Thursday, August 2, 2012

Transformation in 30 days - DAY 22

Hello guys,

training today is excellent. It consist of cardiovascular exercises (jump rope total 15min!) and great strengthening powerful movements.
Fat burn workouts are great for boosting metabolism. You burn a lot of calories during the workout and also withing 24 hours after the workout.
Make sure you eat before training. You asked me what is my pre/post workout meal. I eat each 3 hours, so after I eat my breakfast within 1,5hour I hit the gym and workout. After workout I have always apple and almonds. But you can have protein shake, eggs, protein bar, yogurt, peanut butter. Everybody is different and for everyone works something else.

Enjoy the workout!


  • Fat burn workout + Abs, #6,
  • 30min elliptical, mode: manual, level 11
  • modification: swimming 30min or jogging 30min + brisk walking 30min

Fat burn workout + Abs (30min),  #6

  • interval workout, do two rounds
  • do maximum reps in each minute
  • have a short break between each exercise (10-15sec)

I. One round - do this twice
  1. jump rope, 5min
  2. squat x leg lift x squat x leg lift, 1min
  3. plie, keep your hips low: jump in x out, 1min
  4. squat down x alternate leg lift x squat up, 1min
  5. kicks, 1min
  6. plank: one leg: knee in x out x leg lift, switch leg
II. Abs - after two rounds do abs
  1. bicycle crunch, 1min
  2. center crunch - rope climbing, 1min
  3. swing on your back and ankle touch, 1min
  4. plank: alternate knee cross, 1min
  5. spider, 1min
III. finish with jump rope, 5min

Photo after workout

  • drinking: 4liters of water
  • breakfast 6.30am: egg omelette (2 eggs), orange juice, banana, flex seeds 1/3cup
  • snack 9.00am: watermelon/berries smoothie
  • lunch 12: tuscan white bean stew, 1cup of broccoli with low fat cottage cheese
  • snack 3.00pm: grapefruit, apple
  • dinner 6.00pm: baked tilapia with tomato and basil, vegetable salad
  • snack 9.00pm: one glass of low fat milk/almond milk, 2 tblsp of peanut butter


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