Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Transformation in 30 days - DAY 21

Hello guys,

it is our third REST day!
Enjoy this day, you can relax! You exercised the whole week, your body deserve 24 hours recovery.
I had beautiful day, took my daughter to the canal in downtown of Indianpolis and we went on a float boat. It was sunny and beautiful, so we enjoyed the afternoon so much. Then we stopped in a chocolate factory for an ice cream.
I love rest days!

Have a great day and hugs to all of you!:-)


My diet (cheating day):
  • drinking plenty of water, 4liters
  • breakfast 7am: whole wheat toast with peanut butter and strawberry jam, orange juice, banana
  • snack 9.30am: grapefruit, orange
  • lunch 12: grilled salmon with vegeteble salad, 1 boiled egg
  • snack 3.00pm: strawberry x mandarin pie, ice cream
  • dinner 6.30pm: tuna salad, 1 egg
  • snack 9.30pm: one glass of low fat milk, 15 almonds
Activity in my rest day:
  • relax
  • walking

Canal in downtown - Indianapolis

Something sweet I made, czech recipe:-)

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