Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Fat Burn Workout + Abs (30min), #6

Hello guys,

recently I started to train Fat Burn Workout + Abs. Honestly I love those workouts!

Short of time, intense, effective, challenging. Not everybody has 2 hours every day to workout. Fat Burn workouts are great for you if you are short of time and need to lose weight or get in great shape fast.

Improve your endurance, build the strength, boost metabolism, burn fat and hundreds of calories in 30 minutes.

Enjoy the workout!


Fat burn workout + Abs (30min), #6

  • do as many reps as you can in each minute
  • do two rounds
  • track your results
  • have a quick rest between each exercise (10-15sec)
  • enjoy it!
I. One round (10min) - do it twice (20min total)
  • jump rope, 5min
  • squat x leg lift x squat x leg lift, 1min
  • in plie keep your hips low and jump knees in x out, 1min
  • squat down x alternate leg lift x squat up and jump, 1min
  • kicks, 1min
  • plank: one leg: knee in x out x leg lift, then switch the leg, 1min

II. Abs (5min)
  • bicycle crunch, 1min
  • in center crunch position climb up, 1min
  • alternate ankle touch, 1min
  • plank: alternate knee cross, 1min
  • spider, 1min
III. Finish with jump rope, 5min

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Monday, July 30, 2012

Transformation in 30 days - DAY 20

Hello guys,

time is running so fast and we have ten more days to reach our fitness goal.
Do you feel the difference? I do for sure. I am stronger, my abs are more defined, my legs are more toned and I can do more push ups! One more thing I notice, my cellulite on my glutes is disappearing. I feel great. I try to eat clean and so far I am doing great.
What about you and your diet? It is really hard to maintain healthy lifestyle, but once you get used to it, it is much easier. Diet is about making healthy choices, it should not be about starving or giving up all the food you like.
Training today is fat burn workout and cardio. If you have time, the best is to do workout in the morning and cardio in the evening.

Enjoy your day, hugs!


  • Fat burn Workout + Abs, #1
  • cardio - stair master, 30min, mode: fat burn, level: 11 (depends on your fitness level)
  • modification instead stair master: jogging 20min or brisk walking 30min or swimming 20min

Fat burn workout + Abs, #1  (30min)

  • do each exercise (except for jump rope / high knees) up to 1min, do not exceed 1min
  • have a quick rest between exercises (10-15sec)
  • my recommendation is to do 50reps in each exercise. That might be too many for someone, so set your goal and do less. (For example 50 push ups are too many for me, so my goal is 30. But 30 lunges is not challenging for me, so I do 50)
  • at the end of this routine there are 3 exercises focusing on your abdominals
  • finish the workout with jump rope or high knees
Fat burn workout:
  1. warm up with jump rope or high knees, 5min
  2. push ups, 1 min (goal up to 50)
  3. squat x alternate crunch (knee x elbow touch), 1min (goal up to 50)
  4. turkish sit up, 1min (goal up to 50)
  5. right leg: Lunge forward x touch toes, 1min (goal up to 50)
  6. left leg: Lunge forward x touch toes, 1min (goal up to 50)
  7. right leg: Lunge back x knee crunch, 1min (goal up to 50)
  8. left leg: Lunge back x knee crunch, 1min (goal up to 50)
  9. burpees, 1min (goal up to 50)
  10. alternate leg side lift, 1min (goal up to 50, elastic band is optional)
  11. dips, 1min (goal up to 50)
  12. squat x jack, 1min (goal up to 50)
  13. Abs: bicycle crunch, 1min
  14. Abs: leg lifted and twist your torso, hands touch the ground, 1min
  15. Abs: reverse crunch x knees up on your shoulders, 1min
  16. the end: jump rope or high knees, 5min

Photo after workout

  • drinking 4liters of clear water
  • breakfast 6.30am: 1/3 mixed nuts with low fat yogurt, 1 cup of berries, fresh mango juice
  •  snack 9.00am: strawberry smoothie
  • lunch 12: turkey meatloaf, 1/2 cup of brown rice, vegetable salad
  • snack 3.00pm: grapefruit with 2 tblsp of peanut butter
  • dinner 6.00pm: egg omelette (2 eggs) with low fat cheese and asparagus
  • snack 9.00pm: glass of low fat milk, few almonds (15)

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Transformation in 30 days - DAY 19

Hello guys,

another day of body transformation.
Ladies in the gym come to me and they say: "I will never have body like yours".
I want to assure you, that my body looks much better now then when I was 20. It is because I take care of my body, I do exercise every day, I eat healthy (I try). I maintain healthy lifestyle, I do not smoke, do not drink (occasionally). I wish I could sleep longer, because I love to sleep, but have many things to do and can not sleep as long as I would like to. It all reflects on your body and your soul.
We all deserve to have perfect lean body and look great, feel great, no matter what gender, age.
Today training is intense as usually, but I compound into it also dumbbells. You can use 5lbs, 8lbs dumbbell or whatever you have at home. If you do not have any dumbbells, find something heavy.

