Monday, September 17, 2012

Fat Burn Workout + Abs (30min), # 12

Hello guys,

another great Fat Burn Workout for you.
It is only 30min long, but you burn as many calories (or more) as on treadmill or cardio machine in one hour. This training is excellent combination of total body exercises and strengthens all your muscles. It is bodyweight routine, you don`t need any equipment.
The advantage of Fat burn workout is that you lose fat quickly, improve endurance, build strength in a short period of time. Also you burn hundreds of calories during the workout and within 24 hours after the workout.

Enjoy the workout!


Fat Burn Workout + Abs (30min), # 12

  • interval training (hiit)
  • do maximum reps in each minute
  • do 3 rounds
  • move quickly from one exercise to another
  • have a quick rest between exercises (5-10sec)
  • stretch after workout

One round:
  1. sprint runners, 1min
  2. jumping jacks, 1min
  3. cross country sky, 1min
  4. jump side to side, 1min
  5. squat x alternate front kick, 1min
  6. mountain sky climber, 1min
  7. spider, 1min
  8. plank position - touch your toes, 1min
  9. one side: elbow x knee touch, 1min
  10. switch side - elbow x knee touch, 1min

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