Thursday, October 11, 2012

60 Days Training - DAY 29

Hello guys,

today we are going to feel "the burn" everywhere.
Training has two parts, first Fat burn workout - you lose fat, burn calories, get in great shape, improve endurance, develop strength and boost metabolism. In the second part we focus on our abdominals.
It is all up to you, how fast/quickly you get in great shape. With my workouts you get excellent results. But you need to watch your diet, make healthy choices.
Try to stay away from fried food, junk food, soda. Drink plenty of water, eat lots of fruit and vegetable.
Have a great day,
  1. FAT BURN WORKOUT + ABS (30min), # 7
1. FAT BURN WORKOUT + ABS (30min), # 7
  • interval training, do maximum reps in each minute
  • track your results
  • do 3 rounds
  • beginners: do 3 rounds (only 18min total)
  • advanced: do 3 rounds and after each round add 4min jump rope (30min total)

One round (beginners):
  1. jump side to side (elbow x knee touch), 1min
  2. one leg: knee in x leg lift x butt touch the floor, 1min
  3. switch leg: knee in x leg lift x butt touch the floor, 1min
  4. plank: down on your elbows x up x open up your chest to one side and the other side, 1min
  5. one leg: lunge back, cross lunge, single leg dead lift, 1min
  6. switch leg: lung back, cross lunge, single leg dead lift, 1min
  • we are different fitness level, for someone 50 reps is too many, so do as many as you can (10, 15 or 20 is fine!)
 Workout routine:
  1. touch your foot crunch, alternate, up to 50reps
  2. bicycle crunch - slow tempo, up to 50reps
  3. double crunch, up to 50reps
  4. put your hands under your hips, lift up feet and alternate feet down and up (like swimming), up to 50reps
  5. shoulders lifted, leg circles, up to 50reps
  6. frog crunch, up to 50reps
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