Monday, July 30, 2012

Transformation in 30 days - DAY 20

Hello guys,

time is running so fast and we have ten more days to reach our fitness goal.
Do you feel the difference? I do for sure. I am stronger, my abs are more defined, my legs are more toned and I can do more push ups! One more thing I notice, my cellulite on my glutes is disappearing. I feel great. I try to eat clean and so far I am doing great.
What about you and your diet? It is really hard to maintain healthy lifestyle, but once you get used to it, it is much easier. Diet is about making healthy choices, it should not be about starving or giving up all the food you like.
Training today is fat burn workout and cardio. If you have time, the best is to do workout in the morning and cardio in the evening.

Enjoy your day, hugs!


  • Fat burn Workout + Abs, #1
  • cardio - stair master, 30min, mode: fat burn, level: 11 (depends on your fitness level)
  • modification instead stair master: jogging 20min or brisk walking 30min or swimming 20min

Fat burn workout + Abs, #1  (30min)

  • do each exercise (except for jump rope / high knees) up to 1min, do not exceed 1min
  • have a quick rest between exercises (10-15sec)
  • my recommendation is to do 50reps in each exercise. That might be too many for someone, so set your goal and do less. (For example 50 push ups are too many for me, so my goal is 30. But 30 lunges is not challenging for me, so I do 50)
  • at the end of this routine there are 3 exercises focusing on your abdominals
  • finish the workout with jump rope or high knees
Fat burn workout:
  1. warm up with jump rope or high knees, 5min
  2. push ups, 1 min (goal up to 50)
  3. squat x alternate crunch (knee x elbow touch), 1min (goal up to 50)
  4. turkish sit up, 1min (goal up to 50)
  5. right leg: Lunge forward x touch toes, 1min (goal up to 50)
  6. left leg: Lunge forward x touch toes, 1min (goal up to 50)
  7. right leg: Lunge back x knee crunch, 1min (goal up to 50)
  8. left leg: Lunge back x knee crunch, 1min (goal up to 50)
  9. burpees, 1min (goal up to 50)
  10. alternate leg side lift, 1min (goal up to 50, elastic band is optional)
  11. dips, 1min (goal up to 50)
  12. squat x jack, 1min (goal up to 50)
  13. Abs: bicycle crunch, 1min
  14. Abs: leg lifted and twist your torso, hands touch the ground, 1min
  15. Abs: reverse crunch x knees up on your shoulders, 1min
  16. the end: jump rope or high knees, 5min

Photo after workout

  • drinking 4liters of clear water
  • breakfast 6.30am: 1/3 mixed nuts with low fat yogurt, 1 cup of berries, fresh mango juice
  •  snack 9.00am: strawberry smoothie
  • lunch 12: turkey meatloaf, 1/2 cup of brown rice, vegetable salad
  • snack 3.00pm: grapefruit with 2 tblsp of peanut butter
  • dinner 6.00pm: egg omelette (2 eggs) with low fat cheese and asparagus
  • snack 9.00pm: glass of low fat milk, few almonds (15)

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