Thursday, August 30, 2012

60 days Training - Introduction to workout plan

Hello guys,

after I finished 30 days body Transformation I took couple days off.  Sometimes we all need days off and my body, my soul need it.
I am ready to start with you 60 days Workout plan training. We start in September and I will post every day video of the day. Some videos will be new, some will be older ones. You can follow my workouts every day and see your body transformation each week. All you need to do is to get started.
It is interesting to see how my strength, endurance and body has changed in one year. All because of  of you, your support, healthy lifestyle. Remember, you inspire and motivate me and I try to motivate and inspire you.
It has been wonderful year of "Perfectleanbody" with you guys. I learnt a lot from you and appreciate each of you.
Have a great day and lots of energy to all of you!

Last couple days I was training in New York and it was my first time in New York (airport is not counting:-)). I loved it so much.
I am posting some pictures to share my excitement with you. There are still people like me who have never been to New York.
You can see new WTC recenty called Freedom tower, Statue of Liberty, 9/11 Memorial,  Times square. You can check out the video of night life in Times square, I was amazed how many people are on the street.


Thursday, August 23, 2012

Fat Burn Workout + Abs, #9

Hello guys,

new workout for you is here.
I love high intense interval workout (HIIT). If is fun, challenging and not boring at all. Whenever I do steady cardio on cardio machines, I am usually watching tv, listening to the music, watching people, thinking about my life and watching time! In fat burn workout I do not watch the time, because every minute I do different exercise and time is running so fast. After 30min I am sweat like on cardio machine for an hour. Intensity is up to you, always challenge yourself, but go your own pace.
Burn hundreds of calories, boost your metabolism, build strength and improve endurance. All in one workout. Feel great, look great!

Enjoy it!



Fat burn workout + Abs (30min) #9

  • challenge yourself
  • do maximum reps in each minute
  • have a quick rest between exercises (5-10sec) if needed
  • track your results
  • drink whenever you need to
  • warm up before workout
  • stretch after workout
I. Fat burn workout - 2 rounds (9min/one round, total 18min)
  1. jump rope, 5min
  2. sumo squat x jump in and out, 1min
  3. alternate cross lunge x side kick,  1min
  4. reverse push up, 1min
  5. push up, 1min
II. Abs (5min)
  1. plank - shoulder touch, 1min
  2. kicks, 1min
  3. side plank - elbow x opposite knee touch, 1min
  4. side plank - switch elbow x knee, 1min
  5. reverse crunch, 1min
III. finish with jump rope (5min)
  1. jump rope, 5min

Join me:

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Challenge for the week 1 - Push ups

Hello guys,

your training should be always effective, no matter if you do plyometric exercises, strengthening exercises, intervals - fat burn workouts, steady cardio or stretching.
Simple exercises like squats, lunges, dead lifts, plank, push ups, triceps dip are excellent for strengthening your entire body. But if you do not keep the proper form, you do not get the benefit of it plus you can easily injured yourself.
The push up may just be the perfect total body exercise that builds both upper body and core strength. Done properly, it is a compound exercise that uses muscles in the chest, shoulders, triceps, back, abs and even the legs.

Proper form for push ups:
  • get on the floor, your hands are slightly wider than shoulders
  • place your hands on the floor, your fingers should face forward
  • rise up into your toes, keep the balance on your hands and toes
  • keep your body in a straight line from head to toe without sagging in the middle or arching your back
  • keep your feet close together or a bit wider depending upon what is most comfortable for you
  • contract your abs and tighten your core by pulling your belly button toward your spine
  • keep a tight core throughout the entire push up
  • inhale as you slowly bend your elbows and lower yourself until your elbows are at a 90 degree angle
  • exhale as you begin pushing back up to the start position
  • do not lock out the elbows, keep them slightly bent
  • repeat for as many reps as your workout routine requires

  • 50 PUSH UPS every day
  • Start with regular push ups, if needed do baby push ups (on knees)

Challenge yourself, do your best, let me know, how you did.


Thursday, August 16, 2012

Transformation in 30 days - day 30

Hello guys,

Body challenge is over.
During 30 days I posted training and diet plan. With my workouts and training you have a chance to get leaner, stronger, healthier, more sexy, fit and happy. You deserve perfect lean body, your body deserve it. It works on me and as I am getting photos of you, I can tell it works on you as well.

