Friday, August 3, 2012

Transformation in 30 days - DAY 24

Hello guys,

how are you feeling? Keep sending me photos of your body changes, I love those results.
As you do fat burn workout every day, you are building your strength. Are you tracking number of reps you do in each minute? It is important, because next time you do this workout you can compare your results and see the difference.
Do Fat burn workouts really work? Yes, definately! Why it works? This type of workouts are very intesive, focusing on strengthening every single muscle. Because it is interval training with very short period of rest, your body burns more calories compared to steady cardio. Intervals also speed up metabolism, so you burn hundreds of calories within 24 hours after the workout.
Why does it work for your abs? People think that abs are defined by crunches, sit ups... Yes, it is true, but if you do only strenghtening exercises, you strengthen your core. You need to lose body fat to show your muscles, that are hiding under the layer of fat.
I would like to mention that your abs are defined not only by "crunches", but also exercises like squats, lunges, cross lunges, bridge and others.
I did today training with my gym buddy Eva, we used elastic band, but do not worry if you do not have one. Simply do the same exercise without elastic band, you get great workout as well.
Push yourself, challenge yourself and enjoy it! It is your workout!

All the best to you,


  • Fat burn workout + Abs (30min), #2 - do two rounds
  • 10min jump rope
  • 30min jogging or 30min stair master (fat burn mode, level - 11, depends on your fitness level)

Fat burn workout + Abs (30min), #2

  • interval training
  • do two rounds
  • do as many reps in each minute as you can
  • push yourself, challenge yourself
  • track your results
  • if you have elastic band at home, use it. If not, it is ok and go without it

One round
  1. jumping jacks, 1min
  2. twist, 1min
  3. low jack, 1min
  4. cross country sky, 1min
  5. squats, 1min
  6. alternate lunge back x kick, 1min
  7. right leg: lunge forward x knee up, 1min
  8. left leg: lunge forward x knee up, 1min
  9. alternate leg back, 1min (using elastic band)
  10. push ups, 1min
  11. tricep dips, 1min
  12. right leg: single leg squat, 1min
  13. left leg: single leg squat, 1min
  14. bicycle crunch, 1min

My results:
  1. 60, 56reps
  2. 66, 65
  3. 40, 38
  4. 67, 70
  5. 47, 42
  6. 21, 25
  7. 21, 19
  8. 23, 24
  9. 37, 40
  10. 43, 47
  11. 55, 47
  12. 46, 55
  13. 50, 61
  14. 56, 62
Most challenging were push ups for me, then right after dips. First round was ok, but in second round I needed more rest to finish dips.

Photo after workout

  • drinking: 4liters of water, caramel macchiato skinny version
  • breakfast 6.30am: oatmeal with berries and low fat milk, banana, glass of fresh orange juice
  • snack 9.00am: grapefruit, 15 almond
  • lunch 12: tuna salad with parmesan cheese, 2 boiled eggs
  • snack 3.00pm: 1 cup of broccoli and 3 tblsp of cottage cheese
  • dinner 6.00pm: grilled salmon with vegetable salad
  • snack 9.00pm: 1 glass of low fat milk, 3 tbsp of hummus

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