Saturday, July 21, 2012

Transformation in 30 days - DAY 13

Hello guys,

second week of body transformation is almost over.
I have to say I feel and see my body changes. My metabolism is much faster.

Everyone - no matter how old, overweight or out of shape has the power to increase metabolism. How can you increase your metabolism? Simply with intense exercise - Fat burn workout and metabolism boosting foods.
"Afterburn" effects can last for up to 24 hours after workout. That means you burn many calories while working, sitting, watching tv, driving a not it amazing?

Let`s boost your metabolism with another great training. Get in the great shape and be happy.
Have a great workout,


  • Full body workout - 6 rounds (24min)
  • 5min jump rope before full body workout and 5 min jump rope after full body workout
  • 30min brisk walking
  • fit tip: you do not have to do all at once, but you can do Full body workout in the morning and brisk walking in the evening

Full body workout - interval training

  • it is interval training
  • do 6 rounds
  • do as many reps in each minute
  • have a short rest between each round
  • enjoy it, it is fun and great feeling!
  • if you get too exhausted, do not stop, keep moving/walking

One round:
  1. jump over the mat, 1min
  2. plank - alternate punch forward, 1min
  3. squat x alternate leg lift, 1min
  4. sprint runners, 1min

My results:
  1. round: 50, 47, 38, 49
  2. round: 33, 46, 43, 52
  3. round: 33, 49, 49, 54
  4. round: 36, 49, 49, 52
  5. round: 36, 49, 47, 56
  6. round: 25, 50, 48, 52

Photo after workout

  • drinking: 4liters of clear water
  • this day I had a sweet tooth, so I bought 3 pieces of milk caramels.
  • diet tip: if you have sweet tooth it is the best to take it in the morning or before the workout or immediately after workout (withing 30min)
  • breakfast 6.30am:oatmeal with berries, banana, fresh orange juice
  • snack 9.30am: grapefruit, 3 pieces of caramels ( I know I should not have it, but I had:-))
  • lunch 12: tuna salad with avocado and 2 eggs
  • snack 3.00pm: mango smoothie
  • dinner 6.00pm: grilled chicken breast with eggpant and vegetable salad
  • snack 9.00pm: glass of low fat milk, 1/3 of raw mixed nuts

Join me:


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