Have a great workout!


  • High intensity circuit workout, 2 rounds
  • jogging 20min
  • or brisk walking 30min

High intensity circuit workout - 2 rounds

  • do 2 rounds (30min total)
  • have a quick rest between each exercise (5-10sec)
  • use dumbbells 5lbs, 8lbs

One round:
  1. cross country sky, 2min
  2. squat x lateral raise, 1min
  3. side to side jump, 2min
  4. alternating lunge forward x biceps curl, 1min
  5. squat x alternating front kick, 1min
  6. side lunge jump, 2min
  7. push up x alternating leg lift, 1min
  8. plank, alternate knee in x out, 1min
  9. jump rope, 4min
Photo after workout

  • drinking: 4liters of clear water
  • breakfast 6.30am: banana, low fat yogurt, 1/3 almonds, 1 glass of orange juice
  • snack 9.30am: grapefruit, 1 cup of berries
  • lunch 12: grilled salmon with vegetable salad
  • snack 3.00pm: 2 tomatoes and 3 tblsp of cottage cheese
  • dinner 6.00pm: grilled chicken breasts with 1 cup of broccoli
  • snack 9.00pm: fresh vegetable (carrots, cucumber, radish), one glass of low fat milk

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Friday, July 27, 2012

Transformation in 30 days - DAY 18

Hello guys,

for this day I prepared training that is really challenging, powerful. We are getting closer and closer to reach our fitness goal, that means we need to workout harder without no excuses.
To get a perfect lean body is possible if you are disciplined and follow my diet tips. I know, sometimes it is hard to stay motivated.
What helps me to stay motivated? Music helps me a lot, listen to the music with the fast beat, that would push you through the workout. Also I like to workout with gym buddy (who is fit), it is always good to have healthy competition and compete with someone.

Enjoy the workout and this one is really fun and hard!


  • Fat burn workout + Abs (30min) #5, 2 rounds (40min total)
  • stretching

  • it is interval training
  • do 2 rounds, one round is 20min, so two round is 40min
  • do maximum reps in each minute, try to do between 30-50reps in each minute
  • have very short rest (10sec) between each exercise
  • Fit tip: within 30min immediately after workout you burn all food you eat, so if you want to cheat little bit (candy or something you like and you know you should not have it), you do it immediately after the workout (without guiltiness:-))

One round:
  1. jump rope, 5min
  2. push ups, 1min
  3. jump rope, 1min
  4. alternate lunge back, 1min
  5. alternate lunge forward, 1min
  6. squat x jump, 1min
  7. squat, 1min
  8. tricep dips, 1min
  9. cross lunges, 1min
  10. mountain sky climber, 1min
  11. burpees, 1min
  12. Abs:
a) center crunches, 1min,
b) one side - elbow x opposite knee touch and reach,  1min
c) switch arm and leg and elbow x knee touch and reach, 1min
d) plank - touch your foot (one side - arm x opposite leg), 1min
e) plank - switch leg and touch your foot, 1min

My results:

2. 40, 40reps
4. 39, 37
5. 31, 42
6. 23, 34
7. 39, 32
8. 68, 86
9. 31, 35
10. 56, 65
11. 15, 15
12. ABS:
a) 80, 75
b) 43, 55
c) 44, 40
d) 37, 38
e) 30, 30

Honestly, two rounds of this fat burn workout is so challenging and hard! I loved the challenge and muscle soreness afterwards. It takes 40min, so it is longer then 30min, BUT the benefit of this training is huge. Great workout! Prepare post workout meal, because you will be so hungry as you speed up your metabolism!
Surprisely the harderst for me were last two abs exercises - plank and touch the foot. My chest was burning as I was holding plank and I had few times quick rest in this interval.

Photo after workout

  • drinking: 4liters of water
  • breakfast 6.30am: Go lean Kashi cereal with almond milk (1 bowl), banana, coffee with almond milk and 1tbsp honey
  • snack 9.30am: mango smoothie
  • lunch 12: lentil soup, broccoli baked with low fat cheese
  • snack 3.00pm: greapefruit, apple
  • dinner 6.00pm: tuna salad with 2 eggs

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Transformation in 30 days - DAY 17

Hello guys,

Training today is great combination of cardio and strengthening exercises, it is interval training and you already know that intervals are excellent for losing fat fast, improving endurance and developing strenght. You can do this workout at home or in the gym, alone or with somebody, no equipment needed.

