve your fitness goal.

Keep taking a photo of you after workout, so you can see your improvement from the DAY 1. You notice visible body changes very soon!

Fat burn workout is the most effective training for fast fat loss and if you add aerobic activity, maintain healthy diet, you will be surprised by your results.

Let`s start with Bootcamp workout. Great, challenging full body training. After this workout I felt a lot my upper body, mostly chest and triceps. 

Lots of power to all of you!


  • Bootcamp workout
  • 45min - 60min stair master
  • modification: if you do not have stair machine
a) 10min jump rope or high knees and 15min jogging, 15min jumping jacks
b) 45min brisk walking
c) 30min cycling
d) swimming, jogging, walking all together for 45min

Bootcamp workout - 3 rounds
  • it is interval training, do as many reps as you can in each minute
  • try to do at least 25reps in each minute
  • have a quick rest between exercises 5-10sec
  • do 3 rounds (repeat the workout three times)

One round
  1. touch your feet, 1min
  2. reverse push up, 1min
  3. plie, elbows up, alternate knee up to your elbow x jump up, 1min
  4. tricep dips x one leg extended, 1min
  5. tricep dips x switch leg, 1min
  6. plank: one leg - knee in, 1min
  7. plank: switch leg - knee in, 1min
  8. bird dog gets down (plank x V x push up), 1min
  9. turkish sit up (try not to touch the floor), 1min
  10. plank: both feet jump in x out (modification: alternate knee in)
My total time: 38min

Stair master 45-60min (I did 60min)

Photo after workout

  • drink: 4liters clear water
  • breakfast 6.30am: 2 boiled eggs, 1cup broccoli, 1/3cup almonds
  • snack 9.30am: mango
  • lunch 12: vegetable soup, tuna salad
  • snack 3.00pm: grapefruit, 1/3cup flaxseeds or nuts
  • dinner 6.00pm: herb roasted turkey, vegetable salad
  • snack 9pm: vegetable, glass of low fat milk

Join me:


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