Thursday, August 9, 2012

Transformation in 30 days - day 27

Hello guys,

Last couple days of our 30 days body challenge!
Training today is excellent for your lower body, especially glutes. You do not need any equipment, you can do this workout at home, in the gym or outside. All you need is your motivation to start, energy and enthusiasm.
If you are beginner or advanced, we all can do this workout.
Make healthy choices in your diet. It is not about startving, but giving your body the bestest of the best.

Enjoy the workout!


  1. Fat burn workout #7 (only 18min)
  2. stair master, 45min, mode: fat burn, level 12 (depends on your fitness level)
  3. stretching

  • interval training, do maximum reps in each minute
  • track your results
  • do 3 rounds
  • beginners: do 3 rounds (only 18min total)
  • advanced: do 3 rounds and after each round add 4min jump rope (30min total)

One round (beginners):
  1. jump side to side (elbow x knee touch), 1min
  2. one leg: knee in x leg lift x butt touch the floor, 1min
  3. switch leg: knee in x leg lift x butt touch the floor, 1min
  4. plank: down on your elbows x up x open up your chest to one side and the other side, 1min
  5. one leg: lunge back, cross lunge, single leg dead lift, 1min
  6. switch leg: lung back, cross lunge, single leg dead lift, 1min

One round (advanced):
  1. jump side to side (elbow x knee touch), 1min
  2. one leg: knee in x leg lift x butt touch the floor, 1min
  3. switch leg: knee in x leg lift x butt touch the floor, 1min
  4. plank: down on your elbows x up x open up your chest to one side and the other side, 1min
  5. one leg: lunge back, cross lunge, single leg dead lift, 1min
  6. switch leg: lung back, cross lunge, single leg dead lift, 1min
  7. add jump rope, 4min

My results:
  1. 70, 68, 64reps
  2. 15, 7, 19
  3. 16, 18, 18
  4. 10, 9, 11
  5. 12, 11, 12
  6. 12, 12, 12

Photo after workout

  • drinking: 4liters of water
  • breakfast 6.30am: 2 eggs, 1 slice of whole wheat toast with cottage cheese, banana
  • snack 9.00am: grapefruit, 1 cup of berries
  • lunch 12: ceasar salad with chicken
  • snack 3.00pm: berry smoothie
  • dinner 6.00pm: baked tilapia with cooked vegetable
  • snack 9.00pm: 1 glass of low fat milk, 1 cup of mixed broccoli with olives
If you eat in the restaurant, you can always make healthy choices. Here is what I had, it was so tasty!

Ceasar salad with chicken

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