Let`s burn some calories, burn fat and have fun!


  • Fat loss interval workout, 3 rounds
  • 20min treadmill - stair master, mode: fat burn, speed 11
  • modification for treadmill: brisk walking 30min or jogging 20min

Fat loss interval workout

  • interval training, 30min total
  • 3 rounds
  • do maximum reps in minute 2, 4, 6, 8, 10

One round:
  1. jump rope, 1min
  2. push ups, 1min
  3. jump rope, 1min
  4. cross lunge, 1min
  5. jump rope, 1min
  6. triceps dips, 1min
  7. jump rope, 1min
  8. squats, 1min
  9. jump rope, 1min
  10. plank: feet in x out, 1min

My results:
2) 39, 30, 32 reps
4) 39, 31, 33 reps
6) 54, 59, 67 reps
8) 39, 38, 37 reps
10) 54, 48, 54 reps

Really challenging for me were push ups (of`course:-)) and plank- feet in x out in fast speed.

Photos after workout

  • drinking: 4liters of clear water
  • breakfast 6.30am: 2 whole wheat toasts with peanut butter, banana, orange juice
  • snack 9.30am: orange
  • lunch 12: mexican bean salad, cottage cheese
  • snack 3.00pm: strawberry smoothie
  • dinner 6.00pm: grilled salmon with asparagus and broccoli
  • snack 9.00pm: 1/3cup of almonds

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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Transformation in 30 days - DAY 16

Hello guys,

how are you feeling? I hope you are doing great, proud of yourself. Do not give up, we are getting closer and closer to "perfect lean body". Every day is a challenge.

Training for today is great with the main focus on your abs and glutes. It is kickbox workout.

What is kickbox? Awesome cardiovascular total body workout that totally kicks your butt.:-).  Simple choreography, easy to learn. Make your training fun and add some music.

Make sure you keep the proper form when doing "twist and zig x zag", because they are excellent for your abs.

Have a great day!


  • Kickbox abs interval workout, 3 rounds
  • jump rope 10min

Kickbox abs interval workout

  • it is interval training
  • do maximum reps in each minute, but keep the proper form
  • do 3 rounds

One round:
  1. jump rope, 1min
  2. jab x cross x jab x cross x side kick (right leg) x side kick (left leg), 1min
  3. switch arm and do the same (jab x cross x jab x cross x side kick x side kick), 1min
  4. jab x cross x jab x cross x zig zag x knee up, 1min
  5. switch arm and do the same (jab x cross x jab x cross x zig zag x knee up), 1min
  6. twist for 4 counts (1,2,3,4) x zig zag 4 counts, 1min
  7. front kick (right leg) x back kick (left leg) x side kick (right leg) x side kick (left leg), 1min
  8. switch side: front kick (left leg) x back kick (right leg) x side kick (left leg) x side kick (right leg), 1min
  9. jump rope, 2min

Photo after workout:


  • drinking: 4liters of water
  • breakfast 6.30am: scrambled eggs (2) with smoked salmon, asparagus
  • snack 9.00am: 1cup of berries
  • lunch 12: grilled chicken breasts with parmesan and broccoli
  • snack 3.00pm: banana smoothie
  • dinner 6.00pm: fresh tomato soup, cottage cheese
  • snack 9.00pm: peanut butter 2 tblsp, glass of low fat milk

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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Fat Burn Workout + Abs (30 min), #5

Hello guys,

while I was in the Czech republic I did many videos, so here is another one from Brno - my hometown. It was early in the morning and you can hear birds singing. I love that park, that place, as a kid I used to play there all the time.:-)

This Fat burn workout + abs is excellent routine for your legs, glutes, abs, chest, arms, it is total body workout. You burn fat, calories, improve endurance and develop strength. All in one in 30min workout!:-)

Enjoy the workout!


