Monday, July 9, 2012

Transformation in 30 days - DAY 4

Hello guys,

Day 4 of our Transformation. Today`s training is great, challenging, powerful, effective, you work all your muscles. After first 4min I was already sweat. I really liked this workout.
Try quickly move from one exercise to another without taking a rest. To prevent muscle soreness make sure you stretch after the workout.
Plan ahead your meals, that way you eat healthy when you finish your workout. Interval training speeds up your metabolism, so eat healthy, smart, balanced in moderation.
Do I feel some changes in my body? Absolutely YES! My core and thighs are much stronger. 
Get in great shape with me, follow my workouts and diet. You deserve perfect lean body! 

  • Perfect Lean Body Workout (16min total - interval training)
  • 45min Stair master (fat burn mode, level 12, depends on your fitness level)
  • if you do not go to the gym and can not do Stair master, then do 3 rounds of Perfect Lean Body Workout (48min total)

Perfect Lean Body Workout
It is interval training, do each exercise for 2min, try to do maximum reps, write down number of reps you did and share with us. Complete one round - 16min total. If you can not do cardio machine, then complete this workout 3times.
  1. 4 x jumping jacks, 4 x cross country sky, 4 x jump forward and back, 2min
  2. side burpee, 2min
  3. push up x alternate arm side lift, 2min
  4. turkish sit up x twist, 2min (try not to touch the floor with your hands, one arm is always up to the ceiling)
  5. plank on elbows x plank arms fully extended x back to plank on elbows, 2min
  6. right leg: leg lift x hamstring curl x leg extended x touch the floor
  7. in standing position jump forward x back, squat down x jump out x jump in and stand up
  8. left leg: leg lift x hamstring curl x leg extended x touch the floor
My number of reps in each exercise:
  1. 8
  2. 30reps
  3. 30reps
  4. 21reps
  5. 32reps
  6. 47reps
  7. 24reps
  8. 46reps

Photos after workout:

Cardio - Stair master
45min, level 12, mode: fat burn

  • Drink: 4liter water, 2cups of coffee with almond milk
  • breakfast 6.30am: Go Lean Kashi Cereal with low fat yogurt, banana
  • snack 9.30am: 3 slices of watermelon, 10 almonds
  • lunch 12: baked chicken with lentils, vegetable salad
  • snack 3.00pm: grapefruit, mango
  • dinner 6.00pm: 1 boiled eggs, tilapia with vegetable salad
  • snack 8.30pm: 2 tbsp peanut butter, 1 glass of almond milk


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