My fitness goal in 30 days:

  • increase fitness level
  • do more reps in "fit test" routine
  • decrease body fat
  • eat clean
  • feel more energized
I can proudly say that I reached my fitness goal. I am stronger, and leaner than month ago. That means I lost body fat, but maintain muscle mass.
My chest, abs, legs are more defined, stronger, I can do more reps and that is an excellent sign of improvement. I can also breathe through workouts much easier than before. I feel great, energized and happy. All because of active life and you.
As I compare results from DAY 5 and DAY 30, I improved myself in all exercises, my endurance is much better and I am stronger. I can do more push ups which is awesome. Push ups are my weakness and as you can see, we can fight  against our weakness.
Let`s do the fit test today and see how you guys improved your fitness level. Push yourself hard, challenge yourself and do your best!


  • fit test
  • 45min stair master, mode: fat burn, level 11 (depends on your fitness level)
  • modification for stair master: 10min jump rope, 15min jogging, 15min brisk walking
  • stretching


  • fit test, 12min long
  • if you do not have a jump rope, modify and keep jogging
  • start with regular push ups and count reps, when need it, modify and go on your knees, count reps
  • turkish sit up - you should stand up without touching the floor, one arm is all the time up, count reps you do. You can modify and let one arm help you to stand up, count reps
  • last exercise (12) is really hard, because of the intensity during 11min, keep your core strong, it is important to keep the proper form to avoid hurting knees and back.

  • Fit test

    1. jump rope, 1min
    2. alternate lunge back, 1min
    3. jump rope, 1min
    4. squat, 1min
    5. jump rope, 1min
    6. push up, 1min
    7. jump rope, 1min
    8. turkish sit up, 1min
    9. jump rope, 1min
    10. burpees, 1min
    11. jump rope, 1min
    12. in plank feet jump in x out, 1min
    My results DAY 30:

    2. 50
    4. 46
    6. 58
    8. 16
    10. 20
    12. 50

    My results DAY 5:

    2. 48
    4. 41
    6. 44
    8. 13
    10. 16
    12. 33

    Brian`s results DAY 5:
    2. 48
    4. 35
    6. 62
    8. 13
    10. 22
    12. 36

    Photo after workout

    • drinking: 4liters of water
    • breakfast 6.30am: mango x banana smoothie, 1/3 cup of almonds
    • snack 9.30am: 2 boiled eggs, grapefruit
    • lunch 12: chicken soup, tuna salad
    • snack 3.00pm: apple, peanut butter 2 tbsp
    • dinner 6.00pm: grilled chicken, 2 cups of broccoli
    • snack 9.00pm: low fat milk (1 glass), fresh vegetable

    Join me:

    Tuesday, August 14, 2012

    Fat Burn Workout # 8

    Hello guys,

    Do you want to burn fat fast?
    If so, then this high-speed intense workout is the right one for you. It hits all the major muscle groups. Speed up your metabolism, burn many calories during workout and within 24 hours after workout.
    You do not need any equipment, you can do this training at home, in the gym, in the park. It takes only 21min, but you get great workout.
    Fat burn workouts are challenging and some of them are easier, some are harder. We are all different fitness level, so listen to your body and especially if you are beginner, take your time, keep the proper form. Track your results (number of reps in each minute). As you get stronger, improve endurance and more fit, you will be able to do more reps. Also you will be able to breathe through the workout much easier.
    Start today, not tomorrow. You and your body deserve it!


    Fat burn workout # 8

    • interval training
    • do 3 rounds (21min total)
    • remember, we all are different fitness level, do up to 3 rounds
    • do maximum reps in each minute
    • have a quick rest between exercises (5-10sec)
    • stretch after workout

    One round:

    1. low jumping jack, 1min
    2. push ups, feet in x out, 1min
    3. squat x jump, 1min
    4. alternate cross lunge back, 1min
    5. kicks, 1min
    6. knee x opposite elbow touch, 1min
    7. switch knee x opposite elbow touch, 1min

    Join me:

    Monday, August 13, 2012

    Transformation in 30 days - DAY 29

    Hello guys,

    I can`t believe body transformation is almost over!
    I work out, share my diet with you every day. I get photos of you and your body transformation and it makes me more then happy.
    Some of you asked me, what do I want to change on my body, why do I want to lose body fat. It is not always about losing fat. We always can do better. It is about being healthy, fit and happy. My fitness goal is to get stronger and in those 29 days I got stronger for sure. How do I know? I track my results of each interval training.
    Training today is the last one, tomorrow we do "fit test".
    I am proud of you so much!

