Monday, August 6, 2012

Transformation in 30 days - DAY 25

Hello guys,

couple more days to the end of body transformation.
I am thinking, I like connection with you every day! If you have any ideas what to do after this 30 days challenge, let me know. My plan is to post every day workout video according to the workout plan. You can exercise with me every day and stay in great shape.
One thing I would like to talk about. People around me ask me how to lose weight, what exercises help to lose weight, what kind of diet to eat. It is great and very important if you set your fitness goal, realistic fitness goal (for example 1lbs weight loss in one week or workout at least 3times per week). Your fitness goal can be also to maintain your current weight.
Sometimes we are so obssesive with the desire of perfect lean body and naively stick to a low calorie diet, exercise like crazy. Yes, it works, but you can go like this only for couple days and then yo-yo effect appears and as a result in stead of losing weight you are couple pounds heavier then before. Focus on your healthy lifestyle and try to keep it, that is the secret.
Training today is very powerful interval training and I loved this one. Burn hundreds of calories in this workout and also after the workout.
Let` s make a promise: Do your best in last couple days of our 30 days challenge!

Have a great training,


  • Fat burn workout + Abs (30min), # 3
  • stair master 30min, level 11, mode: Fat burn
  • modification: brisk walking 30min and swimming 15min
Fat burn workout + Abs (30min), # 3

  • it is interval training
  • try to do maximum reps in each minute
  • you can have quick rest between each minute 5-15sec
  • in each minute try to do 30reps and more up to 50reps
  • there is big difference if you do only 10 push ups in a minute or 30 push ups, so challenge yourself, do your best!
  • stretch after workout
  • it is fun, so enjoy it!
  1. jump rope, 5min
  2. squat x jump, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  3. alternate lunge back x knee up, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  4. alternate cross lunge x knee up, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  5. alternate lunge forward x kick, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  6. squat x twist, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  7. in plank alternate leg lift, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  8. push ups, 1min - up to 30 reps or more
  9. reverse push ups, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  10. triceps dips, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  11. jumping jacks, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  12. cross country sky, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  13. spider, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  14. kicks, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  15. push ups, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  16. triceps dips, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  17. sumo squat, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  18. jump rope, 5min
Photo after workout

  • drinking: 4liters of clear water
  • breakfast 6.30am: egg omelette (2eggs) with low fat cheese, banana, fresh orange juice
  • snack 9.00am: grapefruit, 1/3 cup of walnuts
  • lunch 12: baked chicken with mushrooms and low fat cheese, vegetable salad
  • snack 3.00pm: low fat yogurt strawberry smoothie
  • dinner 6.00pm: grilled salmon with vegetable
  • snack 9.00pm: carrots, cucumber, one glass of low fat milk
(during the day I had 3 caramels and caramel macchiato - skinny version:-)....right after the workout)

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