Monday, December 3, 2012

60 Days Training - DAY 47

Hello guys,


how are you?
For couple days I have not updated my webpage. My computer was broken and I lost all the videos and nice pictures. I got the new computer and started again.
I am also working on a new project and I hope you will like it. I was also working on myself, going to the gym and did workouts every day. I feel much stronger, better and healthier. My training is never boring and the routine is steady cardio for couple minutes, weight training (body weight or light to moderate resistance) and intervals.
Once you get in that circle than it is easy, but beginning is always so hard. Remember, it takes weeks and months to build up your fitness level, but days to lose it.
Let`s start today with Fat burn workout plus abs, all in 30min and then finish with cardio - walking for half an hour.

Have a great workout!



1. FAT BURN WORKOUT + ABS (30min), # 6
2. CARDIO - brisk WALKING, 30min

1. FAT BURN WORKOUT + ABS (30min), # 6

  • do as many reps as you can in each minute
  • do two rounds
  • track your results
  • have a quick rest between each exercise (10-15sec)
  • enjoy it!
I. One round (10min) - do it twice (20min total)

  • jump rope, 5min
  • squat x leg lift x squat x leg lift, 1min
  • in plie keep your hips low and jump knees in x out, 1min
  • squat down x alternate leg lift x squat up and jump, 1min
  • kicks, 1min
  • plank: one leg: knee in x out x leg lift, then switch the leg, 1min

II. Abs (5min)

  • bicycle crunch, 1min
  • in center crunch position climb up, 1min
  • alternate ankle touch, 1min
  • plank: alternate knee cross, 1min
  • spider, 1min
III. Finish with jump rope, 5min


Do not skip this part of the training. It is very nice exercise, simply go for a walk. Faster you go, more calories you burn. Your body deserves every day 30-45min cardio. To make it more challenging take weights and walk with it.

Join me:


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