    Enjoy your training, be happy, strong and fit!


    • Fat burn workout # 8 (3 rounds)
    • treadmill 30min, 15min climbing (incline 4, speed 3-4), 15min running (speed 6-7)
    • modification for treadmill: jogging 30min

    Fat burn workout # 8

    • interval training
    • do 3 rounds
    • do maximum reps in each minute
    • quick rest between exercises (5-10sec)
    • stretch after workout

    One round:
    1. low jumping jack, 1min
    2. push ups, feet in x out, 1min
    3. squat x jump, 1min
    4. alternate cross lunge back, 1min
    5. kicks, 1min
    6. knee x opposite elbow touch, 1min
    7. switch knee x opposite elbow touch, 1min

    Photos after workout

    • drinking: 4liters water
    • breakfast 6.30am: low fat yogurt, 15almonds, banana, fresh orange juice
    • snack 9.30am: grapefruit, 1 cup of berries
    • lunch 12: grilled salmon and vegetable salad
    • snack 3.00pm: 1 cup of cooked broccoli with low fat cottage cheese
    • dinner 6.00pm: tuna salad, 2 eggs
    • snack 9.00pm: 2tbsp peanut butter, 1 glass of low fat milk

    Join me:

    Saturday, August 11, 2012

    Transformation in 30 days - DAY 28

    Hello guys,

    last REST day in our body challenge.

    Most of us know that getting enough rest after exercise is essential to high-level performance, but many of us still over train and feel guilty when we take a day off. The body repairs and strengthens itself in the time between workouts, and continuous training can actually weaken the strongest one for a variety of reasons. Some are physiological and some are psychological. Rest is physically necessary so that the muscles can repair, rebuild and strengthen. For recreational athletes, building in rest days can help maintain a better balance between home, work and fitness goals.

    I spent my rest day with my daughter Sophia, friend Eva and her daughter Trinity. We had a great time together. We went downtown in Indianapolis and took a horse coach. Then we went to our favourite sweet factory shop and had an ice-cream and walked through down town.
    What a beautiful rest day!

    I hope you enjoy your rest day!



    • drinking: 4liters of water
    • breakfast 7.00am: 2 boiled eggs with whole wheat toast, banana, 1 glass of orange juice
    • snack 9.00am: strawberry x mango shake
    • lunch 12: california rolls (6 pcs), vegetable salad, caffe mocchiato (skinny version)
    • snack 3.00pm: 1/3 cup of raw mixed nuts, ice cream
    • dinner 6.00pm: spinach and mushrooms stuffed chicken breasts, vegetable salad
    • snack 9.00pm: glass of low fat milk, 2 tbsp low fat peanut butter

    Join me:

    Friday, August 10, 2012

    Fat burn workout #7

    Hello guys,

    Fat burn workouts are one of the best for losing weight, getting in great shape, building strength, improving endurance, boosting metabolism. High intensity training is melting fat, burning hundreds of calories in a short period of time and within 24 hours after the workout.
    This workout is focused on your lower body, especially glutes. It takes only 18min. Do 3rounds, for advanced add 4min jump rope after each round, so it is 30min total.

    Get in great shape, start today, not tomorrow!