Fat Burn Workout + Abs (30min), # 5

  • interval training, do maximum reps in each minute
  • try to do between 30 -50 reps in each minute, challenge yourself
  • have 10-15sec rest between each exercise
  • stretch after workout

One round:
  1. jump rope, 5min
  2. push up, 1min
  3. jump rope, 1min
  4. alternate lunge back, 1min
  5. alternate lunge forward, 1min
  6. squat x jump, 1min
  7. squat, 1min
  8. triceps dip, 1min
  9. cross lunges, 1min
  10. mountain sky climber, 1min
  11. burpees, 1min
  12. Abdominals: 
a) center crunches, 1min
b) elbow x opposite knee touch and reach, 1min
c) switch arm and leg and elbow x opposite knee touch and reach, 1min
d) plank: touch your foot (one side), 1min
e) plank: switch and touch your foot (other side), 1min

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Monday, July 23, 2012

Transformation in 30 days - DAY 15

Hello guys,

the third week of body transformation. Congratulation to you! 
If you follow my training and diet tips every day, you are close to your fitness goal. 
Your endurance and strength is improving, that means that you can do more reps in each minute of interval training comparing to day 1.
Check out the photo of your body from the day 1 and today. You should see the difference. Try to keep your diet simple and in moderation.

Lot of energy, power to you!


  • Interval workout, 3 rounds
  • elliptical 30min, mode: manual, level 11
  • modification: 10min jump rope, jogging 20min

Interval workout

  • it is interval workout, do 3 rounds (30min)
  • try to do maximum reps in each minute
  • have very quick rest between each exercise (5-10sec)
One round:
  1. jump rope, 1min
  2. alternate knee x opposite elbow touch, 1min
  3. burpees, 1min
  4. reverse lunges, 1min
  5. squat x jump, 1min
  6. plie, keep your hips low and jump up, 1min
  7. plie, keep your hips low and feet jump in x out, 1min
  8. plank, alternate knee in, 1min
  9. alternate leg kick, 1min
  10. jump rope, 1min

My results:
  1. round: -, 65, 20, 37, 22, 70, 59, 60, 60, -
  2. round: -, 61, 16, 46, 21, 108, 60, 50, 57, -
  3. round: -, 68, 16, 35, 23, 70, 70, 105, 75, -

Photo after workout

My diet:
  • drinking: 4liters clear water
  • breakfast 6.30am: 2 boiled eggs, whole wheat toast , mango
  • snack 9.30am: grapefruit
  • lunch 12: lean beef with mushroom sauce, 1/2 cup of dark rice, tomato salad
  • snack 3.00pm: apple, orange
  • dinner 6.00pm: tilapia with vegetable salad
  • snack 9.00pm: almonds (1/3 cup)
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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Transformation in 30 days - DAY 14

Hello guys,

today is a REST day! Second week of body transformation is over. I am proud of you!
I received few photos of you and your body changes and I am so happy for you to see it works!
Remember, your rest is just as important as training. You want to avoid overtraining syndrom. If you are overtraining and this has not happened to you yet, trust me, it is only a matter of time.

Why is a rest and recovery so important for you?
  • lack of rest makes your training less effective
  • repeatedly failing to recover is going to utterly batter your poor central nervous system, leading to injury, illness and chronic fatigue
What is my plan for today? Because it is so nice and sunny I spend the day with my daughter Sophia by the pool.
Also today is a "cheating" day, so I have something really good, tasty, sweet to eat. I LOVE rest days!

Enjoy your rest day!



  • drinking: 4liters of water
  • breakfast 6.30am: low fat yogurt with almonds, banana
  • snack 9.30am: apple
  • lunch 12.00: chinese buffet: I love chinese food, so I had many things: california rolls, chicken with broccoli, desert
  • snack 3.00pm: grapefruit
  • dinner 6.00pm: tuna salad with cottage cheese, olives
  • snack 9.00pm: carrots and glass of low fat milk

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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Transformation in 30 days - DAY 13

Hello guys,

second week of body transformation is almost over.
I have to say I feel and see my body changes. My metabolism is much faster.

Everyone - no matter how old, overweight or out of shape has the power to increase metabolism. How can you increase your metabolism? Simply with intense exercise - Fat burn workout and metabolism boosting foods.
"Afterburn" effects can last for up to 24 hours after workout. That means you burn many calories while working, sitting, watching tv, driving a car...is not it amazing?

