Monday, September 3, 2012

60 Days Training - DAY 1

Hello guys,
here we are again. As we finished 30 days Transformation, we want to continue and follow healthy active life.
Our goal is to get our body in great shape. If you are already in great shape, then you want to keep it, right? Your body is like your "car". If you take a good care of your car, it looks nice for a long time. The same is with the body.
We have two months to get leaner, more fit, stronger and happier. And it is all possible, you just have to believe in yourself. Watch your diet, you should never be starving. Eat heatlhy food regularly, in moderation. Always prefer lot of fruit, vegetables with each meal.
You can send me photos of your body changes if you want to. Every day find the time to workout, it can be early in the morning, lunch time, afternoon or evening.
Training today has two parts. One is Fat burn workout + Abs, # 10 and the second part is Abs workout - simply great. After training make sure you stretch, because I do not want you to be sore. You need to be ready for the Day 2.
It is bodyweight training, except for the jump rope (you can modify with jogging or marching) you do not need any equipment.
Challenge yourself, believe in yourself, do your best, get started today, now!
You are in this with me!
Lots of energy and power to all of us!
  1. FAT BURN WORKOUT + ABS (30min), # 10
1. FAT BURN WORKOUT + ABS (30min), # 10
  • challenge yourself
  • do maximum reps in each minute
  • push yourself hard, but listen to your body, only you know your body the best
  • you can have a quick rest between each exercises (5-15sec)
  • track your results
  • whenever you need to, modify
  • drink whenever you need to drink
  • stretch after workout
One round:
I. Fat burn workout - 2 rounds
  1. jump rope, 5min (modify high knees jogging, or fast marching)
  2. alternate side burpee (modify squat down, step out and side x step in center and stand up), 1min
  3. mountain sky climber, 1min
  4. alternate lunge back x twist x twist back x up, 1min
  5. squat x alternate knee and opposite elbow touch, 1min
  6. plank - alternate foot x hand touch, 1min
II. Abs workout - in standing position
  1. jab x cross x jab x knee up, 1min
  2. switch arms, jab x cross x jab x knee up, 1min
  3. zig zag, 1min
  4. twist, 1min
  5. 4 counts zig zag x 4 counts twist, 1min
III. Jump rope, 5min

Workout routine:
  1. crunches, 30reps
  2. alternating leg V ups, 30reps
  3. bicycle with both legs together, 30reps
  4. lying double knee raise and straight leg extension, 30reps
  5. lying side to side ankle touch, 30reps
  6. plank and alternate leg lift, 30reps

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