    Fat burn workout  #7

    • interval training, do maximum reps in each minute
    • track your results
    • do 3 rounds
    • beginners: do 3 rounds (only 18min total)
    • advanced: do 3 rounds and after each round add 4min jump rope (30min total)

    One round (beginners):
    1. jump side to side (elbow x knee touch), 1min
    2. one leg: knee in x leg lift x butt touch the floor, 1min
    3. switch leg: knee in x leg lift x butt touch the floor, 1min
    4. plank: down on your elbows x up x open up your chest to one side and the other side, 1min
    5. one leg: lunge back, cross lunge, single leg dead lift, 1min
    6. switch leg: lung back, cross lunge, single leg dead lift, 1min

    One round (advanced):
    1. jump side to side (elbow x knee touch), 1min
    2. one leg: knee in x leg lift x butt touch the floor, 1min
    3. switch leg: knee in x leg lift x butt touch the floor, 1min
    4. plank: down on your elbows x up x open up your chest to one side and the other side, 1min
    5. one leg: lunge back, cross lunge, single leg dead lift, 1min
    6. switch leg: lung back, cross lunge, single leg dead lift, 1min
    7. add jump rope, 4min

    My results:
    1. 70, 68, 64reps
    2. 15, 7, 19
    3. 16, 18, 18
    4. 10, 9, 11
    5. 12, 11, 12
    6. 12, 12, 12

    Join me:

    Thursday, August 9, 2012

    Transformation in 30 days - day 27

    Hello guys,

    Last couple days of our 30 days body challenge!
    Training today is excellent for your lower body, especially glutes. You do not need any equipment, you can do this workout at home, in the gym or outside. All you need is your motivation to start, energy and enthusiasm.
    If you are beginner or advanced, we all can do this workout.
    Make healthy choices in your diet. It is not about startving, but giving your body the bestest of the best.

    Enjoy the workout!


    1. Fat burn workout #7 (only 18min)
    2. stair master, 45min, mode: fat burn, level 12 (depends on your fitness level)
    3. stretching

    • interval training, do maximum reps in each minute
    • track your results
    • do 3 rounds
    • beginners: do 3 rounds (only 18min total)
    • advanced: do 3 rounds and after each round add 4min jump rope (30min total)

    One round (beginners):
    1. jump side to side (elbow x knee touch), 1min
    2. one leg: knee in x leg lift x butt touch the floor, 1min
    3. switch leg: knee in x leg lift x butt touch the floor, 1min
    4. plank: down on your elbows x up x open up your chest to one side and the other side, 1min
    5. one leg: lunge back, cross lunge, single leg dead lift, 1min
    6. switch leg: lung back, cross lunge, single leg dead lift, 1min

    One round (advanced):
    1. jump side to side (elbow x knee touch), 1min
    2. one leg: knee in x leg lift x butt touch the floor, 1min
    3. switch leg: knee in x leg lift x butt touch the floor, 1min
    4. plank: down on your elbows x up x open up your chest to one side and the other side, 1min
    5. one leg: lunge back, cross lunge, single leg dead lift, 1min
    6. switch leg: lung back, cross lunge, single leg dead lift, 1min
    7. add jump rope, 4min

    My results:
    1. 70, 68, 64reps
    2. 15, 7, 19
    3. 16, 18, 18
    4. 10, 9, 11
    5. 12, 11, 12
    6. 12, 12, 12

    Photo after workout

    • drinking: 4liters of water
    • breakfast 6.30am: 2 eggs, 1 slice of whole wheat toast with cottage cheese, banana
    • snack 9.00am: grapefruit, 1 cup of berries
    • lunch 12: ceasar salad with chicken
    • snack 3.00pm: berry smoothie
    • dinner 6.00pm: baked tilapia with cooked vegetable
    • snack 9.00pm: 1 glass of low fat milk, 1 cup of mixed broccoli with olives
    If you eat in the restaurant, you can always make healthy choices. Here is what I had, it was so tasty!

    Ceasar salad with chicken


    Join me:

    Wednesday, August 8, 2012

    Bodysculpt Workout

    Hello guys,

    I have for you great bodysculpt workout. It is very similar to Fat burn workout (interval training). In interval training you do maximum repetitions in each interval.
    What is the difference between Fat burn workout and Bodysculpt workout?
    In bodysculpt workout you do certain amount of repetitions. It is strength training that combines flexibility and cardiovascular conditioning (cardio). Shape and tone your body without building muscular size or bulk, retain lean muscle tissue while boosting metabolism.
    Why is it important to do strength training?
    Strong, toned muscles increase your metabolism and burn calories far more than cardio only.

