Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Transformation in 30 days - DAY 16

Hello guys,

how are you feeling? I hope you are doing great, proud of yourself. Do not give up, we are getting closer and closer to "perfect lean body". Every day is a challenge.

Training for today is great with the main focus on your abs and glutes. It is kickbox workout.

What is kickbox? Awesome cardiovascular total body workout that totally kicks your butt.:-).  Simple choreography, easy to learn. Make your training fun and add some music.

Make sure you keep the proper form when doing "twist and zig x zag", because they are excellent for your abs.

Have a great day!


  • Kickbox abs interval workout, 3 rounds
  • jump rope 10min

Kickbox abs interval workout

  • it is interval training
  • do maximum reps in each minute, but keep the proper form
  • do 3 rounds

One round:
  1. jump rope, 1min
  2. jab x cross x jab x cross x side kick (right leg) x side kick (left leg), 1min
  3. switch arm and do the same (jab x cross x jab x cross x side kick x side kick), 1min
  4. jab x cross x jab x cross x zig zag x knee up, 1min
  5. switch arm and do the same (jab x cross x jab x cross x zig zag x knee up), 1min
  6. twist for 4 counts (1,2,3,4) x zig zag 4 counts, 1min
  7. front kick (right leg) x back kick (left leg) x side kick (right leg) x side kick (left leg), 1min
  8. switch side: front kick (left leg) x back kick (right leg) x side kick (left leg) x side kick (right leg), 1min
  9. jump rope, 2min

Photo after workout:


  • drinking: 4liters of water
  • breakfast 6.30am: scrambled eggs (2) with smoked salmon, asparagus
  • snack 9.00am: 1cup of berries
  • lunch 12: grilled chicken breasts with parmesan and broccoli
  • snack 3.00pm: banana smoothie
  • dinner 6.00pm: fresh tomato soup, cottage cheese
  • snack 9.00pm: peanut butter 2 tblsp, glass of low fat milk

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