Thursday, July 12, 2012

Transformation in 30 days - DAY 6

Hello guys,

almost one week of body transformation is over. How should you feel? You should be feeling more stronger, healthier, you can better catch your breath as you do cardiovascular activity.
Because you follow also diet tips, your stomach is not as bloated, your body is more hydrated,  cleaner. For this great feeling it is definately worthed.
What is important? Do not give up, one week is over, but still three more ahead.

  • Fat Burn Workout 30min
  • swimming 30min or elliptical 30min, mode: manual, level 10-12
  • if you do not have cardio machine or swimming pool, then do Fat Burn Workout 2x + 10min jump rope or high knees

Workout tips:
  • I incorporate to this training elastic band. Elastic band is awesome for toning legs, triceps, chest, shoulders, back, abs. If you do not have elastic band, you can use dumbbells or find something heavy to hold.
  • do 30-50reps of each exercise, number of reps depends on your fitness level.
  • try to move quickly from one exercise to another.
  1. high knees, 1min
  2. jumping side lunges, 1min
  3. pendulum, 1min
  4. alternate jumping leg lift, 1min
  5. back pull down, 30-50 reps
  6. front pull down, 30-50reps,
  7. right leg: leg lift, 30-50reps
  8. left leg: leg lift, 30-50reps
  9. squat x jack, 30-50reps
  10. burpees, 30-50reps
  11. alternate cross lunge, 30-50reps
  12. push ups, 30-50reps
  13. one arm: triceps extensions (using elastic band), modification: use dumbbells or dip exercise
  14. switch arm: triceps extensions
You can finish workout with 5min jump rope.

Photos after training


  • breakfast 6.30am: low fat yogurt, 15almonds, banana
  • snack 9.30: grapefruit, 2tblsp of low fat peanut butter
  • lunch 12: baked chicken with broccoli and eggs
  • snack 3pm: peach smoothies
  • dinner 6pm: tilapia with vegetable salad
  • snack 9pm: glass of milk, vegetable

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