    Here is the challenge, so let`s try it!


    Bodysculpt workout

    • do 50reps of each exercise
    • if you are not able to do 50reps, do as many up to 50, at least 30reps
    • I did 50reps of each exercise and it is possible, so do not give up
    • go as fast as you can
    • this workout took me 30min
    1. high knees or jump rope, 10min
    2. push ups, 50reps
    3. squat, 50reps
    4. squat x jack, 50reps
    5. push ups - feet in x out, 50 reps (this one is really hard and challenging, you can modify and do baby push ups)
    6. right leg: lunge forward x knee up, 50reps
    7. left leg: lunge forward x knee up, 50reps
    8. center crunch, 50reps
    9. side to side crunch, 50reps
    10. one side crunch, 50reps
    11. other side crunch, 50reps
    12. reverse crunch, 50reps

    Fit tip:
    My weakness are push ups.
    Exercise no 5 was really challenging for me. Do as many reps as you can with feet in x out, then when you think you can not do anymore, go down on your knees and finish with baby push up. Do all 50 reps.

    Join me:

    Tuesday, August 7, 2012

    Transformation in 30 days - DAY 26

    Hello guys,

    five more days to go!
    Again I want to thank you all for your support, for motivation you give me every day.
    You have no idea how YOU guys challenge me. I feel responsible every day, because you read what I write, you exercise with me every day.  Whenever I do the workout of the day I think of you, how many reps you do. And yes, I compete with you and try to beat you!:-)
    Training today is great bodysculpt workout challenging and hard, because you do 50 reps of each exercise. And honestly it is not easy. You go as fast as you can. What is you total time? My total time was exactly 30min. Let`s compete with me and beat me.
    After you finish this workout you do cardio for 30min. I did stair master for 30min. The feeling I had as I was leaving the gym was indescribable.
    Have a great workout!


    • Bodysculpt workout (it took me 30min)
    • stair master, 30min, mode: fat burn, level 11 (depends on your fitness level)
    • stretching
    Bodysculpt workout

    • do up to 50reps of each exercise
    • if you are not able to do 50reps, do as many up to 50, at least 30reps
    • I did 50reps of each exercise and it is possible, so do not give up
    • go as fast as you can
    1. high knees or jump rope, 10min
    2. push ups, 50reps
    3. squat, 50reps
    4. squat x jack, 50reps
    5. push ups - feet in  x out, 50 reps (this one is really hard and challenging, you can modify and do baby push ups)
    6. right leg: lunge forward x knee up, 50reps
    7. left leg: lunge forward x knee up, 50reps
    8. center crunch, 50reps
    9. side to side crunch, 50reps
    10. one side crunch, 50reps
    11. other side crunch, 50reps
    12. reverse crunch, 50reps

    Photos after workout

    • drinking: 4liters of water
    • breakfast 6.30am: low fat yogurt with 1cup of berries, orange juice
    • snack 9.00am: grapefruit, protein bar
    • lunch 12: chicken soup, vegetable salad
    • snack 3.00pm: 1cup of broccoli with low fat cottage cheese (3tbsp)
    • dinner 6.00pm: lentil soup, tuna salad
    • snack 9.00pm: 2tbsp of peanut butter, 1 glass of low fat milk

    Join me:

    Monday, August 6, 2012

    Transformation in 30 days - DAY 25

    Hello guys,

    couple more days to the end of body transformation.
    I am thinking, I like connection with you every day! If you have any ideas what to do after this 30 days challenge, let me know. My plan is to post every day workout video according to the workout plan. You can exercise with me every day and stay in great shape.
    One thing I would like to talk about. People around me ask me how to lose weight, what exercises help to lose weight, what kind of diet to eat. It is great and very important if you set your fitness goal, realistic fitness goal (for example 1lbs weight loss in one week or workout at least 3times per week). Your fitness goal can be also to maintain your current weight.
    Sometimes we are so obssesive with the desire of perfect lean body and naively stick to a low calorie diet, exercise like crazy. Yes, it works, but you can go like this only for couple days and then yo-yo effect appears and as a result in stead of losing weight you are couple pounds heavier then before. Focus on your healthy lifestyle and try to keep it, that is the secret.
    Training today is very powerful interval training and I loved this one. Burn hundreds of calories in this workout and also after the workout.
    Let` s make a promise: Do your best in last couple days of our 30 days challenge!