Let`s boost your metabolism with another great training. Get in the great shape and be happy.
Have a great workout,


  • Full body workout - 6 rounds (24min)
  • 5min jump rope before full body workout and 5 min jump rope after full body workout
  • 30min brisk walking
  • fit tip: you do not have to do all at once, but you can do Full body workout in the morning and brisk walking in the evening

Full body workout - interval training

  • it is interval training
  • do 6 rounds
  • do as many reps in each minute
  • have a short rest between each round
  • enjoy it, it is fun and great feeling!
  • if you get too exhausted, do not stop, keep moving/walking

One round:
  1. jump over the mat, 1min
  2. plank - alternate punch forward, 1min
  3. squat x alternate leg lift, 1min
  4. sprint runners, 1min

My results:
  1. round: 50, 47, 38, 49
  2. round: 33, 46, 43, 52
  3. round: 33, 49, 49, 54
  4. round: 36, 49, 49, 52
  5. round: 36, 49, 47, 56
  6. round: 25, 50, 48, 52

Photo after workout

  • drinking: 4liters of clear water
  • this day I had a sweet tooth, so I bought 3 pieces of milk caramels.
  • diet tip: if you have sweet tooth it is the best to take it in the morning or before the workout or immediately after workout (withing 30min)
  • breakfast 6.30am:oatmeal with berries, banana, fresh orange juice
  • snack 9.30am: grapefruit, 3 pieces of caramels ( I know I should not have it, but I had:-))
  • lunch 12: tuna salad with avocado and 2 eggs
  • snack 3.00pm: mango smoothie
  • dinner 6.00pm: grilled chicken breast with eggpant and vegetable salad
  • snack 9.00pm: glass of low fat milk, 1/3 of raw mixed nuts

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Friday, July 20, 2012

Transformation in 30 days - DAY 12

Hello guys,

are you proud of yourself? You should be!

If you follow my training every day you are on the way to success and reach your fitness goal. Have you missed few days of training? You can always start again.

How do I feel? I am proud of myself. I am still struggling with push ups, but I am trying. I improved my endurance a lot and can easily breathe during fat burn workouts. My legs are more toned, abs is more defined and you know what? I am getting rid of cellulite, that is awesome too!

I hope I motivate and inspire you as you do inspire and motivate me.

Let`s do the workout for today!


  • Sweat total body workout - 5 rounds
  • elliptical 30min, mode: fat burn, level 11,
  • modification for elliptical: jump rope 10min, jogging 20min
  • fit tip: best time to do Fat burn workout is in the morning. You do not have to do all the training at once, if you can, do fat burn workout in the morning and cardio in the evening. You should not exercise before you go to sleep.

Sweat total body workout

  • do 5 rounds (25min)
  • interval workout
  • do maximum reps in each minute
  • have a quick rest between each exercise

One round:
  1. palms on the floor, jump up to the side, 1min
  2. alternate front kick x jump, 1min
  3. push up x alternate side plank, 1min
  4. jump forward x squat x jump back, 1min
  5. alternate side kick x jumping jack, 1min

My results:
  1. round: 75, 18, 14, 19, 18reps
  2. round: 75, 13, 14, 19, 20reps
  3. round: 60, 18, 13, 21, 21reps
  4. round: 60, 17, 13, 15, 16reps
  5. round: 74, 14, 12, 24, 20reps

Photo after workout

  • drinking: 4liters of clear water
  • breakfast 6.30am:egg omelete with low fat mozzarella cheese, banana, glass of fresh orange juice
  • snack 9.30am: grapefruit
  • lunch 12: 1/2cup of brown rice, lean beef, vegetable salad
  • snack 3.00pm: apple, 2 slices of watermelon
  • dinner 6.00pm: tomato soup, vegetable salad
  • snack 9.00pm: 1 glass of low fat milk, 1/2 avocado

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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Transformation in 30 days - DAY 11

Hello guys,

I want to thank you for your support, comments, tips. Without you it would not be the same. You make a big part of Perfectleanbody`s workout. We are great team and together we are so strong and powerful. Think about it whenever you are lazy or tired to workout.
Give yourself every day 30-60min workout, be healthy, look great and proud of yourself. I am receiving photos of you and your body changes and it makes me so happy!
I know Fat burn workouts really work and I am glad to see that it works for you as well.
Another day of 30 days challenge and new training. Fat burn exercises are excellent for losing fat, speeding your metabolism, improving your endurance, developing your strength.

Do not give up, I am with you!


