Friday, August 3, 2012

Transformation in 30 days - DAY 23

Hello guys,

Last week of body transformation!

Let`s challenge ourselves this week, let`s do our best in training and also diet. I am receiving photos of you, your bodies and I love those results! Can you imagine transformation in 60 days?
I am so happy for you, for those who did not give up, who are satisfied with results, who are motivated and also inspiring me to workout and keep Perfecleanbody page going.

We all have days when we are up and down, but all together we make our dream come true. We make it happened. Be strong, eat smart and healthy. Your body deserve it, you deserve it.
Training today is great as usual!:-). I train with my gym buddy Eva, she is very fit. She challenge me and push me a lot, so each time I workout with her, it is like a race for me and I want to win!:-). Great total body workout!

Fat burn workout + Abs takes only 30min, but you get sweat like on treadmill after 45min. Because we were (me and Eva) full of energy, we did exercises 2-10 of the first part twice.
I tell you, it was awesome feeling afterwards!

Big hug!


  • Fat burn workout + Abs (30min), #4
  • jogging 15min

Fat burn workout + Abs (30min), #4

  • it is interval training minute by minute
  • do maximum reps in each minute
  • in each minute try to do 30reps, that way you know what speed you should go
  • for those who are more fit (we are all different fitness level) try to do 50 reps
  • have brisk rest between each exercise, quick rest to move to another exercise (5-10sec)
I. part
  1. jump rope, 5min
  2. mountain sky climber, 1min
  3. alternate side lunge, 1min
  4. push ups, 1min
  5. squat x alternate leg side, 1min
  6. kicks, 1min
  7. left leg: side lunge, 1min
  8. right leg: side lunge, 1min
  9. tricep dips, 1min
  10. cross lunge, 1min
II. part - Abs
  1. central crunches, 1min
  2. side to side crunches, 1min
  3. one side crunches, 1min
  4. other side crunches, 1min
  5. reverse crunches, 1min
  6. drop knees, 1min
  7. leg lifted and pulse, 1min
  8. plank: hand x foot touch, 1min
III. part  - finish with jump rope, 5min

My results:
2. 47 reps
3. 37
4. 65
5. 50
6. 60
7. 30
8. 30
9. 58
10. 37

Photo after workout

Photo of my workout buddy:-)

  • drinking: 4liters of water
  • breakfast 6.30am: low fat yogurt with almonds and banana, fresh orange juice
  • snack 9.30am: 2 boiled eggs, grapefruit
  • lunch 12: grilled chicken breasts with asparagus and cauliflower
  • snack 3.00pm: berry smoothie, almonds (15)
  • dinner 6.00pm: chicken soup, egg salat
  • snack 9.00pm: peanut butter 2 tblsp, one glass of low fat milk

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