    Have a great training,


    • Fat burn workout + Abs (30min), # 3
    • stair master 30min, level 11, mode: Fat burn
    • modification: brisk walking 30min and swimming 15min
    Fat burn workout + Abs (30min), # 3

    • it is interval training
    • try to do maximum reps in each minute
    • you can have quick rest between each minute 5-15sec
    • in each minute try to do 30reps and more up to 50reps
    • there is big difference if you do only 10 push ups in a minute or 30 push ups, so challenge yourself, do your best!
    • stretch after workout
    • it is fun, so enjoy it!
    1. jump rope, 5min
    2. squat x jump, 1min - up to 30reps or more
    3. alternate lunge back x knee up, 1min - up to 30reps or more
    4. alternate cross lunge x knee up, 1min - up to 30reps or more
    5. alternate lunge forward x kick, 1min - up to 30reps or more
    6. squat x twist, 1min - up to 30reps or more
    7. in plank alternate leg lift, 1min - up to 30reps or more
    8. push ups, 1min - up to 30 reps or more
    9. reverse push ups, 1min - up to 30reps or more
    10. triceps dips, 1min - up to 30reps or more
    11. jumping jacks, 1min - up to 30reps or more
    12. cross country sky, 1min - up to 30reps or more
    13. spider, 1min - up to 30reps or more
    14. kicks, 1min - up to 30reps or more
    15. push ups, 1min - up to 30reps or more
    16. triceps dips, 1min - up to 30reps or more
    17. sumo squat, 1min - up to 30reps or more
    18. jump rope, 5min
    Photo after workout

    • drinking: 4liters of clear water
    • breakfast 6.30am: egg omelette (2eggs) with low fat cheese, banana, fresh orange juice
    • snack 9.00am: grapefruit, 1/3 cup of walnuts
    • lunch 12: baked chicken with mushrooms and low fat cheese, vegetable salad
    • snack 3.00pm: low fat yogurt strawberry smoothie
    • dinner 6.00pm: grilled salmon with vegetable
    • snack 9.00pm: carrots, cucumber, one glass of low fat milk
    (during the day I had 3 caramels and caramel macchiato - skinny version:-)....right after the workout)

    Join me:

    Friday, August 3, 2012

    Transformation in 30 days - DAY 24

    Hello guys,

    how are you feeling? Keep sending me photos of your body changes, I love those results.
    As you do fat burn workout every day, you are building your strength. Are you tracking number of reps you do in each minute? It is important, because next time you do this workout you can compare your results and see the difference.
    Do Fat burn workouts really work? Yes, definately! Why it works? This type of workouts are very intesive, focusing on strengthening every single muscle. Because it is interval training with very short period of rest, your body burns more calories compared to steady cardio. Intervals also speed up metabolism, so you burn hundreds of calories within 24 hours after the workout.
    Why does it work for your abs? People think that abs are defined by crunches, sit ups... Yes, it is true, but if you do only strenghtening exercises, you strengthen your core. You need to lose body fat to show your muscles, that are hiding under the layer of fat.
    I would like to mention that your abs are defined not only by "crunches", but also exercises like squats, lunges, cross lunges, bridge and others.
    I did today training with my gym buddy Eva, we used elastic band, but do not worry if you do not have one. Simply do the same exercise without elastic band, you get great workout as well.
    Push yourself, challenge yourself and enjoy it! It is your workout!