  • Perfect body workout - 5 rounds
  • cardio: treadmill 20min, incline 3, speed 4.5 (fast walking)
  • jump rope 10min

  • do 5 rounds
  • it is interval training, do maximum reps in each minute
  • have a short rest (5-10sec) between each exercise, quickly move from one to the other
  • my own recommendation: I have a quick rest after each round (10sec)
One round:
  1. palms on the floor and jump up, 1min (great strengthening exercise for your core and back!)
  2. squat x jump up, 1min
  3. alternate lunge back x squat, 1min
  4. alternate side kick x 4 jumping jacks, 1min
  5. dead lift x lateral burpee, 1min

My results:
  1. round: 45, 19, 11, 13, 13reps
  2. round: 48, 17, 10, 13, 11reps
  3. round: 50, 15, 11, 10, 12reps
  4. round: 60, 15, 11, 11, 13reps
  5. round: 45, 17, 12, 9, 14reps
Photo after workout
  • drinking: 4liters water
  • breakfast 6.30am: banana, fresh orange juice, low fat yogurt with 1/3cup almonds
  • snack 9.30am: apple, 1cup of berries
  • lunch 12: 1 small potato, grilled chicken breast with vegetable salad
  • snack 3.00pm: low fat cottage cheese with cucumber and olives
  • dinner 6.00pm: grilled tilapia with couliflower and broccoli, avocado
  • snack 9.00pm: 1 glass of low fat milk, peanut butter 2 tblsp

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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Sexy arms and shoulders workout

Hello guys,

do you want to get sleek, sexy arms and shoulders?
Your shoulders and upper back tend to carry less fat than the rest of your body, so the right arm exercises can give this area a nearly instant makeover. This training hits every major muscle and will help stabilize your shoulder joints, improve your posture, and build that strong, toned look you are after.
Very common problem is a tricep muscle. If you are looking to tone up your arms, you must lower your total body fat percentage. Consistent arm workouts are great to strengthen the muscles, but will not completely help to make those muscles more evident.
If you want to lose fat, check out Fat Burn Workouts, they are great for fast fat loss.

Enjoy the workout!


Sexy arms and shoulders workout

  • use 5-8lbs dumbbells
  • do 20-30reps of each exercise
  • have a short rest between each exercise
  1. biceps curl, 30reps
  2. hammer curl, 30reps
  3. front raises, 30reps
  4. side raises, 30reps
  5. alternate dumbbell cross jab, 30reps
  6. tricep kickbacks, 30reps

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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Transformation in 30 days - DAY 10

Hello guys,

how are you feeling so far? I hope you are feeling great, motivated and inspired. Results are coming very soon.
Write down your fitness goal you want to reach in Transformation on a piece of paper and hang it on the wall. Whenever your weakness in training or diet comes, look at your fitness goal, how far you are already from the starting point. Do not give up, be strong and positive.
We all are struggling, we all are weak in some point, but with the support of all of us, we can make the "dream" come true.
Training today is total body workout, in which you burn hundreds of calories not only during the workout, but also after the workout.


  • Challenge workout
  • 30min elliptical, mode: manual, level 11
  • modification for elliptical: jump rope 10min and brisk walking 30min

Challenge workout
  • interval workout
  • do 5 rounds (only 25min, but you get sweat so much, I loved it!)
  • try to do maximum reps in each minute
  • you can have quick rest 5-10sec between each exercise
  • write down how many reps you did in each minute and each round

One round:
  1. alternate lunge back x front kick x side kick x crunch, 1min
  2. jack x sumo squat, 1min
  3. alternate lunge back x front kick x side kick x crunch, 1min
  4. squat thrust, 1min
  5. push up x touch your toes x spider x back to push up

My results:
1. round: 15, 41, 14, 19, 5
2. round: 13, 40, 14, 17, 5
3. round: 14, 37, 14, 18, 5
4. round: 13, 34, 14, 18, 4
5. round: 14, 32, 12, 19, 5

For me the hardest were push ups with touching toes and spider. In round 4 I thought I give up, but I did all 5 rounds and then I felt absolutely GREAT!

Photos after workout

  • drinking: 4liters of clear water
  • breakfast 6.30am: banana, 1 slice of whole grain bread with peanut butter, low fat yogurt
  • snack 9.30am: grapefruit, mango
  • lunch 12: veggie salad with feta cheese (1 cup of spinach, 2 cups of mixed veggies, 1/2 cup of black beans, 2 tblsp of feta cheese, 1 tbsp olive oil)
  • snack 3.00pm: 1/3 cup mixed nuts
  • dinner 6.00pm: salmon with broccoli
  • snack 9.30pm: 1 glass of almond milk, 2 bigger tomatoes

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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Transformation in 30 days - DAY 9

Hello guys,

last workout -"day 8" was challenging with the main focus on your upper body.
Training today is excellent for your lower body, especially calves, hamstring, glutes, thighs and also abs. Abs are not only defined by crunches on the floor, but also lunges, squats and standing crunches. This routine has it all. After this workout you feel your glutes and obliques the most.

Yesterday I met my friend in Walmart as I did grocery and he asked me how many pounds he can lose in Transformation. I told him that it is all up to him, how disciplined and strict he is. You can lose 1-2kg each week, that means 4-8kg during Transformation (30 days).

