Monday, October 8, 2012

60 Days Training - DAY 26

Hello guys,

the first month of 60 Days Training is almost over! We are still one more month of training to go. Then I have already some plans with you guys, so I will be always here for you every day to help you, support you, teach you, inspire and motivate you.
I highly recommend the training for today - Fat burn workout I shooted while I was in the Czech republic, Brno - my hometown. Second one is legs and abs workout. Your body needs it and deserves it!
Enjoy the training, have a great day!
  1. FAT BURN WORKOUT + ABS (30min),  #3
1. FAT BURN WORKOUT + ABS (30min), #3
  • interval training
  • try to do maximum reps in each minute
  • you can have quick rest between each minute 5-15sec
  • in each minute try to do 30reps and more up to 50reps
  • there is big difference if you do only 10 push ups in a minute or 30 push ups, so challenge yourself, do your best!
  • stretch after workout
  • it is fun, so enjoy it!
Fat Burn Training + ABS (30min)
  1. jump rope, 5min
  2. squat x jump, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  3. alternate lunge back x knee up, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  4. alternate cross lunge x knee up, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  5. alternate lunge forward x kick, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  6. squat x twist, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  7. in plank alternate leg lift, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  8. push ups, 1min - up to 30 reps or more
  9. reverse push ups, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  10. triceps dips, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  11. jumping jacks, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  12. cross country sky, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  13. spider, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  14. kicks, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  15. push ups, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  16. triceps dips, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  17. sumo squat, 1min - up to 30reps or more
  18. jump rope, 5min
  • do all those 4 exercises first on one leg and then switch
  • 20reps of each exercise
  • 3-4 rounds/sets, if that is too many, complete at least one round
  • keep your core strong, back flat
  • stretch your legs after workout
One round:
  1. knee in x out, 20reps
  2. leg side, 20reps
  3. leg lift up x down, 20reps (modification: you can touch the floor as you go down)
  4. little circle, count till 20
  5. switch the leg and do the same on the other leg
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