    All the best to you,


    • Fat burn workout + Abs (30min), #2 - do two rounds
    • 10min jump rope
    • 30min jogging or 30min stair master (fat burn mode, level - 11, depends on your fitness level)

    Fat burn workout + Abs (30min), #2

    • interval training
    • do two rounds
    • do as many reps in each minute as you can
    • push yourself, challenge yourself
    • track your results
    • if you have elastic band at home, use it. If not, it is ok and go without it

    One round
    1. jumping jacks, 1min
    2. twist, 1min
    3. low jack, 1min
    4. cross country sky, 1min
    5. squats, 1min
    6. alternate lunge back x kick, 1min
    7. right leg: lunge forward x knee up, 1min
    8. left leg: lunge forward x knee up, 1min
    9. alternate leg back, 1min (using elastic band)
    10. push ups, 1min
    11. tricep dips, 1min
    12. right leg: single leg squat, 1min
    13. left leg: single leg squat, 1min
    14. bicycle crunch, 1min

    My results:
    1. 60, 56reps
    2. 66, 65
    3. 40, 38
    4. 67, 70
    5. 47, 42
    6. 21, 25
    7. 21, 19
    8. 23, 24
    9. 37, 40
    10. 43, 47
    11. 55, 47
    12. 46, 55
    13. 50, 61
    14. 56, 62
    Most challenging were push ups for me, then right after dips. First round was ok, but in second round I needed more rest to finish dips.

    Photo after workout

    • drinking: 4liters of water, caramel macchiato skinny version
    • breakfast 6.30am: oatmeal with berries and low fat milk, banana, glass of fresh orange juice
    • snack 9.00am: grapefruit, 15 almond
    • lunch 12: tuna salad with parmesan cheese, 2 boiled eggs
    • snack 3.00pm: 1 cup of broccoli and 3 tblsp of cottage cheese
    • dinner 6.00pm: grilled salmon with vegetable salad
    • snack 9.00pm: 1 glass of low fat milk, 3 tbsp of hummus

    Join me:

    Transformation in 30 days - DAY 23

    Hello guys,

    Last week of body transformation!

    Let`s challenge ourselves this week, let`s do our best in training and also diet. I am receiving photos of you, your bodies and I love those results! Can you imagine transformation in 60 days?
    I am so happy for you, for those who did not give up, who are satisfied with results, who are motivated and also inspiring me to workout and keep Perfecleanbody page going.

    We all have days when we are up and down, but all together we make our dream come true. We make it happened. Be strong, eat smart and healthy. Your body deserve it, you deserve it.
    Training today is great as usual!:-). I train with my gym buddy Eva, she is very fit. She challenge me and push me a lot, so each time I workout with her, it is like a race for me and I want to win!:-). Great total body workout!

    Fat burn workout + Abs takes only 30min, but you get sweat like on treadmill after 45min. Because we were (me and Eva) full of energy, we did exercises 2-10 of the first part twice.
    I tell you, it was awesome feeling afterwards!

    Big hug!


    • Fat burn workout + Abs (30min), #4
    • jogging 15min

    Fat burn workout + Abs (30min), #4

    • it is interval training minute by minute
    • do maximum reps in each minute
    • in each minute try to do 30reps, that way you know what speed you should go
    • for those who are more fit (we are all different fitness level) try to do 50 reps
    • have brisk rest between each exercise, quick rest to move to another exercise (5-10sec)
    I. part
    1. jump rope, 5min
    2. mountain sky climber, 1min
    3. alternate side lunge, 1min
    4. push ups, 1min
    5. squat x alternate leg side, 1min
    6. kicks, 1min
    7. left leg: side lunge, 1min
    8. right leg: side lunge, 1min
    9. tricep dips, 1min
    10. cross lunge, 1min
    II. part - Abs
    1. central crunches, 1min
    2. side to side crunches, 1min
    3. one side crunches, 1min
    4. other side crunches, 1min
    5. reverse crunches, 1min
    6. drop knees, 1min
    7. leg lifted and pulse, 1min
    8. plank: hand x foot touch, 1min
    III. part  - finish with jump rope, 5min

    My results:
    2. 47 reps
    3. 37
    4. 65
    5. 50
    6. 60
    7. 30
    8. 30
    9. 58
    10. 37

    Photo after workout

    Photo of my workout buddy:-)

    • drinking: 4liters of water
    • breakfast 6.30am: low fat yogurt with almonds and banana, fresh orange juice
    • snack 9.30am: 2 boiled eggs, grapefruit
    • lunch 12: grilled chicken breasts with asparagus and cauliflower
    • snack 3.00pm: berry smoothie, almonds (15)
    • dinner 6.00pm: chicken soup, egg salat
    • snack 9.00pm: peanut butter 2 tblsp, one glass of low fat milk

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