Let`s take every day seriously and do your best. I know it is not easy to follow the training and diet tips, but it is worthed for sure. I am struggling with diet a lot. Every day I make choices and try to make a good heatlhy choices.
I am disciplined, but very weak sometimes too. As I talk to people in the gym, the biggest problem is not the training, but the diet.
Try to be disciplined, constant and never, never give up.

Words for the day 9: discipline, constancy, patience.


  • Shrink your hips workout, repeat 4times (4 rounds)
  • swimming 30min
  • modification for swimming: jogging 15min, brisk walking 15min, 5min jumping jacks

Shrink your hips workout - 4 rounds
  • do as many reps as you can in minute 2, 4, 6, 8
  • write down how many reps you did in each round
  • let me know, how you did

One round:
  1. jump rope, 1min
  2. squat to the side x squat center x squat to the other side, 1min
  3. jump rope, 1min
  4. split squat pulse for 4 counts and switch leg, 1min
  5. jump rope, 1min
  6. standing side crunch (elbow x knee touch), 1min
  7. jump rope, 1min
  8. standing side crunch (switch side), 1min

My number of reps:
round 1: 2) 33reps, 4)17, 6) 56, 8) 59
round 2: 2) 37, 4)19, 6) 60, 8) 60
round 3: 2) 40, 4) 18, 6) 59, 8) 59
round 4: 2) 38, 4) 19, 6) 60, 8) 59

Photo after workout

  • drinking: 4liters of clear water
  • breakfast 6.30am: oatmeal with berries, banana, 1 glass of fresh juice
  • snack 9.00am: apple, grapefruit
  • lunch 12: lentil soup, baked broccoli and low fat cheese
  • snack 3.00pm: 2 boiled eggs with vegetable
  • dinner 6.00pm: salmon with vegetable salad
  • snack 9.00pm: 2 tblsp peanut butter, 1 glass of low fat milk

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Transformation in 30 days - DAY 8

Hello guys,

second week of body transformation.

What is important? Don`t give up, we have still three more weeks to go. With support of each other you can do it, it is not easy and it takes time and effort, but if you believe in yourself, you can achieve your fitness goal.

Keep taking a photo of you after workout, so you can see your improvement from the DAY 1. You notice visible body changes very soon!

Fat burn workout is the most effective training for fast fat loss and if you add aerobic activity, maintain healthy diet, you will be surprised by your results.

Let`s start with Bootcamp workout. Great, challenging full body training. After this workout I felt a lot my upper body, mostly chest and triceps. 

Lots of power to all of you!


  • Bootcamp workout
  • 45min - 60min stair master
  • modification: if you do not have stair machine
a) 10min jump rope or high knees and 15min jogging, 15min jumping jacks
b) 45min brisk walking
c) 30min cycling
d) swimming, jogging, walking all together for 45min

Bootcamp workout - 3 rounds
  • it is interval training, do as many reps as you can in each minute
  • try to do at least 25reps in each minute
  • have a quick rest between exercises 5-10sec
  • do 3 rounds (repeat the workout three times)

One round
  1. touch your feet, 1min
  2. reverse push up, 1min
  3. plie, elbows up, alternate knee up to your elbow x jump up, 1min
  4. tricep dips x one leg extended, 1min
  5. tricep dips x switch leg, 1min
  6. plank: one leg - knee in, 1min
  7. plank: switch leg - knee in, 1min
  8. bird dog gets down (plank x V x push up), 1min
  9. turkish sit up (try not to touch the floor), 1min
  10. plank: both feet jump in x out (modification: alternate knee in)
My total time: 38min

Stair master 45-60min (I did 60min)

Photo after workout

  • drink: 4liters clear water
  • breakfast 6.30am: 2 boiled eggs, 1cup broccoli, 1/3cup almonds
  • snack 9.30am: mango
  • lunch 12: vegetable soup, tuna salad
  • snack 3.00pm: grapefruit, 1/3cup flaxseeds or nuts
  • dinner 6.00pm: herb roasted turkey, vegetable salad
  • snack 9pm: vegetable, glass of low fat milk

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Friday, July 13, 2012

Transformation in 30 days - DAY 7

Hello guys,

one week is over, congratulation to you! We made it to day 7 - REST day.

Getting enough rest after exercise is essential to reach our fitness goal. I know that many of you still over train and feel guilty when they take a day off. Try to think about this - your body repairs and strengthens itself in the time between workouts, and continuous training can actually weaken the strongest athletes.

