Saturday, December 22, 2012

60 Days Training - DAY 55

Hello guys,

new day, new training, new challenge.
Today`s training is Fat Burn Workout and you already know that this type of workout is excellent for burning hundreds of calories, fat, toning and shaping your body, boosting metabolism, improving endurance and developing strength. All in one workout. Then finish with jumping rope for ten minutes or go for at least 30min walk.
Especially before Christmas it is great training and your body deserve it!
Have a great day!
  1. FAT BURN WORKOUT + ABS, (30min), #9
  2. CARDIO - jump rope 10min
1. FAT BURN WORKOUT + ABS, (30min), #9
  • interval workout
  • do maximum reps in each minute
  • rest whenever you need it
  • drink during the workout
  • warm up and cool down
  • stretch after the workout
I. Fat burn workout - 2 rounds (9min/one round, total 18min)
  1. jump rope, 5min
  2. sumo squat x jump in and out, 1min
  3. alternate cross lunge x side kick,  1min
  4. reverse push up, 1min
  5. push up, 1min
II. Abs (5min
  1. plank - shoulder touch, 1min
  2. kicks, 1min
  3. side plank - elbow x opposite knee touch, 1min
  4. side plank - switch elbow x knee, 1min
  5. reverse crunch, 1min
III. finish with jump rope (5min)
  1. jump rope, 5min
  • jump rope 10min or
  • 30min walk
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