Thursday, July 5, 2012

Transformation in 30 days - DAY 1

Hello guys,

Recently I got lot of questions about what to do if you reach plateau. Simply change your training, push yourself to higher fitness level.
I do this with you, that is why I have decided to move myself to higher fitness level. You can join me, you can do the same. We all can transform our body to perfect one or better one. Let`s do this together, support each other and motivate each other.

The best is to set realistic goal in specific time.

My goal to reach in 30 days is:
  • increase fitness level
  • do more reps in "fit test" routine
  • decrease body fat
  • eat clean
  • feel more energized

My plan
  • Each day I let you know what kind of training I do, I also take a photo of me, so we can see the changes as days follow
  • I let you know about my diet every day
  • I will be very honest and opened to you guys, no lies, no "fake" pictures. Simply me, workouts and results.

DAY 1:

  • 5min jump rope
  • 30min intervals on treadmill (1min walk, speed 2,5 x 1min run speed 9)
  • Low impact total body workout, 3 rounds

One round:
  1. front kick R leg x back kick L leg x side kick R leg x side kick L leg x squat, 20reps
  2. lie on your core - starting postition, upper body x lower body lift x abduct your arms and legs x adduct your arms and legs x go down to the starting position, 20reps
  3. push up x alternate knee to the side, 20reps
  4. squat x alternate tap to the side, 20reps
  5. frog crunch - knees lifted, reach behind your head and crunch up to your feet, 20reps

  • picture after workout

  • breakfast 6.30am: banana, yogurt with almonds, fresh juice
  • snack 9.30am: apple, protein bar
  • lunch 12.00: chicken breast with vegetable salad
  • snack 3.00pm: apple, yogurt shake
  • dinner 6.00pm: chicken breast with vegetable salad
  • snack: carrots, 1 glass of almond milk


Join me:


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