Rest days are critical for a virety of reasons, some are physiological and some are psychological. Too few rest and recovery days can lead to overtraining syndrome.

Spend the day with your family, friends, people you like. Take massage, relax, do fun stuff. Spoil yourself with food you like (in moderation!!).

Enjoy your rest day!



  • drink: clear water 4liters
  • breakfast 7am: greek yogurt, 2tblsp flaxseeds, banana
  • snack 9.30am: grapefruit
  • lunch 12: grilled salmon, 2 small potatoes and vegetable salad
  • snack 3pm: 1 scoop of ice cream with walnuts, mango smoothie
  • dinner 6pm: honey mustard grilled chicken with veggies
  • snack 9pm: 2 tbsp peanut butter, glass of milk

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Thursday, July 12, 2012

Transformation in 30 days - DAY 6

Hello guys,

almost one week of body transformation is over. How should you feel? You should be feeling more stronger, healthier, you can better catch your breath as you do cardiovascular activity.
Because you follow also diet tips, your stomach is not as bloated, your body is more hydrated,  cleaner. For this great feeling it is definately worthed.
What is important? Do not give up, one week is over, but still three more ahead.

  • Fat Burn Workout 30min
  • swimming 30min or elliptical 30min, mode: manual, level 10-12
  • if you do not have cardio machine or swimming pool, then do Fat Burn Workout 2x + 10min jump rope or high knees

Workout tips:
  • I incorporate to this training elastic band. Elastic band is awesome for toning legs, triceps, chest, shoulders, back, abs. If you do not have elastic band, you can use dumbbells or find something heavy to hold.
  • do 30-50reps of each exercise, number of reps depends on your fitness level.
  • try to move quickly from one exercise to another.
  1. high knees, 1min
  2. jumping side lunges, 1min
  3. pendulum, 1min
  4. alternate jumping leg lift, 1min
  5. back pull down, 30-50 reps
  6. front pull down, 30-50reps,
  7. right leg: leg lift, 30-50reps
  8. left leg: leg lift, 30-50reps
  9. squat x jack, 30-50reps
  10. burpees, 30-50reps
  11. alternate cross lunge, 30-50reps
  12. push ups, 30-50reps
  13. one arm: triceps extensions (using elastic band), modification: use dumbbells or dip exercise
  14. switch arm: triceps extensions
You can finish workout with 5min jump rope.

Photos after training


  • breakfast 6.30am: low fat yogurt, 15almonds, banana
  • snack 9.30: grapefruit, 2tblsp of low fat peanut butter
  • lunch 12: baked chicken with broccoli and eggs
  • snack 3pm: peach smoothies
  • dinner 6pm: tilapia with vegetable salad
  • snack 9pm: glass of milk, vegetable

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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Fat Burn Workout (30min)

Hello guys,

another great workout for you. I get a lot of questions concerning Fat burn workout.

You ask me questions like: does it really work? Is it good if I want to slimmer my legs? How long it takes to have results? Is this type of exercise the right one if I want to lose belly fat?

Fat burn workout is very intense workout, challenging, powerful and effective. You burn hundreds of calories not only during workout, but also after the workout, because you speed up your metabolism.

If you want to lose weight/fat, you should not only perform aerobic exercise (that get your heart pumping harder and help you to burn calories), but you will also need to incorporate other types of exercise and a healthy eating plan.

Fat burn workout includes aerobic, anaerobic activity (cardio) plus strengthening training. In a short time, approximately 30min you get all in one. That is why those exercises are so effective, powerfull and popular.

Enjoy the workout and trust yourself.


Workout tips:
  • I incorporate to this training elastic band. Elastic band is awesome for toning legs, triceps, chest, shoulders, back, abs. If you do not have elastic band, you can use dumbbells or find something heavy to hold.
  • do 30-50reps of each exercise, number of reps depends on your fitness level.
  • try to move quickly from one exercise to another.
  1. high knees, 1min
  2. jumping side lunges, 1min
  3. pendulum, 1min
  4. alternate jumping leg lift, 1min
  5. back pull down, 30-50 reps
  6. front pull down, 30-50reps,
  7. right leg: leg lift, 30-50reps
  8. left leg: leg lift, 30-50reps
  9. squat x jack, 30-50reps
  10. burpees, 30-50reps
  11. alternate cross lunge, 30-50reps
  12. push ups, 30-50reps
  13. one arm: triceps extensions (using elastic band), modification: use dumbbells or dip exercise
  14. switch arm: triceps extensions
You can finish workout with 5min jump rope.

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