Thursday, September 6, 2012

60 Days Training - DAY 4

Hello guys,

I want to give you more energy, power and inspiration to your fitness life.
It is amazing, how our body changes if we workout. Exercise is the best way how to get rid of those extra kilos/pounds and fat for once and all. Getting started is always difficult. People who exercise regularly look healthier, happier, more attractive and younger.
I want to share with you an experience I have with my client. This gentleman I met couple weeks ago. His fitness level was not good at all and he was out of shape. He was and is very serious about losing weight/fat for healthy reasons. I started to train him three times per week.  I helped him with his diet and recommended cardio - walking every day for at least 30min. In three weeks something amazing happened. This gentleman has changed a lot. He is again full of energy, happier, more fit, stronger, looking younger and feeling much better. You can see his body transformation in three weeks. There is a photo of him taken the first week, second week and third week.
This gentleman is truly inspiration for others, who think they can not lose weight. Fight for what you want, never give up. If you really want it, you get it.
Training today is very simple, easy to follow and effective. The main focus is on your upper body. In the video I use 5lbs dumbbells, but if you are already trained and strong, go ahead and use heavier weights. Second part of the training is cardio. Do not skip this part! Go for a walk, jog at least for 30min. If you attend the gym, then do at least 30 min of any cardio on the cardio machine (stair master, elliptical, treadmill, stationary bike....). Some of you asked me, what is stair master. I am posting a picture of stair master for you.
Have a great day,

  2. CARDIO - 30MIN - walking, jogging, swimming or cardio machine
  • do 15reps of each exercise
  • do 3 rounds
  • use 5lbs dumbbells (or heavier if you want to)

One round:
  1. push ups, 15reps
  2. chest press, 15reps
  3. side plank x roll under and up, 15reps
  4. chest press, 15reps
  5. side plank other side x roll under and up, 15reps
  6. knees in and out x open and close your chest, 15reps

2. CARDIO  - 30MIN
This part of training is very important. You should do cardiovascular exercise every day at least for 30min. Do not skip this part of the training!

Do at least 30min of:
a) walking with dumbbells
b) jogging
c) cycling
d) swimming
e) cardio machine

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